In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 141: Forehead drops, forehead drops are all forehead drops

Chapter 141 The forehead drops, the forehead's all the forehead drops

What kind of content can make Ye Muli, who has always been expressionless, blush?

If it was just the Su Nu Sect's unique skill, Yu Nu Su Xin Dafa, then there would naturally be no problem.

But what Ye Xiling passed on to her was the modified version of the Jade Girl Su Xin Dafa.

The first part is the same as the original, but in the middle part, the style of painting changes suddenly. The core is still the exercises of the Su Nu Sect, but the method of practice has changed.

If heaven robs man, he will die; if man robs heaven, he will live!
In essence, warrior practice is also to adopt the vitality of heaven and earth to practice, which is equivalent to man stealing heaven.

After the magic reform, the Jade Girl Su Xin Dafa just changed to another method, using the Yin and Yang dual cultivation method, using another method to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth. The essence of martial arts is still a glimpse of the nature of heaven and earth, and achieve the state of unity between heaven and man.

And this dual cultivation method is closer to heaven and earth, that is, if the content is not close to people, it will be a kind of evil magic to outsiders.

However, after the magic reform, the two practitioners of Jade Girl Su Xin Dafa must have mutual understanding. In other words, you cannot just find someone to practice together.

If it were just like this, Ye Muli might not even be able to understand the meaning of these words.

In fact, this sentence already contains many ways, such as consolidating essence, nourishing kidney...

The yin and yang induction is like the union of heaven and earth!
This is the natural way of heaven and earth.

Looking at the text, Ye Muli is really ignorant. At her age, she has never been exposed to these things, and the Su Nu Sect is all female disciples, and it is a secluded sect that has no interaction with the outside world.

In addition, the founder was injured due to love, so most of their exercises were abstinent.

Although exercises with this attribute have benefits, they also have many disadvantages.

After all, the seven emotions and six desires are human nature, and it does not mean that they can be banned just by prohibiting them.

If it could be banned, it would be a robot.

But there were various explanations in the pictures Ye Xiling sent to her.

This couldn't help but make Ye Muli's fair and tender face turn red, and her blurred eyes looked at this cheap uncle in disbelief.

A beautiful girl or a lustful girl?

I never thought that the legendary Fairy Xi Ling, who was as cold as a fairy, would actually...

However, Ye Xiling did not have any emotional fluctuations. Instead, she said very calmly: "You still have a chance to choose now. The core of Jade Girl Suxin Dafa after the magic reform has not changed much. Compared with the original one, it is It’s stronger, so I can use the true energy in my body to help you get started quickly, reshape your body, and cleanse your marrow and cut your veins.”

"With my help, you don't have to do the step of yin and yang matching for the time being. When you find the true person in the future, it will be a matter of course and you will reach the state of perfection."

"But there is also a time limit. As the saying goes, yin doesn't last long. If yin and yang don't communicate for a long time, your temperament may change drastically, or you may be violently killed by the yin energy!"

"In fact, the Jade Girl Suxin Dafa created by the Patriarch is essentially a supreme and pure exercise. The reason why later generations have not practiced it to the level of perfection is because the Patriarch has reduced some content in the second half of the exercise. .”

Ye Muli was unexpectedly shocked: "What is it?"

Ye Xiling shook his head and said: "The Patriarch was hurt by love back then, and he may have had a lot of resentment in his heart. He just said that practicing this technique requires abstinence from sex and even love, but such an ambiguous prohibition will only lose the nature."

"What we need is to master our seven emotions and six desires, rather than being controlled by a method. This is why so many elders are trapped."

Also, the first-generation Patriarch only had one disciple, with two maids as standard. However, at that time, these elders were very loyal and regarded the first-generation Patriarch's words as wise words.

Therefore, regarding the words of the founder, the two generations of the Su Nu Sect are almost very firm in their opinions. Even if they cannot practice Yu Nu Su Xin to perfection, they just think that their martial arts qualifications are at issue.

I won't guess that it's a problem with the technique.

Speaking of which, Lu Yuan pointed out these things to her. She didn't believe it at first, but after Lu Yuan gave her some advice, she actually made a breakthrough.

As for the magic modification technique, that is already a matter for later.

Simply prohibiting emotions and desires will have serious consequences. There is a saying that everything must be reversed when it is extreme. When emotions are under extreme suppression, once they are backlashed, they will be as violent as a volcanic eruption, and even extreme behaviors may occur, such as hatred and revenge out of love. Psychology etc...

Ye Xiling doesn't need to explain these things. As long as you understand the essence of the Su Nu Sect's skills, you will understand this behavior.

She didn't think it was necessary for Ye Xiling to lie to her, but this technique was really...

But her understanding is indeed good. Putting aside those postures, it is entirely possible for this technique to reshape her body and even restore her strength.

The premise is that Yin and Yang need to be adjusted.

However, with an expert like Ye Xiling adjusting her breath, this step can be skipped.

But as the saying goes, loneliness never lasts!

In the end, Ye Muli glanced at Murong Xue and others in the distance, and nodded to accept.

She no longer wanted her to take such a big risk for herself, and she would accept it no matter how outrageous the technique was.

At worst, he would just disappear from the world by then.

Needless to say, this matter should not be spread out. Ye Muli was also surprised that Ye Xiling would show such a skill in front of her.

Doesn't this tell her that she still has this unknown side?
All in all, she was now curious about Ye Xiling, a cheap uncle, and then thought about the conversation she had with Murong Qingxian at the beginning.

The "him" they were talking about could possibly be Master Ji'an's lover?
I don't know whether it was this technique that disturbed her calm mood or the emotions she had suppressed for a long time because of Ye Xiling's guidance. At this moment, she actually started to have a gossip mentality.

At this time, Ye Xiling explained the exercises to her, and explained to everyone that the treatment would probably take some time, so they could protect her.

She didn't know what would happen if she was disturbed.


But while they were being treated, Murong Xue and the others started talking about the interrupted topic again.

"It's the figure of Emperor Zun. That's impossible, right?"

Just now Murong Xue said that she felt that the mysterious black figure in the inheritance illusion was very similar to the Emperor Zun, but as soon as she said it, she was interrupted by Ye Muli.

Now Liu Suifeng felt incredulous and shook his head, feeling that it was not very possible.

"Don't you see the real face?"

However, Murong Xue looked at Ximen Chuixue and the others with some depression.

After hearing her words, they all said that they had not seen the front face of the mysterious black figure, although Murong Xue described the front face of the mysterious black figure as like a mosaic.

But at least it's not a back view.

Murong Qingxian felt that she was overthinking, so she said jokingly: "The image of the Emperor in the portrait is from when he was young. Even if he doesn't change now, he can't still be the same image."

"I think you are simply overthinking."

He said yes and hit her on the head again.

In front of Murong Qingxian, her eldest lady's temper was not at all impressive, and she was completely a doormat.

At this time, she happened to find the fairy garden key that was lost in an unknown corner from her storage jar.

She quickly took it out and said, "I also got this key in the fantasy world."


At this time, Murong Xue paused, and everyone looked over. Just as they took a look, they saw the ordinary key flying into the air with a "whoosh". "What's the meaning?"

This confused Murong Xue. Why did he even use a key to bully her?
Murong Qingxian's eyebrows were raised, his eyes were shining, and he solemnly said: "Be prepared for defense."

Then he appeared next to Ye Xiling and Ye Muli in an instant, staring at the flashing key with vigilant eyes.

When other people saw this, they immediately became vigilant.

But the next moment, the key in mid-air projected a golden subtitle and appeared at the gate of the Fairy Garden:

"Congratulations, you have become the owner of this Xumi Immortal Courtyard and have the authority to enter and exit the Immortal Courtyard."

Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, the ordinary key was shattered into pieces, forming a golden light that entered Murong Xue's body.

Everything returned to calm.

There wasn't even any change.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at Murong Xue, not knowing why.

Murong Xue was digesting the information that suddenly appeared in her mind, and then her face showed joy.

"It turns out that the key I got in the previous illusion is actually something that can make the fairy court in the divine domain recognize its master!"

Before, she felt that she had suffered in vain. After all, a key with no purpose was now considered to be the end of her suffering.

This key actually has such a function, it is indeed the key to the Immortal Court.

As she spoke, she explained its function to everyone.

Although she is the master of this fairy court, she cannot control the divine realm.

Unless she obtained the ancient god's status from the divine realm and accepted the baptism of the god's status.

Here, she is just the master of Immortal Court, but even so, her role is huge.

For example, the entrance to the divine realm is now under her control, and no one can enter or exit it as long as she wants.

Also, in the Fairy Garden, she belongs to the gods here!

No, she immediately closed the entrance to the Immortal Courtyard.

In this way, Ye Muli can be treated with peace of mind.

At the same time, everyone can also study carefully what benefits this divine realm will bring to people.


at the same time.

Outside the Sumeru Divine Realm.

Except for the mess on the ground and the thick smell of blood surrounding the place, it was quiet here.

Even mosquitoes don't dare to enter here casually.

As night falls, there are stars in the dark sky, and a bright moon hangs high on the distant skyline. The soft moonlight shines on the earth, making this messy place look particularly quiet.

The breeze blew by, and the air was filled with the aroma of earth, mixed with the faint smell of blood, which made people frown.

In this silence, there was a faint sound of footsteps, approaching from far away, slowly approaching this area.

The person was wearing a black robe and a hood, which covered his face and made it impossible to identify him.

If you weren't paying attention, you probably wouldn't have noticed him in this night.

The man squatted down and crawled carefully, looking at the wreckage on the ground around him. He pressed the hood on his head, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes.

"According to the warriors who escaped, there are at least hundreds of top-level ferocious beasts gathered here. What kind of power can kill all these top-level ferocious beasts?"

The man has a deep voice. He is a player. His game nickname is: Yun Zhongjun. His state is in the late stage of Mortal Transformation.

He took this name because of a certain game, and it wasn't banned anyway. His strength is considered to be above average in the current player rankings.

He happened to be traveling outside the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Abyss. He knew about it the moment it appeared in the Divine Realm, but he did not dare to enter it first.

After all, this place is deep in the forbidden area. He has been playing the game for more than half a year, so he naturally knows the dangers here.

But what happened next made him change his mind.

Then he relied on the equipment he was currently wearing that could reduce his sense of presence, and avoided many dangers along the way, and finally arrived here.

He saw the gleaming Heavenly Gate of God's Realm at first sight, but he ignored it the next moment.

Because the situation at the scene shocked him even more.

Because according to the warriors who escaped, many top-level ferocious beasts gathered in this place, and they seemed to be competing for the ownership of the divine domain.

The remains of these ferocious beasts lying on the ground seem to indicate what happened to them.

The player Yun Zhongjun just glanced at the God's Domain Tianmen that was shining with colorful light, and then looked away.

He knew that there was probably a super powerful being in this divine realm.

If you enter rashly, you may die without knowing how.

So he straightened out his thoughts at once. He was originally here to pick up the leaks. There are a lot of good treasures on the ground now, and this time he posted them.

Player Yun Zhongjun looked at the things on the ground with bright eyes, whether they were the remains of ferocious beasts or the items left behind by previous warriors.

These things are indeed not worth mentioning to Murong Xue and the others, but to the players, they are a huge fortune.

"Forehead drops, forehead's all forehead drops..."

After Yun Zhongjun saw that there was no danger for the time being, he immediately started the treasure hunt with his butt in hand.

However, he did not have a space treasure, so he had to hide the good treasure in a secret place first.

With item introductions, players can still identify which items are good.

Just after the player Yun Zhongjun was messing around for a long time.

At this time, he rested for a while leaning against the stone pillar of the Tianmen of God's Domain. When he was about to leave, he suddenly felt a murderous aura coming towards him.

He subconsciously shrank his head...


I saw the stone pillar being hit and making a loud sound.

Then there was a shout: "With such strength, you dare to peek into the divine realm, you are seeking death!"

(End of this chapter)

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