In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 146 What does it feel like to have a big jump on your face?

Chapter 146 What does it feel like to have a big jump on your face?
He has lived for hundreds of years, what scene has he not seen?
Even when the Sword Immortal came to demolish his house, he never begged him for mercy.

Are all today's warriors so spineless?
These people are really a cancer in the world and are offensive to moral standards...

At this moment, the Sumeru Divine Realm flashed slightly, and everyone was attracted.

At the entrance to the Xumi Divine Realm, the Tianmen, which was as white as a lens, once again appeared in seven colors, and everyone could vaguely see the appearance of the fairy court inside.

"The entrance to God's Domain is open?"

Someone became suspicious.


Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, also looked over. They had heard a disciple report this matter before.

Although I have never heard of why such a situation occurs in the top divine realm, after all, it is a new thing, and no one is surprised by what happens.

At most it's an accident.

It may also be that the changes in the divine realm have made him less angry. Tang Jue just glared at Liu and the others, then waved his hand and snorted coldly.

As Liu and the others shouted a few times, they were swept into several dirty mud pits by Tang Jue's powerful force.

However, everyone's eyes were no longer on them at this time. It is estimated that only the player Yun Zhongjun is happy now.

It's a pity that the ancestor of the Sword Sect didn't kill the other party.


Yun Zhongjun sighed secretly.

Fortunately, everyone's attention is now on the entrance to the divine realm. Otherwise, based on the subtle movements he makes, with the observation ability of a great master, his whereabouts can be easily known.

Of course, this is also the reason why his presence is too low, otherwise he would have been discovered at the beginning.

Maybe this was the first top-level divine realm that everyone had come into contact with. They were inexperienced and didn't know whether it was hesitation or fear. For a while, no one dared to move.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this place has now been spotted by the six major forces, although there is no restriction on entry to the top divine realm.

But if there are artificial restrictions, most people don't seem to be able to do anything about it.

This place is not like the ruins in the Wuwu Mountain Range in the Eternal Life Domain.

The entrance to the ruins is very large and cannot be defended without absolute power.

So the six major forces just stationed their factions there. This place can be used as a training ground for the sect, and the things inside seem to be inexhaustible, as if there are always a lot of treasures.

In addition, death inside is not real death, so the strength of warriors in the world is also rising rapidly.

Now Lu Yuan can explain many things about the ruins. The first is the price of dying in the ruins.

Lu Yuan got the world editor and checked it out after becoming the master of the plane. In addition to having an impact on the foundation of martial arts, the price of dying in the ruins also reduces the probability of finding and dropping treasures in the ruins.

Of course, this is just a reduction in their probability. In fact, some of them are confiscated, which is also one of the costs.

As for why there are endless monsters and treasures in the ruins, the first thing is that the ruins are an independent space, and can even be regarded as an independent plane.

Because it is a change caused by the previous assimilation of the heavenly consciousness and the suppression of the pollution source of a certain plane.

The previous Tiandao consciousness felt that it might not be able to resist the attacks of so many plane pollution sources, just like now that it has become a relic, it has only been partially assimilated, and has not been completely assimilated.

What's left is to use the power of all living beings to continue assimilation, and finally completely turn this independent plane into a part of the six domains.

Of course, in the end the ruins will no longer exist.

The reason why there are still a steady stream of treasures appearing now is that this is a plane. Although I don't know whether it is big or small, don't take the source of plane pollution seriously.

They specialize in devouring various planes where the consciousness of heaven was born. The resources themselves are very huge, but they do not use them like normal planes.

However, the current appearance of the Divine Realm was beyond Lu Yuan's expectation. If he guessed correctly, this thing was probably started by the current Tiandao agent "Kamigawa No. [-]".

Even the legends of ancient gods have been pulled out. Lu Yuan is very sure that such ancient gods do not exist in this world. There may be legends, but they are not real.

Because before the consciousness of heaven was born, the entire six-realm world actually developed in the closed loop of the world.

The Zhongqian World is the Zhongqian World, and powerful gods will never be born.

It was not until Lu Yuan's unexpected appearance broke the closed loop that the story began to move to an incredible place.

Lu Yuan himself has no control over all this. Although he is the manager behind the scenes, how it develops is not a matter of his own imagination.

Otherwise, if I had so many thoughts, the world would have exploded long ago.


Besides, no one dares to act rashly around the Sumeru Divine Realm.

I haven't seen before that even strong men in the extreme realm of supernatural powers would kneel down whenever they asked. You can say that Liu and the others don't have the character of warriors, but don't criticize others in front of others.

Dry Bone Ridge is a mountain range outside the Forbidden Area of ​​the Eternal Abyss, where the power of these people is.

The power of Liu and others is the strongest among them.

But now that they are all kneeling, it can be seen that no matter how tough his mouth is, he cannot be tougher than the top master of the six major forces.

He surrendered as soon as they met.

In this situation, they could only wait for the other party to speak.

In fact, the two top masters are also somewhat uncertain now.

After all, it was the first time for them to see the top divine realm.

At this time, the disciples behind them were also ready to make a move. One of the Sword Sect disciples came out, clasped his hands to Tang Jue and said, "Ancestor, let me go and see what is going on."

People here at the Yanwu Pavilion naturally couldn't flinch when they saw people from the Sword Sect coming out. Under normal circumstances, the disciples of the Yanwu Pavilion were easy to recognize.

Their clothes are all uniform, with the word "yan" on the back and the same on the front and chest.

Actually it wasn't like this before...

A disciple wearing the martial arts uniform of Yanwu Hall came out, bowed to the sky, and said loudly: "Sir, students are also willing to go."

Just when the two supreme masters were about to nod, another inspiration came from the divine realm...

Suddenly a man jumped out. Just as the man was about to shake his hair, he suddenly saw so many people staring directly at him. He couldn't help being frightened, and he staggered and almost lost his balance.

"I rely on, who are you?"

Ximen Chuixue's eyes widened, why are there so many people around here?
Then he drew his sword and pointed it at everyone. At this moment, he didn't know who he was facing.

On the contrary, he was slightly happy. He had just obtained a sword from the Divine Realm, with a quality of ninth grade, almost a Noble Phantasm-level weapon.

He named this sword Fubuki Sword.

The blade of this sword is completely white, revealing a chill.

His sudden appearance really surprised others.

At this moment, those people are waiting for what the two top masters will say?
Moreover, this person looks like he is only in the martial arts realm of the late Mortal Transformation Realm, but he actually holds such a precious weapon in his hand. I wonder if he got it from this Sumeru God Realm?

Thinking of this, greed flashed in some people's eyes.

Xiang Tianwen, the instructor of the Yanwu Hall, also asked him: "Don't panic, this young knight. I don't know his name. May I ask, did he just come out of the Sumeru Divine Realm?"

Although Xiangtian also has his own arrogance, he is still very calm in the face of some things.

Mainly because he felt that the other party came to the depths of the forbidden area with such low strength, or there was someone behind him, or there was something special about him.

No matter what, it is always right to be polite before fighting.

Ximen Chuixue didn't care about this. From the moment he heard the other party calling him Shaoxia, his heart started to beat. What does it feel like?
Has any warrior called himself that before?
Unexpectedly, this stern-looking old man was actually quite friendly.

"Uncle, you still have discernment." Ximen Chuixue narrowed his eyes, and he looked happy. Since he was so polite, he couldn't be rude.

Ximen Chuixue quickly put away the Chuixue sword and said confidently: "Master, listen up..."

He held the sword with both hands, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and his waist was straight, quite like a swordsman in the martial arts world.

"I'm the swordsman of Shilipo—Ximen Chuixue..."

Each word is spoken in a perfect tone, as if it has been practiced for a long time.

Ximen Chuuxue?

The name sounded good. Just as everyone was thinking about where his name came from, Ximen Chuixue grinned again and said:

"I don't dare to be a young hero anymore. Now I am just a member of the Murong family's bodyguard."

Everyone present looked at each other in confusion. After a long time of doing this, you made a good gesture as a small guard. Those who didn't know thought you were a member of a wealthy family.

In the dark!

Yun Zhongjun felt from the beginning that this person did not look like a local.

Actions and words are too modern.

Then Ximen Chuixue came out, and, needless to say, he was another player.But seeing the other person chatting and laughing in front of two top masters, especially when he said he was just a guard at the end, this is no longer brave.

But it’s so awesome.

The two people opposite him could kill him with just one look.

There was no player he admired before, but now he does.

Including the people in his live broadcast room, the barrage took off directly...

"Damn it, it was pretended by him!"

"Your name is Ximen Chuixue, what is my name?"

"No, my hero title is gone!"

"Nima, this kid is definitely going to be popular."

"At first I thought it was some kind of hidden master, but didn't expect this?"

"Can it be any funnier?"

"It seems that I can only manage to be the number one blind knight in the Central Plains."

"I am the Lord of Baiyun City—Ye Gucheng."

"Wu-Dang - Zhang San crazy."

"You are not worthy..."

"This guy is definitely going to die."

Some people feel that these two top masters cannot help but give this player an end.

After all, his behavior can be regarded as provocation.

It's better to open a bigger door than to show off too much!
Speaking of Ximen Chuixue, in fact, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a very strong energy locking onto him.

It seemed as if he would die the next moment.

To be honest, he was indeed a little panicked, but he still looked at the other party pretending to be calm.

At this moment, Ximen Chuixue realized that he couldn't see through the realm of everyone present?
His mouth protruded slightly, forming an oval shape, and he did not dare to take a deep breath.

At this time, Tang Jianzong, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, said to him in a cold voice: "Boy, which Murong family's guard are you? Please tell me clearly?"


It’s this person’s Qi machine.

As soon as the other party opened his mouth, Ximen Chuixue knew that he was locked by this man's energy.

Every word the other person said seemed to hit him deeply.

In fact, no family in this world dares to call themselves the Murong family.

It is estimated that even the family whose original surname is Murong has changed their surnames one after another over the years.

After all, everyone in the world knows that the six super powers in the world are not easy to deal with the Murong family.

Although there is no explicit targeting, does anyone know secretly?
At this moment, Ximen Chuixue knew that the other party had evil intentions as soon as he heard the other party's words. Just as he was thinking about his answer, another idea came to him at the entrance to the Sumeru Divine Realm.

Several more people jumped out of the colorful gate.

The Qi family brothers and sisters, Wang Ruochen and Hua Manlou.

When they came out, Hua Manlou even cursed and said: "It's so annoying. We are all in the same place. Why did Chuixue get the ninth grade..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the formations around him, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, several people gathered around and defended themselves back to back. Huamanlou poked Ximen Chuixue next to him in the waist with a solemn expression and whispered: "What's going on?"

After all, he was the first to come out, and he knew what happened best.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"More than half a month has passed. It's not a strange thing for someone to be outside." Wang Ruochen whispered. Half a month had passed and her injuries were completely healed.

She could feel the power of the people around her, and the delicate faces couldn't help but feel a little sad: "I'm afraid these people are all here for this divine realm."

Qi Youyou was curious: "Yeah, doesn't that mean..."

Wang Ruochen directly covered her mouth and said "Shh!"

Are these people too weak?
This is the voice of the surrounding warriors. Is this the first time that this top-level divine domain deep in the forbidden land has been entered by these low-level warriors?

Looking at these weak warriors, Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, had a face full of disdain, "Are you also from the Murong family?"

"No, we just happened to be here."

Ximen Chuixue explained quickly, seeming to be delaying time.

"Passing by by chance?" Tang Jue snorted coldly, looking obviously impatient, "That's not what you said just now."

"Forget it, I don't care if you are from the Murong family or not, please be careful in your next life, this is not the place you should come to."

Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, had a cold look in his eyes. At this point, he seemed to be planning to kill him.

But then the colorful Tianmen flashed again, and a beautiful figure floated in the air, still wearing a delicate white mask on her face, and a pair of delicate boots at her feet. She was wearing a light green dress with a hem It rippled like green waves as she moved.

Although the conservative dress completely wrapped her whole body, as if there was no trace of it, it still outlined her graceful figure just right.

The long hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall, glowing with a faint luster.

A few strands of hair fluttered gently in the breeze, which further highlighted her aura.

She held a jasper-colored jade flute in her hand, and the flute exuded a faint halo. Although her face could not be seen clearly, her magnificent temperament made people look like a beautiful painting. It's intoxicating.

Immediately afterwards there was a man's figure, belonging to Liu Suifeng.

"Senior Liu."

"Fairy Xi Ling!"

"Hospitable young master?"

Ximen Chuixue and others were overjoyed to see the person coming out.

In addition to their exclamations, others couldn't help but shout out when they saw the two of them.

However, they only knew the name of Liu Suifeng, the hospitable ranger, but they ignored Ye Xiling.

Ximen Chuixue and others couldn't help feeling relieved when they saw Ye Xiling and Liu Suifeng appear.

Liu Suifeng looked at the situation around him and immediately came to a few people, withstood the pressure on them, and hummed: "It turns out it's Xiang Jiaoxi and Tang Laozu, both of whom are also well-known strong men in the world. , why target these juniors like this?"

If they hadn't come out quickly, given the opponent's strength, they might have been able to kill Ximen Chuixue and others in the next step.

"Hmph, Liu Suifeng, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business." Before the instructor at the Yanwu Hall said anything, Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, snorted again: "They call themselves the Murong family. In my opinion, they call themselves the Murong family. Come on, the Murong family members deserve to be killed."

"Hehe, Your Excellency has such a big tone."

Ye Xiling, who was in the air, sneered.

Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, became angry, "Who are you, and you dare to interfere with my Sword Sect's affairs?"

Ye Xiling shook her head gently, "I have no interest in taking care of your Sword Sect's troubles. I just can't bear to see you bullying the weak."

Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, sneered, "I can't stand it. I think you don't even dare to look at people with their true colors. Could it be that you are some kind of ugly monster?"

After saying that, Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, replaced his sword with his hand, and a sword intent rose up from the ground, pointing directly at Ye Xiling. The powerful sword intent was as solid as a substance, and it made everyone else breathless.

Ye Xiling didn't care at all. She gently raised the jade flute in her hand. As the flute sounded softly, an invisible force swept out and instantly dissolved the sword intention of Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect. invisible.

Sword Sect ancestor Tang Jue's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect this woman wearing a mask to have such strength.

"There are beads of love in the sea that turn into tears, and the moon shines thousands of miles away to express lovesickness. This love is shared in the world and in heaven, and the teardrops turn into rain to moisten the flower branches."

At this time, the teaching in Yanwu Hall.Xiang Tian suddenly said: "There is a flute named Canghai, but I didn't expect it to be Fairy Xi Ling, whose name I have admired for a long time!"

He had just noticed the other person when they appeared. Fairy Xi Ling was very well-known in the past, especially since the other person was a talented woman.

Eighteen kinds of skills, proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting...

Know how to make medicine, forge weapons, identify treasures, form formations... and more!
The jade flute in her hand is called Canghai. It was specially made for her by Lu Yuan and has reached the quality of a spiritual treasure.

Of course, this was Lu Yuan's reward for learning a lot of weapon forging techniques from her, and it was not some licking-the-dog behavior.

Ye Xiling didn't show any emotion at all, she just said calmly: "Mr. Teach Xi*, you're too polite. I wonder if Aunt Mei is still well in the martial arts studio!"

Xiang Jiaoxi smiled, and his solemn expression softened a lot: "Master Mei resigned as the master 12 years ago, and now he is probably in seclusion to comprehend a higher realm."

However, they were having a pleasant chat here, but Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, had a cold face and said solemnly: "What nonsense Fairy Xi Ling, to be honest, you are just a showman, why, you want to protect them?"

(End of this chapter)

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