In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 145: With a snap, he knelt down very quickly

Chapter 145: With a snap, he knelt down quickly

Seeing that these troublemakers were suppressed, the warrior surnamed Liu and several other colleagues looked at each other and smiled.

Do you want to leave now?
Who will be their human shields?
As for whether there will be anger in these people's hearts, that's for sure.

But for the sake of the treasures in God’s Domain, I don’t care about so much now.

Together, they were able to suppress the other warriors present.

Of course, ignorant bullying is not a good thing, so the warrior surnamed Liu deliberately brought out the six major forces for comparison.

Maybe he really believed what he was saying, and he became intoxicated, and he loudly painted a cake for everyone and said: "You can rest assured, when we get the rare treasure from the God's Domain, one day we will be able to reach the six major powers. the height of."

"Then it's time for them to curry favor with us."

The warrior surnamed Liu made bold words. I don’t know whether others believed it or not, but I believed it anyway.

Every one of the warriors present looked incomprehensible. Could it be that Elder Liu was suffering from a delusional disorder?

I have long heard that this person relies on his strength to bully others in their Dry Bone Ridge area, and often deceives casual cultivators or businessmen who pass by.

But at this time, they looked at the warrior named Liu strangely. His movements were strange, as if he wanted to say something, but his body seemed to be shaking inexplicably?

Immediately afterwards, there was a rustling of branches and leaves in the forest outside.

Just when everyone thought a vicious beast was coming, a cold snort came:

"Hmph, that's such a big tone. I wonder what you have that is worthy of being fawned over by all six of our major forces?"

Everyone's eyes turned to the direction where the sound came from, and they saw an old man dressed in brocade clothes slowly walking out of the dense forest.

This old man has a full expression, full of energy, and sharp eyes. A powerful aura emanates from him, like the rising sun, making people feel powerful directly.

"I also want to hear how you want my Sword Sect to flatter you?"

The middle-aged man next to the old man also glanced at the people present in a cold voice.

Those eyes seemed to carry a cold and stern sword energy, making it impossible to look at him.

Among them, the warrior surnamed Liu was dripping with sweat and his body couldn't help but tremble. It was this kind of energy.

Just now, he seemed to have walked away from the gate of hell. From the beginning, the sword sect strongman locked him with a supreme sword energy, as if he would be killed in the next moment if he made another move.

Then, not only did these two people appear, but behind them, they were also accompanied by more than twenty disciples.

Senior teacher of Yanwu Hall, Xiangtian, late stage of Nirvana state.

Yanwu Hall has three levels of teaching titles: junior high school and high school. Senior teaching is already a very high status. Except for the six major forces, any senior teaching will be recruited by outside forces.

They not only represent strength.

What is teaching?

Just think about it, this is also a resource.

Just like the old teacher Xi Yanwu who often appeared before was considered a retiree, if he was released, there would be a lot of people rushing to support him.

The ancestor of the Sword Sect, Tang Jue, is in the late stage of Nirvana.

He was the elder brother of Tang Yong who had appeared the most before.

Although he is hundreds of years old, he does not look old.

Still bright and bright.

Those six major forces that had played a lot in the past were single-handedly brushed by Xuan Que in Quelong Mountain. Until now, their injuries have not healed well. If there is any big event, it will not be their turn to play now.

However, in the past, there were very few top performers in the world. The world was too peaceful, and no rare treasures appeared.

The mediocre arena is certainly not worthy of the presence of these masters.

It wasn't until the legend of the miracle reappeared that undercurrents surged in the world.

All the great talents seemed to appear.

The huge arena is bustling again.

Especially after the appearance of strangers (players), people can be seen everywhere on the road.

When the warriors present saw these people, they were even more shocked, and then thought that they might not have a chance to participate in this divine realm.

Not to mention the two top disciples, the disciples following them alone were enough to take down everyone present.

Grandmaster is really worthless. From now on, instead of being called Grandmaster, he should be called a warrior in the magical power realm.

Of course, after seeing people from these two forces, their worries quickly relaxed.

Everyone knows that the reputation of Yanwu Hall has always been very good, and they are not as open-minded as the martial artist named Liu. Under normal circumstances, the other party should not embarrass them.

The Sword Sect is also okay. Although they are also very proud, they are just proud and not arrogant.

If it were the Hades Cult, it would be hard to say...

Then they looked at the warrior surnamed Liu who was still talking nonsense just now, as if he was watching a good show, which made the boy talk so freely...

The warrior surnamed Liu is already able to move, and the sword energy machine is no longer locked on him.

But at this moment, he was even more collapsed. He was very confident in his own strength. Of course, that was based on the warriors who were inferior to him.

He couldn't even pretend to be in front of the top of these six superpowers.

However, he was also a wise man who knew the current affairs. He quickly bent down, narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile:
"How could I say such a thing? Who doesn't know how much I, Liu, admire all the great masters, especially you, Xiangxi?"

Liu showed a fiery smile and said very enthusiastically: "Xiang Xiangxi, I actually studied under you back then. Although you no longer remember me, I will always remember your teachings to me. I can see you again." I am so lucky to meet you!"

He secretly glanced at the other party, but he didn't seem to be moved?
When the people around him saw this, they couldn't help but laugh secretly in their hearts.

This Liu was so high-spirited in front of them just now, standing shoulder to shoulder with this one, but he didn't expect that the reality was the other way around.

Now he is the one who fawns over others and says all the nice things to others, just like a licking dog.


At this moment, the player Yun Zhongjun felt that after waiting for so long, he felt that it was worth it after seeing this scene.

He is still live broadcasting at this moment, and everyone knows the reasons and consequences of why he live broadcasted.

He couldn't see the number of people in the live broadcast. Just after the people from Yanwu Hall and Jianzong showed up, the number of people exceeded 10.

And after the top masters of these six major forces came out, there were even more barrages.

The dwarf in action: "This is the ultimate style of a super power, it is really extraordinary."

Youjiang: "The young hero really must take revenge. Ten years is not too late. How arrogant this person was before, he is now in such a state of decline."

Ordinary old devil Han said: "Yes, the young hero is quite like me. I wonder if you would like to join our Qingyun Sect?"

Crazy Yang: "What a pity. As a disciple of our sect, I can only see the top divine realm in the live broadcast room. I really want to lick the screen."

"The inner disciples of the Sword Sect are here to report!" X99
"The junior students of Yanwu Hall are here!" X99
"The outer disciples of the Sword Sect are here to report!" X99
"Is there no one in my Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple?"

"What's your business? Go ahead and play [pick your nose/]"

"The leader of the Hades Cult is on the way here, don't be impatient [laughs/]"

The messages were like a machine gun, rolling in and out, making it impossible to read them.

However, it can be concluded from some messages that many of these people are players who have entered these forces.However, it is really difficult for warriors with low strength to enter this place.

When there are more people, it is not something that one or two top warriors can protect.

Unless you shout out everyone in the family, this is unnecessary.


At the same time, Liu didn't seem to care about the eyes around him and continued to flatter him: "Xiang Jiaoxi, you are able to stand here on behalf of Yanwu Hall, which really makes us envious. I believe that under your leadership, Yanwu Hall will definitely It will become stronger and stronger.”

"Your name is Liu, right?"

Xiangtian just glanced at him indifferently, his expression was unusually calm, which made Liu a little panicked.

Xiang Tianjieran smiled and said: "If you are a warrior below the Xiantian Grandmaster realm, I'm afraid I can't say anything, but I remember the names of every student I have taught who has reached the magical power realm."

Xiangtian's tone gradually became colder, and he stared at Liu with stern eyes, "You said I taught you, could it be that you remembered it wrong?"

"You can even remember your teacher incorrectly, or you just said these words casually, um..."

The word "um", like a yellow bell, hit him directly. Liu was suddenly sweating and trembling all over.

With the power of such a perfect master, even if he touched the threshold of Nirvana with one hand, he still did not cross it.

Even if he crossed over, his strength would not be able to keep up with the opponent's. It would be difficult for him to withstand the momentum alone.

However, after Xiang Tian finished speaking, he didn't say anything more. Instead, he clasped his hands and looked at the entrance to the Sumeru Divine Realm.

Just when Liu thought Xiangtian Jiaoxi had let him go, it was the turn of the Sword Sect ancestor next to him to speak:
"You just said that you will one day reach the heights of our six major forces, and you still want us to curry favor with you?"

Tang Jue was not polite. He walked up to Liu and said in a disdainful tone: "Come on, come on, I'll give you this opportunity. I'll see how you can make me fawn over you."

The two of them were about the same height at the moment——

The old words are mentioned again,

Liu's face instantly turned pale, his legs trembled unconsciously, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he secretly complained in his heart.

I almost forgot, the people from the Sword Sect are much more difficult to deal with than the people from the Yanwu Hall.

"Tang Patriarch, I just made a slip of the tongue. Don't take it to heart." Liu still hurriedly defended: "I have never said such a thing. Please don't misunderstand me."

As he spoke, he didn't even dare to look directly at the other person, he bent down and lowered his head, completely sincere!
It has to be said that his ability to withstand pressure is indeed great, and he can still persevere in such a weak situation. Most people, even a magical warrior, will lose their countenance in front of these two extremely powerful people.

Tang Jue snorted coldly, and looked at the other party condescendingly at this moment, with eagle eyes like swords and eyes like gods: "Oh? Then what did you mean by just now?"

"Tang Patriarch, please don't misunderstand." Liu endured the humiliation in his heart and said in a low voice, "I just made a slip of the tongue and had no other meaning at all."

A trace of disdain flashed in Tang Jue's eyes. Although the other party was acting very respectful now, he knew that this was just an appearance.

He has seen many such sycophants.

This kind of person will push his nose and face even if he gains some power. If the other party can be a little tougher, he might even look at him with admiration.

The beads of sweat on Liu's forehead were getting bigger and bigger. He knew that he was riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off. No matter how he explained, the other party would not believe it.

Thinking of this, he felt uncomfortable. How had he ever been so embarrassed?

Liu struggled in his heart. Instead of continuing to be embarrassed like this, it would be better to give it a try.

This does not insult the warrior's character.

Liu seemed to have figured it out. He straightened his back and finally dared to look directly at the other person.

Tang Jue was also a little surprised and didn't know what he was going to do.

But I didn't care too much.

At this distance, if the opponent dares to take action, there will only be one outcome...

At this moment, Liu regained his composure and said in a deep voice: "Since Patriarch Tang doesn't believe it, then this junior has nothing to say."

"Liu has also heard the name of the Sword Sect for a long time. Although he has communicated with the disciples of the Sword Sect, he has never fought against the master of the Sword Sect. Now if he can see the secret skills of the Sword Sect from his seniors, he will die without regrets. ”

After saying that, Liu bowed and whispered: "Senior, please give me some advice!"

Tang Jue looked at it in surprise. He didn't know what caused the other party to become so angry. But he wanted him to use his sword?

"Ha ha!"

Tang Jue sneered, "Did you know that I haven't drawn a sword in 20 years?"

The implication is, how can you, a piece of rubbish, let me use my sword?

"Senior, that would be offending."

Liu's eyes were cold, as if he wanted to force the other party to take action.

The energy is flowing in the hands and looks good.

Tang Jue also narrowed his eyes, this guy dares to do something?

Others were also surprised and didn't see it. In the end, the old guy Liu actually became a little tougher.

This is showing off one's prestige in front of the absolute best. Not everyone can be tough in the face of absolute strength.

Although Liu's previous behavior was slightly insignificant, this now made the people present look at him favorably.

Today, he is still quite a warrior.


At this moment, Liu was full of luck, his hands penetrated the true essence, and he shouted loudly.

There was a loud snap...

In front of Tang Jue and Xiang Tian, ​​Liu actually used his true energy as a medium, looking menacing and fighting. Who would have thought that he would kneel down in front of them with a snap.

He cried out sadly: "I beg you two seniors to see that climbing the martial arts path in a certain life is like walking on thin ice and not dare to slack off at all. You have practiced diligently to reach this point. Why don't you just treat me like a dog and beat me twice casually?" How about this?"

"Senior, please forgive me..."

The voice was so sad that it was hard to swallow, and the movements of kowtowing frequently were very fast.

It makes people look stunned.

That's it?

Where is your warrior character?

Even when you kowtow, you have to mobilize your true energy. You look like you are working so hard. Do you work this hard when you practice martial arts?
bang bang bang...

At this moment, the warriors behind Liu also knelt down.

He also followed Liu's example and shouted to his seniors for mercy.

They were following Liu's group just now. Although the two big guys didn't take out their anger on them just now, they couldn't predict what would happen next.

It would be better to beg for mercy at this moment.

As the person involved, Tang Jue was even more speechless looking at the scene in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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