In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 143 What’s wrong with being old?

Chapter 143 What’s wrong with being old?
"I can't get in, why can't I get in?"

The warriors outside the entrance to the divine realm tried every method after knowing that they could not enter the divine realm.

There were even those who were not afraid of death and tried to attack, but were eventually turned into light.

In the end, they could only become helpless and furious, but these people still surrounded them.

At this moment, the player Yun Zhongjun was thrown aside beside the withered bones. There was no one around like him anymore.

At the last moment, the warrior named Liu did not kill him, but just threw him aside and ignored him.

It seemed that his strength would not pose any threat to them.

Yun Zhongjun has even prepared a chance to log off after death. This is a bad thing about this game. You cannot force him to log off when there is communication or fighting, unless he escapes to a quiet environment where no one can see him, and Or you can log off after death.

I think he has been hiding for so long just to avoid death.

After all, the penalty of dying once would be a huge loss.

According to the results obtained after the player's experiment, in addition to the obvious penalty of not being able to enter the game for a week and then the realm falling back to a larger realm, there are actually hidden penalties for the player's death.

That is, the more times a player dies, the slower the training speed will be compared to the original speed.

This method of secretly reducing martial arts qualifications was a hot search topic in this world at the beginning. It was busy for a few days, but in the end it was dropped.

You can't report it, you can't complain, the official doesn't care... (Now the game official is just like a second-tier dealer selling teleporters. It had some authority at first, but now it has nothing.)
Such an attitude seems to be telling everyone: Do you like to play or not...

This incident has indeed caused many players to give up. After all, they all feel that they are here to play games, not to be played by games. It is just a game, so it’s okay not to play it...

As for whether he will play secretly in the end, who knows.

Anyway, there is no shortage of players among Xunxian now, and there are more players entering the trap than quitting the trap.

Anyone with even a little bit of thought can see that this game is secretly promoted by the real official.

Considering the background and mode of this game, and then a large number of complaints and reports from the public, even so, the official only vaguely stated that it is dealing with it...

If this was applied to other games, it would have been offline a long time ago.

Anyway, the official attitude is very ambiguous, neither encouraging nor opposing...

Anyone who has some ideas about this attitude knows that the official's lack of official stance is actually an approved behavior.

So what is there that is worthy of official promotion?

There is a lot of talk on the Internet, everyone has his own theory...

But even so, there are still so many people playing this game.

Some people may be very happy online, or they may be having fun secretly!
As for Yun Zhongjun himself, he actually wanted to quit the game several times, but in the end he couldn't help but come back to play it. This game is much more addictive than other games on the market.


Although you can be resurrected after death in the game, everyone still becomes more life-conscious after knowing that there are hidden penalties.

After Yun Zhongjun was thrown aside, no one was watching over him. Those people were all worried about why they couldn't enter this divine realm.

In addition, he has the magic weapon to reduce his presence. As long as no one notices him, he will take advantage of this opportunity to move his body little by little and soon come to a remote place.

At this time, he looked at the warriors surrounding the divine realm. Although he didn't recognize them, he understood them.

These people are from various forces outside the forbidden area of ​​​​the Eternal Abyss. There are about 30 people who have come here.

The leader of each force is a grand master warrior, and there are more than a dozen disciples. These forces do not have a top master.

Even so, these 30 or so forces together are already the first-class forces outside the forbidden area of ​​the Eternal Abyss.Of course, in terms of the entire world, he is only second-rate.

But even so, these forces are still not something that a small player like him can deal with.

He was also in one of the sects before, that is, the sect of the warrior named Liu. The five warriors who wanted to kill him were also disciples of this sect.

At this moment, these people can't figure out why they can't enter the divine realm in front of them?
I saw the great master warrior surnamed Liu frowning and pacing back and forth, "Didn't you say that there are no restrictions on entry to the top divine realm? Why can't you enter now?"

"I heard that if someone in the God's Domain obtains the position of the Ancient God, it is possible to control this God's Domain."

"No way. This divine realm only appeared last night. In just half a day, who has such good luck to obtain the divine status so quickly?"

"Maybe it's possible."

The great masters had different opinions, and the remaining disciples did not dare to interrupt.

"But so far, no one in the divine realms that has appeared has obtained this legendary godly position."

"I wonder what this god's position does?"

"Some people say that this may be the essence left by the ancient warriors, and then turned into the legend of the ancient gods. If you can inherit the divine status, you will have obtained the legacy of the ancient warriors, and the benefits will definitely be good."

"I heard that there are already many lucky people out there who have obtained many treasures from God's Domain."

"It's a pity that the divine realms outside are all elementary or intermediate realms, and they all have age restrictions. Old guys like us can't enter."

"How can you discriminate against older people? Don't older people deserve to win?"

A great master slapped his thigh and cursed, obviously not very convinced.

"Lao Yu is right, what's wrong with being old? Even if I'm over 100 years old, I'm still a groom every night. I have a strong body."

An old man with a wretched face put his hands on his hips and smiled.

"Now is not the time to make noise. You have also seen everything on the ground."

Some people also calmly analyzed: "Looking at their physiques, these ferocious beasts are the top ferocious beasts in this forbidden area. Think about it, what kind of strength should someone who can kill them so quickly have?"

"We assume that this person has received the divine inheritance from the divine realm, and we imagine that his strength is likely to increase again."

"So, how do we respond?"

"Elder Liu, what do you think?"

Someone asked the warrior named Liu.

Obviously, the power and strength of his sect is the highest among these people.

And he himself is one of the few warriors in the field who has reached the ultimate level of Grand Master.

So everyone still gives him face.

They don't share the same mind, but until there is no conflict of interest, these people will only obey the strong.

The warrior surnamed Liu nodded and said very cautiously: "This place is deep in the forbidden area. Although we are not afraid of those ferocious beasts with our strength, the disciples we brought cannot withstand the power of these ferocious beasts."

"And we still don't know if anyone has really entered this divine realm. What if it suddenly can enter?"

"Are we going to leave like this?"

"Or let those big forces invade this divine domain?"

(End of this chapter)

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