Chapter 147: One sword combs the middle point
Tang Jue naturally looked down upon Ye Xiling's identity.

What kind of bullshit Fairy Xi Ling was, she just caused a commotion among the young warriors in the world with her little beauty.

After all, what you can’t get will always cause turmoil...

Although Tang Jue was disdainful, he had to admit that the other party's strength was indeed good.

Judging from the fight just now, this woman is definitely no less powerful than him.

Tang Jue didn't care about the other person's appearance. Even if the other person had a face that would make a country beautiful, he didn't care much.

What's more, now the other party is wearing a mask as if to hide his ears.

He had heard of the other party's reputation back then, but if Xiangtian* hadn't revealed her identity first, he wouldn't have remembered who the other party was.

To be honest, although it was his first encounter, Tang Jue was disdainful on the surface, but he was still quite surprised on the inside. Judging from the previous encounter, this woman was probably not what he imagined.

At that time, he thought that such a woman was just showing off in the world with her beauty, affecting the minds of young warriors who were new to the world.

So he was extremely disdainful.

Of course, after all, the other party had never provoked their sword sect, so he only regarded this woman as just a short-lived phenomenon in the world, and she would not be able to cause any trouble in the world.

How many things have happened in the ancient and modern world, and the heroes’ tears dropped thousands of times!
If you were in such a mood, you might as well think more about how to condense and comprehend a stronger sword intent, in order to repay the joke that the Sword Sect was challenged by the Sword Immortal, but no one was an opponent.

If there is anything in this world that can make the six major forces work together, it is to deal with the Heavenly Court.

And to say that the person who is most feared and hated by the superpower Sword Sect is none other than Sword Immortal Guzhou!

It should be said that he now looks extremely displeased with the people who were once in heaven.

Because before, his younger brother Tang Yong was single-handedly defeated by Xuan Que, one of the six sages in the Heaven, when he was ranked No. [-] in the world at Quelong Mountain.

As the elder brother, he didn't care what happened. He only knew that after this battle, everyone would still remember the glory of heaven.

This is not in line with their core values, and people who were once in heaven must be beaten.

Among them, the Murong family is their main target.

Of course, this cannot be regarded as an overt action. In any case, the Six Saints of Heaven and even the Lord of the Five Mountains are the ultimate masters in the world.

In terms of strength, they are almost at the forefront of the world.

In terms of power, the Murong family used to be just a small family. After the dissolution of Heavenly Court, it suddenly became a existence comparable to the six superpowers.

And this is just a small part of the forces gathered by Murong Longcheng after the dissolution of Heavenly Court.

You can imagine how powerful Heaven was back then. After all, they were almost forced to close the mountain!
Because of this, they want to secretly suppress these people who once belonged to heaven.

If all of them were like Xuan Que, then what dignity would they have in the world?

You must know that in the past 20 years, they have gradually reduced the name of the former heaven, and gradually let the warriors in the world know that there are only the voices of the six superpowers in the world.

Of course, they also have their own internal competition, but that is in front of "outsiders".

Therefore, Tang Jue was not polite at all when meeting people who belonged to the Murong family, not to mention that these people might have obtained treasures from the top divine realms.

Although it is not the legendary ancient god, no matter what kind of treasure it is, these things should not fall into the hands of Murong's family.

He could clearly see the current situation. Although this woman was about the same strength as him, she still had a senior teacher, Xiang Tian, ​​who was not much worse than him in strength.

There are many disciples, as long as he can entangle or even defeat this woman, the others...

When the time comes, both Liu Suifeng and Liu Suifeng can easily win.

So Tang Jue didn't care what he said, and even felt that what he said was not harsh enough.


Here, Ximen Chuixue and others only felt a cold aura coming from their bodies. They could feel it. It was the aura that emanated from Fairy Xi Ling after Tang Jue finished her singing words.

However, they did not see Ye Xiling planning to take action.

Only Liu Suifeng frowned secretly and his expression became solemn.

Just now, Ye Xiling sent him a message through the air. She had lost a lot of cultivation because of the treatment for Ye Muli, and she has not fully recovered yet.

Based on the power of the sword energy that she had just dispersed, she might be able to barely block the opponent now.

If a fight really breaks out, and Xiangtian, a senior instructor from the Yanwu Hall, joins forces, their side may have no chance of winning.

Liu Suifeng sent a message and asked, "Will Xiang Jiaoxi also take action?"

Seeing how Ye Xiling greeted the other party just now, he thought he knew her!
Ye Xiling sent a message and said: "I am not familiar with this Xiang Xiangxi. I have already tested him just now. The other party just answered the call and did not let down his guard."

Liu Suifeng secretly sighed: "It seems that they really regard us as a thorn in the side of Heavenly Court."

He had received the news a long time ago. Since the incident in Longshan, the six major forces had begun to become nervous about the people in Heaven.

"How to say?"

The last time Ye Xiling went out was three years ago, so she was not very aware of many recent affairs in the world.

Otherwise, he would not have been ridiculed by Murong Qingxian before.

"It's a long story, so I'll make it short. To put it simply, they felt they had been slapped in the face and couldn't find the rightful owner, so they took their anger out on other people."

"And the Murong family is also the target of their suppression."

After all, a Xuan Que can defeat the Nine Ultimates alone. Although Tang Yong and others are not very strong, they are a very terrifying force when combined, and they can only be crippled.

If the remaining people from Heaven united again, wouldn't it be possible to sweep any of their six major forces?

Thinking of this, Liu Suifeng couldn't help but sigh: "Liu Li Shengjun and Xiao Xue'er had their own adventure in the God's Realm and are comprehending it in the Immortal Court. If we return to the God's Realm now, it would be extremely risky."

“And not all of them may be able to get in.”

He believed that with the opponent's strength, if they were serious, they could quickly block the entrance to the divine realm.

Ye Xiling also said calmly: "If there is a fight, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you."

In this situation, Ye Xiling couldn't think of any solution. If her condition was intact, she would have some methods.

Liu Suifeng looked solemn, and finally said in a deep voice: "Then please ask the fairy to keep yourself safe."

At this moment, Liu Suifeng didn't expect too much, she just hoped that Ye Xiling could ensure her safety so that someone would avenge them in the future.

Ye Xiling said calmly: "I'll try my best to see if I can delay the time."

Maybe Murong Qingxian will be fine after a while?

Although there is little hope...

But at this moment, looking at the other party's unmoving appearance, Tang Jue seemed to feel that he had exaggerated, so he continued to call out: "Don't speak, hahaha, it seems that I was right. I think you, this woman, are not only Singer, I heard that there are rumors in the world that you like pretty girls, and you rely on your beauty to seduce the young people in the world, and then you learn their abilities, and then you get the name of a talented girl. In my opinion, this is simply shameless!"

Tang Jue spoke so wantonly, and his words became even more unbearable. The warriors around him saw their looks of surprise and suspicion at the beginning gradually turned into looks full of aggression and evil.

At this moment, they didn't care if Tang Jue's words were true or false. They had all heard the rumors about Fairy Xi Ling, and there was a picture of her in the previous pictorial.

According to Tianji Pavilion’s evaluation: This girl’s beauty moves everyone!
They had only heard about it before, but now the real person was in front of them, and they were humiliated by the sword sect boss and didn't dare to talk back, so why should they be polite? They just thought she was her.

Ye Xiling's face remained as calm as water, and it seemed that she had no mood swings.

But only Ximen Chuixue and the others knew that in just a moment, the temperature around them dropped a lot.

Liu Suifeng looked at Tang Jue angrily from below. This old guy wanted to anger Ye Xiling. If Ye Xiling took action first, it would be more in line with his wishes.At this moment, only Yun Zhongjun in the dark could express his excitement.

He originally thought that Liu would be killed and the plot would end. He did not dare to hope that he would have the opportunity to enter the divine realm now.

Unexpectedly, another wave of people came out of the divine domain, and both sides were extremely uncooperative.

There are also players who are watching his live broadcast room who also say it is worth it.

The moment Ye Xiling appeared to block Tang Jue's sword energy, the barrage left messages one after another, and another big boss appeared...

"Damn, I thought those pickpockets were going to be killed. It seems like the young hero can't take revenge."

"Fairy Xi Ling? Where did this person come from? Can he block the peerless sword energy of my Sword Sect ancestor?"

"There is a record in the Tianji Pavilion that says: This woman has the talents of heaven, as bright as the moon, as beautiful as a flower, rare in the world, and uniquely independent."

"speak English!"

"It means awesome and coaxing."

"No wonder it means fairy. It seems that there are not many people in the six realms of Xunxian who can be called fairies!"

"Is there a possibility that 'fairy' is not a good term there?"

"You found a blind spot!"

"Are you going to fight?"

"Young hero, don't waver, stay steady."

This was because Yun Zhongjun also felt the cold aura emanating from Ye Xiling and was affected.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, the barrage kept increasing, and the number of viewers even soared to one million in just a few minutes.

"Who do you think will win in a fight?"

"I support beauties unconditionally!" x99
Countless supporters instantly!
"I don't think this woman can beat my Sword Sect ancestor, who has lived for hundreds of years."

"That's right, my sword sect is invincible in the world!"

"You guys had an orgasm without even seeing your face. You deserve to have to watch the live broadcast!"

Some players who joined the Sword Sect also left messages. At this time, how could they be overpowered by a group of LSPs who were interested in taking advantage of others?
Of course, there are also people who are watching the fun and don’t mind it:

"Living a long time doesn't mean you are strong. Don't you know, after playing the game for so long, that talent is what counts in this game?"

"Martial arts qualifications are more important."

"My personal understanding is that martial arts qualifications determine your lower limit, and your talent entries determine your upper limit."

"This ancestor of the Sword Sect doesn't seem to have any evaluation records in Tianji Pavilion. It seems that it is nothing more than this. He will definitely not be able to compare with Fairy Xi Ling."

This person is definitely here to support the fire. Sure enough, another Sword Sect disciple replied: "Shit! My Sword Sect ancestor has been practicing swordsmanship for more than 300 years. How can I be inferior to a woman who is just a yellow-haired girl compared to him?"


on site!

Tang Jue was very surprised. This woman could be so calm?

However, he also noticed the aura emanating from the other party, indicating that he was not as calm as he appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at Xiangtian, as if he was planning to make the first move.


Ye Xiling also whispered to Liu Suifeng and others: "Be careful, they are about to take action."

Tang Jue didn't plan to wait any longer. If he hadn't been unable to figure out Ye Xiling's strength, he wouldn't have been so cautious, but the fact that the other party didn't dare to take action really made him more confident.

Sure enough, Tang, the ancestor of the sword sect, did not hesitate. He took one step with a rainbow of momentum, and with each step he took, the sword intention on his body was like a giant mountain pressing down on the environment, making people want to surrender.

The sword intent in his body is condensing. Just relying on ideology can even make the air make a sharp whistling sound, as if it can tear apart space at any time.

Everyone present could not help but be shocked, including the magical warriors he brought with him.

It was actually the first time that they had come into contact with this ancestor, and it was also the first time that they had seen each other's sword intent.

He usually looks like a somewhat serious little old man.

Nowadays, it is hard for people to believe that the old man with gray hair and body like a tiger has lived for three or four hundred years.

Xiang Tian followed closely behind, equally majestic, like a tiger descending from the mountain, and the aura exuding from his body was like the dawn in the darkness.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly became tense, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, as if it could explode at any time.

At this moment, Tang Jue's eagle-like eyes were staring at Ye Xiling, as if he was locked on the other party, and he said coldly: "I wonder if you are satisfied with the Tiangang Sword Intent that I have refined over the past 50 years?"

At this moment, his murderous intention was overwhelming.

This contains hundreds of years of killing energy, even if it is not directed at the people around you, it can still affect them.

Ye Xiling also frowned secretly, but she had underestimated the opponent's strength...

But at this moment, the surrounding space changed color, strange phenomena appeared, the wind and clouds merged, and the sun and moon changed color!

Others only think that this is the magic of the mental game of top bosses.

Only Tang Jue frowned secretly. At this moment, he felt as if the sword intent in his body had encountered a natural enemy. He seemed to be afraid?
Tang Jue's eyes looked unhappy and he shouted: "Who is it?"

What he said made people confused, but the senior teacher Xiang Tian seemed to feel something.

However, Ye Xiling's masked face had a hint of red.

"I'm also very curious, have you practiced your Tiangang Sword Intent well in the past few decades?"

Right next to Ye Xiling, a figure suddenly appeared on the scene, looking at Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, with a faint smile on his face.

"It's you!"

Tang Jue was horrified, as if he had seen an enemy.

But then, he made a hysterical cry: "What did you do to me?"

Lu Yuan seemed to be motionless, but Tang Jue felt that his Tiangang Sword Intent was slowly dissipating.

Lu Yuan looked at the other party and said calmly: "It seems that the sword intention you have cultivated is not stable."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sword energy shot up from the sky and struck directly at Tang Jue and the others.

Just like the scene where Tang Jue took action against Ye Xiling and the others just now.

"Do not……"

Facing this invincible sword, he hesitated and did not dare to face it...


The sword energy quickly crossed the ground, taking Tang Jue and others with it!
Seen from the sky, the earth seems to have been divided into two parts, and wherever the sword energy passes through, it feels like an old friend has returned!

(End of this chapter)

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