In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 142 What an accident for the unlucky child

Chapter 142 What an accident for the unlucky child

Hearing such a disdainful tone, the player Yun Zhongjun knew who the visitors were without even thinking about it?
However, he quickly hid behind the stone pillar and exposed half of his head. Only then did he see a few warriors walking in the air in front of him, all holding weapons and looking aloof.

"As expected, it's you, you're pretty good at hiding, kid."

When the visitor saw the face of the player Yun Zhongjun, he showed a contemptuous expression and waved a few times: "What else do you want to do, Yunzhongjun? Let me see what you can do!"

The stone pillar was beaten loudly, and Yun Zhong huddled behind the stone pillar, not daring to show his face.

Given the strength of these people, they were obviously playing tricks on him by not killing him immediately.

If this continues, Yun Zhongjun will really become a turtle.

Although he has not yet become powerful.

He knows all these people. They used to be from the same sect, but now he has been kicked out of the sect by the other party.

There was even a scene where he was being chased.

I just regret that I couldn't be too high-profile at the beginning, and I was just thinking about some beautiful thing about a hero saving a beauty, but I didn't expect that it was just the opponent's game.

Only he jumped in stupidly.

Because of this, he is very cautious now. As for being a hero, he still cannot have this idea.

The world doesn't need heroes.

The sect he was in before was a first-class sect nearby, and the people in front of him were all inner disciples of the sect.

Their realms are all higher than his, and they are all at the realm of innate masters.

In a chase battle before, he was almost killed by these people, but he was also a blessing in disguise and got a set of equipment that can reduce people's presence.

With this equipment, he was able to deal with the opponent for a long time.

Unexpectedly, they actually pursued him here this time.

There is no way to avoid this place unless...

Yun Zhongjun set his sights on the entrance to the Divine Realm. He naturally knew about the emergence of the Divine Realm, and it was now being discussed on the official website forum.

In this state, the character cannot go offline.

So now the only way to survive is to enter the divine realm.

He also knew the rules of God's Domain, but he knew that as long as he made any move, these people would definitely kill him mercilessly.

However, after these people gave out a few bursts of energy, they became a little impatient: "Yun Zhongjun, you can't run away now. Our brothers will give you a happy choice. You can just commit suicide!"

They disdain Yun Zhongjun's strength and don't even want to do it themselves.

"It's all flat ground here, but there's no terrain to give you a chance to run."

They said quietly, obviously having decided whether he would live or die.

Yun Zhongjun thought deeply for a moment. He looked at the scene around him and had a plan in mind. Not only did he take a deep breath, he shouted to the warriors from behind the stone pillar: "Brothers, I advise you to leave as soon as possible if you understand. , otherwise, this is not a place for you to run wild!"

Hearing Yun Zhongjun's threat, the warriors couldn't help laughing.

The leader was even more disdainful and said: "Hey, boy, you are quite tough. However, toughness alone is not enough, you must have strength."

As he spoke, he waved the long sword in his hand, and a sharp sword energy hit Yun Zhongjun directly.

There was a clang, a harsh sound that made Yun Zhongjun change his color.

"Hmph, I thought you were so powerful, but it turned out to be just an embroidered pillow." The warrior laughed, "I heard that you like to act like a hero, so I will help you and let you see what real strength is!"


But at this moment, Yun Zhongjun suddenly stood up, stretched out a hand towards them, looked at them calmly and said, "Brothers, do you really think I am the only one?"

They originally wanted to take action, but they really hesitated.

Because Yun Zhongjun then said: "Look at the remains of the ferocious beasts all over the ground. What kind of strong person do you think can kill them?"

As he spoke, Yun Zhongjun pointed at the pile of broken corpses of ferocious beasts not far away, and his words were obviously full of provocation.

When the warriors saw this, their expressions suddenly became cautious. They looked around, but found nothing strange, but Yun Zhongjun's calmness and confidence made them feel guilty.

The leading warrior frowned and said, "Boy, don't act like a fool here. There is no one else here at all. If you know what's going on, kill yourself immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Although they said this, they did start to look around cautiously.

Seeing that they were nervous, Yun Zhongjun felt relieved. Just as he was stepping out and preparing to jump into the entrance of the Sumeru Divine Realm, another warrior suddenly shouted warily: "No, this kid is tricking us. He wants to escape." Enter this divine realm.”

"Boy, court death!"

As he said that, he saw a cold and fierce energy coming through the air.

Yun Zhongjun felt a chill on his back and immediately squatted down without daring to jump up.

There was another "clang" sound, and the Xiantian Grandmaster struck an angry blow into the stone pillar door frame, and his energy dissipated silently.

But no one cared about it. When those warriors saw that he was forced to escape into the divine realm, they couldn't help but sneered: "Boy, we don't like you in the sect. I didn't expect you to be quite capable. Give it to me now." Rest in peace, kill him.”

As he spoke, he flashed his body and pointed the weapon in his hand directly at Yun Zhongjun.

However, at this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly came from the entrance to the Sumeru Divine Realm.

I saw a gleaming qi force instantly passing through the warrior who had launched the qi force attack to the door frame of Xumi God Realm.

Immediately afterwards, a mechanical voice came from the Sumeru Divine Realm: "Those who attack the Divine Realm will die!"


The weapon in the hands of the warrior who was hit by the light fell, and his whole body gradually dissipated like a ray of light.

"Senior Brother?" Several other warriors shouted in great panic. Why did such a living person suddenly turn into light?

Only Yun Zhongjun muttered silently: "Light, bless you!"

He was just about to slip away, but he didn't expect those warriors to react and shouted: "Yun Zhongjun, it was you who killed my senior brother, please die."

With that said, he charged towards Yun Zhongjun.

This time they learned the lesson and didn't launch Qi Jin long-range attacks, but directly killed them at close range. Even the people who had just attacked the stone pillar felt a little guilty.

Just when Yun Zhongjun felt that he should die, an accident happened again?
Suddenly, a dark shadow floated across the sky, covering several people.

The terrifying aura caused the people who took action to stop their movements instantly and look up.


It was a big claw that crushed them directly.

Two of them only had time to let out a scream before they were trampled to death. The other two were also bruised and knocked unconscious.

At this moment, Yun Zhongjun was stunned, because the big foot was only half a meter away from him, and almost imprinted him under it.

Fortunately, the monster didn't seem to notice the ants at its feet, and actually stepped over him, making him sit on the ground in fright.

But it seems that because of this, he seemed to be discovered?

I saw the monster turning around. It was about three meters tall and huge. Its big claws alone could catch three people to death.

It was a ferocious beast covered in red scales, with wings on its back and a pair of sharp horns on its head. Its eyes exuded a bloodthirsty light, giving people a feeling of extreme danger.

"What kind of ferocious beast is this?" Yun Zhongjun was secretly horrified. He had never seen such a ferocious beast before, but there was no doubt that it was a top-notch ferocious beast.

At this moment, he just felt that he was a little unlucky since he came here.

I haven't been happy for two minutes. Not only did my enemy come, but I also ran into a top-notch ferocious beast. It's really a disaster that never comes singly.

It seems that picking up leaks is not that easy.

At this moment, the top ferocious beast stared closely at Yun Zhongjun, its eyes filled with ferocious light.

He quickly stood up, took out his weapon, and made fighting movements.

He never thought about confronting those warriors. It was indeed a matter of strength gap.

The contrast in strength in this scene is extremely different, but when dealing with a ferocious beast, if he continues to flinch like this, it will be a complete defeat for the warrior.

So even though he knew he was invincible at this moment, he didn't back down.

Just when the ferocious beast was about to charge towards him, another accident happened...

"You evil beast, kill my disciple and seek death!"

Only a roaring voice was heard coming from the darkness, and then a cold light passed across the thick neck of the ferocious beast, and the movement of the ferocious beast stopped.

The beast that was so terrifying to Yun Zhongjun and others suddenly fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Then, several more voices appeared, "Brother Liu's flying blade is still so cold and deadly. I think even the king of ferocious beasts may be able to kill him."

"Master Zhou is ridiculous. He just took advantage of the beast's unpreparedness to hit it with one strike."

Although this person was humble, there was still a bit of complacency in his voice, and then he pretended to regret and said: "It's a pity that I came a step too late. It's a pity that my disciple died so tragically."

At this time, Yun Zhongjun finally saw the people who came, not just a few, but a large group of Wuyangyang people!
Yun Zhongjun panicked in his heart. Seeing that the Xumi Divine Realm was at the entrance, he immediately jumped up and wanted to enter and escape into the Divine Realm.

The warrior surnamed Liu shouted: "Boy, how dare you!"

But it seemed it was too late to stop it.

But just when Yun Zhongjun thought he could escape into the divine realm, he only heard a "clang".

Yun Zhongjun even screamed: "Hey..."

Then he fell to the ground and burst into flames.

He was also very confused at this moment. Why did it feel like he had hit bulletproof glass?

But he couldn't think too much at the moment. He suddenly felt his butt hanging in the air, and then he felt as if his wings had been broken and he was out of control.

Immediately afterwards, he was choked and unable to make a sound.

It was the warrior surnamed Liu who grabbed his throat. At this moment, he had no strength to resist at all.

Then I heard the warrior surnamed Liu say sinisterly: "Kid, who gave you the courage to enter the divine realm in front of us?"

In front of such a top warrior, Yun Zhongjun had no power to resist.

At the same time, the warrior surnamed Liu raised his head slightly and pinched Yun Zhongjun's body, saying in a cold voice: "Tell me, what happened just now?"

They all could see clearly that this kid was about to enter the entrance to the divine realm, but he was actually ejected.

They all found out clearly that the divine domain in front of them was a top-level divine domain with no restrictions on entry.

Then why can't this kid get in?

At this time, the colorful colors of the Divine Realm Tianmen had turned into a vast white color at some point.

While these people were exploring, they saw the secluded place of Fairy Xi Ling in the distance.

An uninvited guest also came to the original Taoyuan house.

On the ruins of the Taoyuan small building, a figure suddenly appeared, then half-crouched, picked up a petal on the ground and touched it.

It seems like you are remembering something?
 The last chapter was reviewed, I thought it was banned

(End of this chapter)

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