Chapter 188 The Sword Sect Rebellion
After Lingxu and his maid left, the scene in this bare area became silent for a while.

They were also surprised that Jian Zong could endure such a huge loss. Not only did an ancestor of the Heavenly Realm die, but he also had to pay hundreds of millions worth of Yuan Jing.

Now that the other party has left, is it possible that Jian Zong will regret it?

After all, handing so much wealth to Tianji Pavilion is unprecedented.

Can Jian Zong, a super power, show such dignity to face Tianji Pavilion?
And does Tianji Pavilion dare to accept it?

However, Ren Pingsheng obviously would not let this happen. He walked up to the body of Ancestor Soul, sighed, and shook his head, "What a pity!"

I don't know what I was feeling regretful about, but I then picked up the body of Patriarch Soul and said to Tang Buyi, the leader of the Sword Sect: "Sect Master, I'll leave you to handle the follow-up matters."


Tang Buyi waved his hand. Although his face was livid, he did not fall out because of it. He said in a deep voice to a swordsman next to him: "Elder Shen, please count the Yuan Jing and treasures, calculate the amount and give it to Master Jiang. As for the property in Huayang City, it depends on when Pavilion Master Jiang is free to take over."

Elder Shen was in charge of finances, and he was also responsible for the damage caused to these treasures.

But now is not the time to talk about this. Elder Shen also quickly said: "It's the sect leader, I'll do it right away."

Faced with this situation, Jiang Yihe did not show any timidity. Instead, he faced Tang Buyi and said calmly: "Then I will trouble Sect Master Tang to lose his money."

Although Tang Buyi was unwilling to give in, he still endured it when he remembered what Ren Pingsheng had said.

"Heaven, heaven again!"

His livid expression showed that he was extremely unhappy, but he still endured it and said nothing more.

Then Elder Shen also hurriedly went to count the crystals and treasures.

With the Sword Sect's background, throwing away this wealth won't hurt your muscles and bones, but it will definitely hurt your body.

During the whole process, everyone seemed to have turned off their microphones, no one spoke, not even a whisper of discussion.

At this time, Murong Xue and Ye Muli had also sneaked away without anyone noticing them.

It's not that no one pays attention to them, but at this time, except for Jian Zong, no one dares to be their enemy.

In fact, neither of them had reacted at this time, and both looked a little dazed. When they reached the foot of the mountain, they saw a crowd of people at the foot of the mountain at the main gate of Jianzong...

They were so frightened that they hid aside, and then eavesdropped for a while before they realized what these people were gathering together for?
"Brothers, let's just say one word, go ahead or not?"


"Get it up."


"Why are you so cowardly? Aren't you all gathered here because you were curious about what happened to the Sword Sect?"

"Brother, you don't know this. Saying it is one thing, but doing it is another. That's the Sword Sect, and people will die if they break in."


Murong Xue tightened her grip. Although she muddleheadedly escaped the crisis-ridden Sword Sect alive this time, if there was a chance to trick the Sword Sect, she would not mind lending a helping hand.

Among these people, warriors from various rivers and lakes forces were mixed together, including local ones and also players who were booing among them.

The loudest voices that broke in were immediately known to be the players. They were all people who just wanted to watch the excitement and not take it too seriously.

Those who are still hesitant are naturally afraid and aware of the power of this behemoth Jian Zong.

If they just broke in like this, they might really die.

"Big news, big news... the latest news from the Sword Sect. The Sword Sect is suspected of having lost a peerless expert in the Heavenly Realm. If you don't go and read it, you will miss it."

"The baptismal meeting of the Sword Sect was ruined, and we encountered a problem. The Sword Sect has to compensate for resources worth hundreds of millions of yuan crystals."

Murong Xue's voice also joined in, and her voice was low at first. After all, she didn't want to reveal her position.

But there were too many people, and as they were talking, she didn’t even need to say anything later, someone else took over, and even started talking nonsense:
"What, the Sword Sect's baptismal meeting had numerous casualties?"

"What, how many ancestors of the Sword Sect died?"

"Brothers, rush. A treasure has appeared in the land of Sword Sect. Sword Sect has been messed up by other forces. Rush..."


The news passed by some people made Murong Xue and the others stunned. If she didn't know the situation, she would have believed it.

Then after these people broke into the sword sect in a hurry, two people and one beast came out slowly.

Murong Xue patted her chest with some fear: "It's too scary. Does this mean that three people become tigers?"

"But this time it's finally a small revenge."

Murong Xue couldn't help but snorted coldly. She could remember all the times that forces like the Sword Sect targeted her.


Above the Sword Sect!

Within a moment, Elder Shen had already counted the amount and returned, then handed it over to Jiang Yihe.

However, Jiang Yihe handed it over to Yuehu and said, "Dragon Protector Yuehu, please take a look and see if it's right."

The items were all in the storage bag, so it was not troublesome to count them. Yuehu did not refuse. He took them directly and counted them on the spot. After a while, he nodded and said: "Pavilion Master, the amounts are all accurate."

Jiang Yihe also nodded and signaled her to step back. Then, she looked at Tang Buyi again, pursed her lips slightly, and her bangs trembled in the air, and said lightly: "Such a great gift, Sect Master Tang is being polite. .”

"Hmph, as long as Pavilion Master Jiang feels he can handle it." Tang Buyi put his hands behind his hands, his expression gradually became colder, and he snorted softly.

"My Tianji Pavilion can still get this little thing, so I won't bother Sect Master Tang."

Jiang Yihe just smiled faintly, then waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

She greeted the disciples of Tianji Pavilion and prepared to leave.

Everything has been collected. There is no need to stay here anymore. Looking at the eyes of the disciples of Jianzong, they seem to be ready to eat them.

Her confident look stung Tang Buyi hard, but he still endured it now.

The other forces looked at all this and were horrified. They never expected that Jian Zong would really admit defeat like this.

"This... I didn't expect that Jian Zong would bear the humiliation so much. I really underestimated them!"

"Hmph, with Sword Sect's behavior, they will definitely not be able to swallow this tone."

"Alas, who is this Master Lingxu that makes the Sword Sect so tolerant?"

"By the way, shouldn't it be time for us to leave?"

The baptism meeting of Jian Zong seems to have become a joke, and the Jian Zong is still angry. If they stay here to enjoy the meal, I wonder if they will be even more angry?


At this time, Tang Buyi glanced at the people around him, and his expression became calmer, "Everyone, what happened to me this time is due to our Sword Sect's negligence, which has let you down. Your losses will be compensated by our Sword Sect." !”

Tang Buyi's voice was clear and clear, and these polite words did not seem stiff, but instead contained a sincere apology.

"Thanks to the kindness of Sect Master Tang, we don't have to pay compensation. As for those troublemakers who dare to make trouble on Jian Zong's head, they are simply making trouble on Tai Sui's head. We and other people in the world are willing to help Jian Zong to bring them down. Bring him to justice."

"Yes, Sect Leader Tang, we are willing to help you and restore peace to the Sword Sect."

"I am willing to help the Sword Sect!"

At this time, everyone agreed, as if they were obliged to do so.When Tang Buyi saw this, there was no expression on his face, and he probably didn't take it to heart. Now that Bo Yuntian was speaking righteously, why were all of them silent just now?
However, if these people can say this, at least it will give them Jianzong face, so that they will not worry about them talking nonsense after leaving.

At this time, Tang Buyi was thinking about convening a meeting of heads to discuss matters in heaven...

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the venue. Tang Buyi frowned and asked, "What's going on? What happened again?"

At this moment, he was in a very bad mood. The Sword Sect suffered heavy losses one after another. It was strange that he was in a good mood.

At this time, a Jian Sect disciple came in a hurry and said nervously: "Sect Master, there are many people outside. It seems that our sect has been destroyed, and they are all here to take advantage of the situation."

Tang Buyi's face turned livid, he clapped his hands and yelled angrily: "Nonsense! Are these people crazy?"

He acknowledged the heavy losses, but said that their sword sect had been destroyed, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Moreover, Tang Buyi also knew that if this situation was allowed to continue, the Sword Sect's reputation would plummet.

Now is the time of great strife. If their sword sect loses momentum, top powers such as Tianji Pavilion may step on them.


The sudden chaos in the Sword Sect was naturally caused by the idle warriors at the foot of the main gate of the Xuanjian Mountain Range.

The strength of these warriors varies, but with the blessing of numbers, they are also a powerful force.

This group of warriors rushed straight towards the peaks of Jianzong, just like a swarm of locusts passing by, with a huge momentum and a potential to shake the world.

"Sword Sect really has no one left, hahaha..."

On a certain peak of Jian Zong, there were only a few people from Jian Zong, so they were regarded as no one.

The treasures on that peak were plundered crazily by these people.

Although the strength of this group of people is not too strong, with the blessing of their numbers, ordinary Sword Sect disciples are really unable to stop them.

"Hahaha, there is no one in the Sword Sect, so let us enjoy it!"

"Ladies of the Sword Sect, don't be shy, I will take good care of you!"

"Where is the sword sect's treasure house?"


Among this group of people, there are many Mortal Transformation Realm warriors, including local NPCs and players. Although they are not too strong, they are backed by a group of powerful people and are running rampant here.

However, just when they snatched a precious sword, they were feeling complacent.

Suddenly there was a sound of swords in the sky, and a sword light fell from the sky. With a bang, the group of people disappeared into thin air, and they didn't even have time to cry out.

Then, in the void, a beautiful shadow slowly emerged...

"Huh? Does the Sword Sect have any hidden masters?"

"Who is this woman? So powerful?"

"She, she is Liu Rushi..."

Liu Rushi, one of the legendary swordsmen of the Sword Sect a hundred years ago.

She was slender, tall and elegant, like a fairy floating in the clouds. Her eyes were cold and sharp. She glanced at the warriors who invaded the Sword Sect, and her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

"When was it your turn for the Sword Sect to break in?!"

Liu Rushi looked at these idle warriors with murderous intent in his eyes. These people dared to come to Jianzong and act recklessly. They were simply seeking death.

After hearing Liu Rushi's words, the group of idle warriors immediately dispersed and fled the Sword Sect one after another.

"Hmph, a bunch of ants!"

Liu Rushi snorted coldly, and then his figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

On other sub-peaks...

Another astonishing momentum erupted from a certain peak and swept across the world.

Even the faces of everyone on the main peak changed, and they all looked towards that place, only to see the terrifying momentum rising continuously, like the wild waves of the sea, majestic, and even the surrounding space fluctuated violently, as if the entire The world seems to be trembling.

"That's...the aura of Patriarch Tang Yunwu, it turns out to be the realm of heavenly beings!"

Tang Buyi, the leader of the Sword Sect, couldn't help but get excited.

At this moment, the warriors from the sub-peak invasion:

"What kind of breath is this? Is it so terrifying?"

"It's over, this is terrible, let's run!"

Those people panicked and fled in all directions, fearing that they would be caught by Jian Zong.

Even the slightest breath felt scary to them. How terrifying it would be if they faced it in person.

At the same time, in a secret room somewhere in another sub-peak, an old man with white beard and hair and an old face sat cross-legged.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes flickered, as bright as stars, and a terrifying aura spewed out of his body, sweeping across the world like a tide.

Outside, a warrior in the magical realm looked horrified:
"Damn it, it's the breath of a powerful person in the Heavenly Realm."

"No, the Sword Sect must have another ancestor who has broken through to the heavenly realm. We are dead this time!"

Everyone panicked, running away and wailing.

For them, the powerful people in the Heavenly Realm are simply invincible. Those powerful people can completely obliterate them with just a move of their fingers.


The chaos in the Sword Sect's secondary peak only lasted for a moment, and the invading warriors were killed and injured. The last chaos was declared over before it started.

It can only be said that the Sword Sect is worthy of being a super power with a profound foundation. This time, two ancestors have broken through to the realm of heaven and human beings. With the addition of Gu Jian, there are three.

"Xiao Tang, what happened within the sect?"

At this time, all forces heard an old voice coming from all directions.

When Tang Buyi heard this voice, he was indeed happy, but as if he thought of something, his face became gloomy again.

Immediately afterwards, a figure slowly walked out. He was wearing the sect costume of the Sword Sect. Although his face was old, his straight body was as sharp as a sword.

Tang Yunwu, the ancestor of the Sword Sect, is also Tang Buyi’s elder!

Then, Tang Buyi sighed: "Ancestor arrived a step too late, otherwise why would our Sword Sect be like this?"

The words were full of unwillingness!
If Jian Zong had the power just now, he wouldn't have to listen to Ren Shengsheng's words.

At this time, Tang Buyi said again: "Since the ancestor is here to take charge, I can rest assured."

He looked at the heads of various forces present and said, "Everyone, I believe you also want to know why I compromised with that person just now?"

"This is all because he also comes from: Heaven!"


People from all factions were surprised.

Of course, this identity alone should not be enough to make Tang Buyi afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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