In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 148: The real chapter may be more hurtful, it’s a miracle

Chapter 148 The truth may hurt people more, it’s a miracle
There was little nonsense from both sides.

This sudden burst of heaven-shaking sword energy slashed across the earth, making both heaven and earth eclipse.

Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, was even more stunned. He just had time to say "it's you" before he was submerged in the sword energy.

I thought that the Tiangang Sword Intent that I had condensed for 50 years would be unrivaled in the world, but I didn't expect that I would encounter the Sword Sect's number one nemesis as soon as I stepped out.

In fact, Tang Jue went out this time with the intention of looking for Gu Zhou.

I had heard about what happened when Gu Zhou appeared in the Immortal Realm before, and his brother Tang Yong was recovering from his injuries and could not go out for the time being.

And the reason why he appeared with the people from the Yanwu Hall this time was indeed to discuss a major matter.

But I just happened to hear that a top-level divine realm appeared here, so we came together.

I just didn't expect Guzhou to suddenly appear here.

This Sword Sect's number one nemesis was once single-handedly wiped out the entire sect. Although there was some misunderstanding, this was not the reason why they were so insulted.

Although they have been trying to regain their face since then, their strength has not allowed it. Now that decades have passed, there is no news about these people in the world, and they feel that they can do it again.

Especially when I heard that his brother Tang Yong had knelt down to the Sword Immortal in the Wuwu Mountains, which was really embarrassing to their Sword Sect.

This time when he went out, he even planned to get back all the humiliation the sect suffered in the past if he could meet Gu Zhou.

After fifty years of condensing the sword's will, the sword is now broken into nothing!
We should also let the warriors in the world know that their sword sect is still the best in sword cultivation.

The Sword Immortal is not the only swordsman in the world!
But today...

His Taoist heart was shattered!
As soon as this person appeared, he quietly affected the sword energy that he had condensed for decades, and finally suppressed his Tiangang sword energy that was about to erupt in just a few words.

He was confident that even the old master of their sword sect would not dare to take on the Tiangang Sword Intent that he had condensed for decades.

And the old sect master once said that the distance between him and Sword Immortal Guzhou seemed to be only one step?
That's why Tang Jue was full of confidence. He thought that even if he was defeated, he would definitely not be as unbeatable as before!

Lu Yuan suddenly appeared, and this time he suppressed two long-famous masters without any fanfare. He was truly worthy of his reputation as a swordsman!

The sword's will comes as he pleases, and the sword's energy comes at the drop of a hat.

That sword energy also implicated the disciples behind the two top masters.

In other words, this is an indiscriminate attack.

He didn't seem to care about the life or death of these people at all.

None of the warriors at the scene reacted, mainly because this time the Sword Immortal struck too fast and too suddenly?

After all, looking at the known fighting methods of Sword Immortal, every battle is fair and aboveboard.

Sometimes it's more like a competition.

But this time, all the warriors present experienced intimately what the sword of heaven and earth meant, and what the oppressive feeling of death was.

On the other hand, the audience who is watching the live broadcast cannot feel the feeling of being live. Although the picture looks very sudden, after all, it is across the screen, but they can speak freely!

"I giao, what is going on? [Dead pig/]"

"Young hero, what's wrong with you? Young hero, don't move around, you're making me dizzy_?"

This is because the player Yun Zhongjun was affected by the sky-reaching sword energy.

"It's amazing. It appears suddenly like a flash. This master is different."

"Holy crap, you defeated two top masters in just a few words?"

"Isn't this the Sword Immortal Gu Zhou? Why is he here?"

"Here should be @the disciples who just called themselves Sword Sect!"

"They don't dare to show up at all. Didn't they say that the Sword Sect is invincible? If you have the ability, come out and take a look."

"My boat is so handsome!"

"Ah, Brother Sword Immortal appears again!"

"Hey, what kind of bullshit comment is this?"

"Is the rice circle chasing you?"

"Brothers, get over those idiotic comments!"

"Who can tell me the realm of this Sword Immortal? How come I heard that the highest realm of the six major forces is still wandering in the Nirvana realm. If it is such a realm, it should not be possible to suppress these two so easily, right?"

"Brothers, you can go to the forum and look at the list of Xunxian NPC characters. Although it may not be accurate, it can be used as a reference!"

Although Lu Yuan's handsome appearance is very eye-catching, except for female fans, others are still more concerned about his strength.

Yes, the character Sword Fairy already has female fans in this world, but I don’t know if it will become a fandom.

There are also various lists made by players. In addition to the players themselves, "NPCs" also participate.

Although it’s very self-enjoying, there are also a lot of people watching it, after all, it’s entertainment for everyone!
Don't take it too seriously.

For example, take the legendary list, in which Emperor Zun is at the top, his realm is unknown, and there are two opinions about life and death.

Some say that Emperor Zun may be the big BOSS behind the scenes in this game, while others say that Xunxian may be looking for the immortal Emperor Zun.

Then the Sword Immortal is also on this list, and his realm is still unknown.

If Lu Yuan had read this list, he would have found that several of his vests were on the list.

I have to say, these players dug quite deep.


Back to the scene!

"Brother Guzhou?"

After everyone was shocked, Liu Suifeng was the first to react, why is this swordsman here?

Wang Ruochen looked carefully at the "Guzhou" Sword Immortal standing side by side with Fairy Xi Ling. To be honest, at first sight, she thought he was an unscrupulous Taoist priest!

But in the end it was Guzhou's free and uninhibited temperament that brought her back to reality.

The temperament of that unscrupulous Taoist priest is not that elegant and free and easy.

Ximen Chuixue just took one look at it and couldn't help but feel nervous: "Damn it, why do I feel like this guy looks more like Ximen Chuixue than me?"

The white clothes with turquoise piping, and the long hair messily falling on her shoulders, added a touch of debauchery, showing an otherworldly temperament.

Huamanlou secretly rejoiced: "Finally, I met a legendary figure again."

He still remembered that Miss Murong was saved by this swordsman when she first entered the world.

At this moment, Qi Linan has another longing target in his eyes!
What a cool appearance, he wants to learn...

Qi Youyou's big eyes rolled, and her heart became more firm in her faith against heaven. Don't ask why...

At this moment, many warriors couldn't help but discuss it after being shocked, but no one dared to speak out.

This sword really shocked them. Those who didn't have close contact could not imagine its power.

They felt that if it were placed on them, let alone catching it, it would explode if they took one more look, and it would... emmm if they took one more look.
In this eerily quiet atmosphere, everyone was waiting for the sword fairy's next move.

As for the two top masters who were overwhelmed by the sword energy, Senior Instructor * Xiangtian was better, because the sword energy was not aimed at him.

But he didn't expect the sword energy of "Gu Zhou" to be so outrageous. It was definitely a power that completely surpassed the Nirvana realm.

In the end, he resisted with all his strength, but was still slightly injured, and just like that, the two of them were knocked a thousand meters away.

He sensed that Tang Jue still had a breath of life, but he probably wasn't in very good condition. If the other party tried again at this time, then they really should be on their way.

They couldn't figure out why "Gu Zhou" would take action against them, and this guy always appeared at critical moments.

I'm afraid it has been hidden here for a long time.I wonder what this person’s hobbies are?
At this time, life and death were in the hands of others. Xiang Tian no longer wanted to escape, but instead started to think a little bit wildly.

At this time, Xiangtian sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. After blocking the blow, he seemed to be in a slightly older state.

"Puff ha..."

In another pit, Tang Jue got up from the ground, his pale hair was messy, and then he vomited a mouthful of blood in his abdomen, and his breathing became much easier.

At the same time, he looked at his right arm, only to see it empty, his eyes dull and lifeless.

Although it didn't take him many years to abandon the sword, it was still an arm that had held the sword for many years.

But if he hadn't broken off his arm in time to get a chance to escape, I'm afraid he might not be able to see it now.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth and said word for word: "The Immortal in the Sword in the World of Mortal World!"

It's as if these words are engraved in my mind.

The scene just now really stunned him. He was still in high spirits when he thought about it when he went out. He even imagined that he could avenge his shame after meeting this sword fairy.


At this moment, he had nothing to say. He knew that he could not escape. He knew that "Gu Zhou" was not a murderous person, but if he really wanted to kill someone, he would not hold back!
"Brother Tang, you..."

At this time, Xiang Tian suppressed the injuries on his body and then looked at Tang Jue not far away.

The clothes were in rags, like a one-armed old man, and his breath was extremely weak, as if he was about to die soon.

But having said that, the vitality of Nirvana warriors is indeed very tenacious.

Tang Jue laughed miserably and said, "Fortunately, my life was saved!"

The voice became old and weak, no longer as loud as before.

The two looks before and after are really a bit sad to see.

Xiang Tian originally felt that it was embarrassing to be injured, but compared to Tang Jue, he didn't know how much better he was.

Xiang Tianye said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that he would be so vicious. Did we offend him?"

This was what he couldn't figure out the most. He knew that the other party had conflicts with Jian Zong, but what did this have to do with my Yanwu Hall?

At the same time, Lu Yuan's figure appeared above the two of them.

They both raised their heads at the same time...

The figure in fluttering white clothes seemed to be deeply engraved in the minds of the two people, and they could not get rid of it.

What's even more irritating is that this guy still maintains such a young and handsome face, which is really enviable.

"Tang Jue, is this the sword intent you have condensed over the past few decades?"

However, when the other party spoke, he became even more irritated. After hearing this, Tang Jue felt a pain in his chest and felt an indescribable feeling.

The other party said such cold words with such a nonchalant expression. Not only was he hurting his heart, but he was taking his heart out and rubbing it over and over again...

Tang Jue's face turned pale, and he finally gritted his teeth and choked out a few words:
"If you want to kill...just kill, why insult people!"

"Want to know why?"

Tang Jue was silent for a moment, then raised his head to the sky. He also wanted to hear why?
In the end, Tang Jue couldn't help but ask:


He really wants to know why?
If there was any grudge, then the first person he met was his brother Tang Yong. The other party didn't seem to have done anything to Tang Yong, right?

It seems that I have been a little wronged.

Why did he get killed in a sudden attack? This is unreasonable!

"Want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"The lie is that my liking!"

Lu Yuan smiled slightly: "What's the reason?"


Tang Jue even subconsciously wanted to stretch out his right hand, and then after moving it, he remembered that his arm was gone, and it was the person in front of him who had caused it.

Tang Jue's eyes were about to burst. He shouldn't have answered the call just now. It would be great to die like this, at least with dignity!
And now, he had nothing to do but anger and shame.

But at this moment, the two of them saw "Gu Zhou" suddenly turning around, as if he was about to kill them.

In this way, Tang Jue felt relieved, as he no longer had to suffer the other party's humiliation.

The strange thing is that the other party didn't seem to reveal any murderous intentions.

Xiang Tian's eyes also narrowed slightly. Unlike Tang Jue, he had given up the chance of survival. After all, he was only slightly injured and his strength had not yet exploded.

He felt he had a chance of escape.

But he wasn't sure what "lone boat" meant.

Then, the two heard "Guzhou" sigh and say: "As for the truth, sometimes it's better not to know."

"Lies may hurt, but the truth may hurt more."

The two were slightly startled. What truth would be more hurtful?
At this moment, the figure of "Gu Zhou" instantly appeared at the entrance to the divine realm.

"Guzhou" is obviously here to help those people.

But the other party didn't kill them?

That sword energy was clearly aimed at a fatal blow. In the end, if he hadn't broken his arm to survive, he would have been unable to withstand the terrifying power.

They don't even know where this sword energy struck?
In fact, if the other party hadn't had a bad mouth, Tang Jue wouldn't have ended up like this.

That's why Lu Yuan said that sometimes the truth may hurt people more.

He didn't take the words seriously, but he didn't know that disaster would come from his mouth.

That is to say, he was so cruel that he finally broke off his arm to survive.

As for why he didn't kill the other party in the end, I can only count him lucky!
After all, Tang Jue in this state was more cruel than killing him.

Of course, he might also be transformed as a result.

Lu Yuan didn't care, mainly because his mentality had changed a lot now. If the other party could survive, he could only say that his life should not be cut off!
After all, in the future world, he will have to rely on them to work for him. Whether to kill or not to kill is a matter of his mind.

At least he has paid the price for his bad mouth now. If he does it again in the future, it will never happen...

Moreover, they also paid a lot for this. This sword energy took away many of their disciples.

Even they couldn't stop the terrifying sword energy, let alone these warriors in the magical realm.

His life is in danger before he dies.

That sword had no scruples, it was a completely indiscriminate attack, and it was not just aimed at Tang Jue.

The high-end combat power of dozens of sects they brought with them on this trip was suddenly reduced by [-]%. Even if they survive here, they will probably be punished when they go back!

Speaking of Lu Yuan's mood at this time, he was actually a little nervous.

How dashing he was when he first appeared, yet so evasive when he saw Ye Xiling's cold eyes!

Fortunately, at this moment, a green text floated in the sky:
[Tiandao Lingbang says: In the twenty-ninth year of the Changsheng calendar, on the fourth day of the third month, Murong Xue was extremely talented in martial arts. He accomplished his magical skills in the Xumi Divine Realm in the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Abyss. He broke through to the magical realm of martial arts before he reached the age of peach and plum, and his speed was the fastest in the world. It is rare that a book is specially recorded in the list of heavenly spirits. It should be noted with a pen: Nine dragons are made of heaven, and the divine flames are in the sky! 】

The list of sentient beings that has not been seen for a long time appears again. Although the name has changed, the mode has not changed.

What's even more surprising is that Murong Xue broke through to the supernatural realm?
 One thousand an hour, there is no one slower than me
(End of this chapter)

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