Chapter 135 What is temporary?
Where is this place?
In the depths of the forbidden land of the Eternal Abyss, top-notch ferocious beasts can be seen everywhere.

After the world advanced, not only did the upper limit of martial arts realm increase, but the strength of these ferocious beasts also increased.

The most powerful top beasts may even surpass Nirvana warriors.

Although it hasn't appeared yet.

If Fairy Xi Ling dares to live in seclusion here, she may not be afraid of these ferocious beasts at all.

So how strong does she have to be?
That being said, there is no need to worry about this.

Now we just want to know whether this Taolin Xiaozhu is the secluded place of Fairy Xi Ling?
"If this is the secluded place of Fairy Xi Ling, then where is she now?"

Everyone watched in the dark as the ferocious beasts were busy attacking the forbidden protective shield of the God's Domain.

They looked at the crushed peach forest again, and they could imagine how gorgeous the scenery here was before.

It's just that after being regarded as a battlefield, it eventually became a pile of dirt.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it cannot withstand strong damage.

In this situation, no one dared to show up, and if this divine realm was occupied by these top-level ferocious beasts, they would have no choice but to retreat.

Unless the warriors from the big forces send out their top masters, this top divine realm will only be occupied by these ferocious beasts.

Although it is not yet known what treasures there are in these divine realms, things that can attract even ferocious beasts are definitely not ordinary things.

At this moment, Liu Suifeng could only whisper: "With these ferocious beasts present, I may have to give up on finding clues about Fairy Xi Ling here."

He was confident of escaping from these ferocious beasts, but he did not have the strength to deal with them.

Even after Xiong Da has evolved, it is impossible to win among so many ferocious beasts.

Unless these ferocious beasts kill each other!

After all, ferocious beasts are not species that care about each other in the first place.

They are essentially hurting each other, but they didn't expect that besides the beast tide, there are things in this world that can allow them to cooperate with each other.

Murong Xue was still unwilling to give in, "Uncle, wait and see."

Liu Suifeng didn't say anything discouraging. Anyway, as long as he didn't reveal his figure, it wouldn't matter how long he waited.

At this time, he looked at the Qi brothers and sisters and Wang Ruochen among the crowd. Because the matter was urgent and he believed in Murong Xue's handling, he did not ask how these three people came.

Now that I am free, I am curious, "You still don't know who these three are?"

Then I heard about everyone's acquaintance, and was very surprised to know the identities of the Qi brothers and sisters.

However, when I saw the strength of the two of them, I also complained that Venerable Tianxin was so big-hearted and dared to put their strength to the test.

As for Wang Ruochen, he didn't comment. A girl with some intelligence didn't care about her victims, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Of course, he was still happy to see that his old friend was fine after seeing him, but there was one thing that made them curious.

"Where do you think this mysterious Taoist Master Daoxuan comes from? Why haven't I seen this person before?"

Even Liu Suifeng, who has friends all over the world, can't help but be a little curious about Daoxuan's sudden appearance.

From the exchanges, everyone also knew that the first time Daoxuan Taoist appeared was in Huayang City in the Eternal Life Domain.

If Wang Ruochen hadn't spoken, they wouldn't have known that she would have experienced this.

From that time on, her plans frequently went wrong.

Then there was that time with the Murong family. Judging from the Taoist's actions, he was absolutely decisive and ruthless, but he didn't kill him that time in Huayang City?

Then after everyone chatted, they suddenly discovered that this Taoist priest was very mysterious. He seemed to have never been in contact with everyone, but their actions seemed to have traces of each other everywhere.

There was another point that made Liu Suifeng look at the Qi brothers and sisters in shock:

"That Taoist Master Daoxuan actually has special things given by the Emperor of Master Moli and Master Jiuqu? And he also opened the treasure house of heaven? Are you two sure you are not joking?"

The brother and sister nodded frequently. In fact, they already knew from Lord Tianxin that there were countless treasures in the Heavenly Court's treasure house. Just comparing the resources their father left them, they were just a drop in the bucket in the Heavenly Court's treasure house.

According to the resources Qi Ziyuan left for the two of them, they can cultivate to at least the innate master level.

Such a comparison shows the power of the heavenly treasure house.

No, Liu Suifeng couldn't help but be speechless: "My dear, I'm even more curious now about who this person is?"

"I claim to be a friend of Lord Guiyou and Master Moli. Lord Guiyou has many friends. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Master Moli either, so it is very difficult to deal with him."

At this moment, Liu Suifeng was almost scratching his head in anxiety.

It's a pity that they don't know that all the resources in the heavenly treasure house have been almost used up.

Not to mention his curiosity, the players Ximen Chuixue and Hua Manlou were even more excited after listening.

This Taoist priest who suddenly appeared is more like a trend-setter in the world. He has been involved in all major events these days.

And he is not a serious warrior, but is like the Taoist described by Taoists in this world. He can control the sky thunder and activate the divine spell, just like that immortal figure.

This reminded them of some of the hidden characters in games, all of which were very powerful beings.

Just as they were discussing who this Daoxuan Taoist was, they saw that three-quarters of the red horizontal bar at the entrance to the divine realm had been knocked off by those ferocious beasts, leaving only one-fourth.

It is estimated that it won't be long before this divine realm belongs to these ferocious beasts.

"It seems that we can only wait a month to find clues to Fairy Xi Ling."

Seeing this, Murong Xue could only shake her head and said.

She finally made a decision. If she kept waiting like this, it would not be a good thing if she was discovered by these ferocious beasts.

Of course, this is also because now that Ye Muli has the protection of the fragments of heaven, his life is no longer in danger in a short time.

Otherwise she still wouldn't give up casually.

Liu Suifeng also nodded and said: "Then it's not too late to come back in a month, and maybe we can collect all three kinds of elixirs by then. Then we won't have to look for Fairy Xi Ling."

Faced with this situation, everyone had no choice.

At this moment, everyone was thinking about preparing to retreat.

Suddenly, a sudden voice sounded behind them:

"What do you want to do with Fairy Xi Ling?"


Liu Suifeng was startled, his innate true energy began to rise in his body, and he said in a deep voice.

He didn't even sense the person coming from behind, which meant that the other person was either stronger than him or had a better concealment method.

No matter which one it is, if the other party were to sneak attack on them, they would have suffered heavy casualties by now.

Just now, his attention was focused on that divine realm. After all, the appearance of this thing caused a lot of commotion in the world.

He learned from the previous exchanges with the warriors that these divine realms had appeared for a few days. That was also the time when they had just entered the forbidden area, so they did not know what was going on outside.What he knows is that there is currently no top-level divine realm in the forbidden lands outside, so the top-level divine realm in front of him is the first of the six realms.


"Big Bear?"

Just when he was shocked and wanted to ask what the other party's intentions were, he saw Xiong Da twisting his lazy body and walking towards the mysterious man with a squeak.

At the same time, he also heard the exclamations of Murong Xue and others.

Just when he was about to ask, the player beside him, Hua Manlou, explained to him: "Senior Liu, this senior is the one who saved us in the valley before."

Murong Xue's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but said closely, "Senior, it turns out that we are here too. It seems that we are really destined."

It was at dusk at sunset, and the hazy light shone on the mysterious masked woman. Her light green gauze skirt swayed in the breeze, like clouds and mist, and she wore a jasper-like jade flute around her waist. , adding a bit of color.

Her long hair is like a waterfall, fluttering in the wind, with a somewhat earthly aura.

Especially the white mask on her face adds a bit of mysterious beauty.

The white mask is very delicate, with no patterns carved on it, and is pure white.

Although her face is covered, the look within it is even more desirable.

But at this time, everyone saw Xiong Da twisting his fat buttocks, and unexpectedly crawled on all fours in front of the mysterious masked woman. You must know that with Xiong Da's current intelligence, it can walk like a human being, which is very rare. Acting like a bear in front of others.

Then he circled around the mysterious masked man, as if confirming something.

Although Liu Suifeng didn't feel any malice from this person, he was a stranger after all, and his strength was unfathomable, so he was naturally wary.

Seeing Xiong Da's behavior, he was afraid of offending this person.

Then they can only be wiped out in one wave.

He had heard that the other party killed a top-level ferocious beast, the giant ape, with one blow with one hand!
At this time, the bear let out a loud squeak, and collapsed directly at the feet of the mysterious woman, revealing its white fluffy belly, as if it was looking for sex?
This confused everyone. You must know that not everyone can rub its belly. Even Liu Suifeng, who is well known among them, can only touch its head.

Not to mention others.

Of course, it won't get angry if you rub its belly, but it won't let you touch it!
Unless it's the big fat little one and the little fat one...

The mysterious masked woman also bent down slightly, stretched out her white and clean palms, and touched Xiong Da's white downy belly. The feeling was better than before, and its down was smoother.

At the same time, he unexpectedly said: "You idiot, why are you here?"

The voice is very lively and there is no emotion at all.

Xiong Da's face also showed a comfortable smile as if he had been comforted by his owner, and his two big round eyes even widened, as if he was enjoying himself.

However, after hearing what the other party said, it pointed at everyone obediently, sat up again, and made gestures.

You can probably understand the meaning.

Then everyone only heard the mysterious masked woman curse in a low voice: "That guy is so happy that he disappeared for so long!"

In fact, no one heard what she said clearly, and because the other party was wearing a mask, they couldn't see her expression clearly.

So Liu Suifeng stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "I don't know who you respect, but Liu Suifeng is polite."

Although the other party seemed to know Xiong Da, it was safest to be polite first and then attack.

"Don't be nervous. Since you know Xiong Da, I won't embarrass you."

The mysterious masked woman had already stood up, but she did not look at them, but looked in the direction of God's Realm with an unknown expression.

"As for who I am, why should I be persistent?"

At this time, before Liu Suifeng could say anything, Murong Xue came out first and said: "Senior, I am Murong Xue, I have been grateful for your kindness before. My little sister also knows that things are sudden, but she still dares to ask, I don't know that senior is that Xi Ling Fairy?"

Liu Suifeng was shocked, how could this eldest niece ask someone so casually?

If not, what should I do if I offend the other party?
Even if it is, the other party obviously doesn't want to reveal his identity, so asking like this can easily offend people.

Fortunately, the other party was not angry, but said without emotion: "Murong Xue, um... who are you Murong Longcheng?"

Murong Xue said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Senior, do you also know my grandfather?"

The mysterious woman said: "We know each other."

Murong Xue said: "So the senior is Fairy Xi Ling?"

Everyone was ashamed, even Liu Suifeng couldn't help but sweat for her. This girl was so brave.

Although your grandpa is indeed powerful, this is not like outside.

Of course, Murong Xue seemed to be anxious, but her thoughts were still very clear. After knowing that the other party would not target them, she made her thoughts very clear.

So she took action, otherwise it would be like before, others turned around and left without even asking.

"Haha, you are quite persistent. Tell me, why are you so anxious to find Fairy Xi Ling?"

This time the mysterious woman seemed a little more emotional, and her laughter was somewhat leisurely.

"And why do you think I am Fairy Xi Ling?"

Murong Xue looked at the jasper-like jade flute on the other party's waist and said softly: "I heard that Fairy Xi Ling usually never leaves her musical instrument."

Although the other party has not yet disclosed his identity, she intuitively felt that this person was the person they were looking for.


The mysterious woman looked at the jade flute at her waist, took it out, and was a little surprised: "Is it because of this?"

"If I said this is just a decoration, you wouldn't believe it."

The mysterious woman casually inserted the jade flute back again, with a skillful and neat movement, and said: "Then you just think I am, why don't you first tell me what you have to do with Fairy Xi Ling?"

Murong Xue was overjoyed and immediately told them all their reasons for coming.

By the way, I also introduced everyone.

She didn't care whether the other party said so or not. Such powerful people, like the two in her family, never bothered to talk empty words in front of juniors.

If it is, it means no, and if it is not, it is no. How can there be a temporary yes first?

Anyway, she decided that the other party was.

After explaining her purpose, she looked at the other party with a pleading look on her face, "Fairy Xi Ling, I wonder if you have any way to treat this friend of mine?"

Mysterious woman: ...

I didn’t even recognize it, so you assume I am the one?
And it's so sincere, but...

"It's a pity. I'm in a bad mood right now. There's nothing I can do about your friend's affairs."

This is considered rejection!
(End of this chapter)

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