In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 189 Jian Zong wants to fight back

Chapter 189 Jian Zong wants to fight back

If it was just a remnant of the Heavenly Court, Tang Buyi would not be afraid of it.

But what if the other party has a very high status and status in heaven?
Although Ren Pingsheng has never held a position in the Sword Sect, he is still a member of the Sword Sect, and his identity means that he cannot commit fraud.

But Ren Pingsheng only said that around Lingxu, even a figure like Liuli Shengjun was accompanying him as a maid. It is conceivable that Lingxu's previous status in heaven was high.

The most important thing is that the Murong family is not easy to mess with, and the Six Saints of Heaven are not easy to mess with.

Lingxu has a very high status in Heaven, and even the Six Saints of Heaven may be subject to his orders.

Although Heaven is gone now, none of the remnants of Heaven are vegetarians.

If these people come to bring bad luck to Jian Zong, the consequences may be even worse than now.

In the end, Tang Buyi also weighed the pros and cons and chose to give in.

But now that his ancestors are born and have breakthroughs one after another, it makes him feel even more numb.

If you don’t come out early or come out late, what’s the point of coming out after everyone else has left?
Of course, there are two peerless experts in the Heavenly Realm coming out of my family, so there is no reason to be unhappy.

It just didn’t come in time enough!

But now it is impossible to pursue him anymore. I can only say that this revenge will only last a long time!

Moreover, except for a few of these forces on the scene, they are all close to the six major forces.

After sending away those who cannot cooperate together, the remaining forces can cooperate to deal with Heaven.


After knowing what happened to the Sword Sect today, Patriarch Tang Yunwu just pondered slightly, with no emotion on his face.

Not sad, not happy, not angry or anything.

He just said lukewarmly: "Now is the time of great strife, and it is no longer suitable to work behind closed doors. When the world is in turmoil, heaven is just a passing cloud."

Each ancestor of the Sword Sect may have made a breakthrough and been born one after another.

Agreeing with Tang Yunwu's words, Liu Rushi also nodded and said: "The world is undergoing great changes and everything is new. If we continue to retreat, we will not be able to keep up with the times."

"As for the remnants of Heaven, if you are not sure, provoking them is like provoking a madman. It is difficult to deal with. But if they dare to commit crimes again, I, the Sword Sect, will not be a vegetarian."

The sword intent on her body was emitted vaguely, making people aware and frightened.

He is worthy of being the legendary swordsman from a hundred years ago.

At this time, her eyes were looking somewhere, with a hint of sharpness in her cold eyes, as sharp as a sword blade.

But it was Ren Pingsheng who had finished handling the funeral affairs of the soul ancestors. He also sensed the aura of the ancestors being born, so he turned back.

At this moment, he met Liu Rushi's eyes that seemed to penetrate people's hearts. The two of them seemed to have gone through a fight in their eyes. The swords all over their bodies were leaking out, and the surrounding air seemed to be suspended in the air.

The wind seems to have no breath!
Then, Liu Rushi withdrew her gaze, and the coldness disappeared, and she smiled and said: "He is worthy of being the unparalleled swordsman of our sect in the world. His sword-like will is free and uninhibited, just like the roaring waves of the East River and the sea."

"Where, ancestor Liu Rushi is joking."

Ren Pingsheng walked over with a smile on his face. He was not too modest about himself in his words, he was extremely unruly!

Facing so many ancestors of the sect, he had no fear.

After all, if he followed his previous advice to Tang Buyi, he would be harming the interests of the sect.

However, the ancestors of Jian Zong did not look at him with hostility, because for these ancestors who had lived for so long, as long as Jian Zong was not wiped out, they would not even appear.

As for the compensation, it was just a trivial matter, but the destruction of several treasures and the death of an ancestor in the Heavenly Realm was really outrageous.

Only when you enter the martial arts realm of Heaven and Human Realm can you know what heaven and earth are.

This realm depends not only on talent but also on chance, so a peerless strong man in the heaven-human realm fell, and his death was so bizarre that it was even a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, Jian Zong must fight back.

That's why we have the current situation.

At this moment, the area of ​​Jian Zong that had been reduced to flat ground had actually become a place for various forces to negotiate.

But we are all children of the world, so we don’t stick to trivial matters!

Mainly because Jian Zong designated this place for discussion, and no one else could do anything about it.

Normally, the heads of other superpowers would not be so easy to negotiate with, but in this situation, the hidden ancestors of the Sword Sect have emerged one after another. When this sense of oppression comes, who dares not to give face?

Moreover, there was an agreement to deal with the remnants of heaven, so naturally this time it cannot be exempted.

However, there is one exception, and that is that all members of the Miao Xuan Sect have been invited back by the Jian Sect.

No, now we are discussing how to deal with the remnants of Heaven, and the six major forces are also very interested.

And everyone is a super power that has been passed down for thousands of years. Who doesn’t have a few decent reclusive elders in their family?
Since the ancestors of the Sword Sect can make breakthroughs in their generation, there is no reason why others with the same power cannot.

Therefore, they are also relaxed, and the same is true for Jianzong, who is still very polite to forces such as Yanwu Hall and Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Everyone knows the basics and there is no need to show off to each other.

As for how to deal with the remnants of Heaven, they actually had an idea before and even started working on it, but they never had the chance.

They had already made some moves before, but they did not expect that the arrival of the Divine Realm would disrupt their pace, and then the Sword Sect's Sword Pool Baptism Conference could not be postponed, so this plan could only be shelved again and again.

After hearing this, Ren Pingsheng didn't feel anything. He was born like a prodigal and had some feelings for the sect, but not much.

For Ren Pingsheng, Jian Zong is just a big family for him, but this family has a lot of members.

Even if he has a grudge against Jian Zong in his heart, these feelings cannot be easily erased. He just won't put more emotions into it, but he won't do anything to actively harm the interests of the sect.

The compromise he made before was because he understood Lingxu as a human being.

It was precisely because of his understanding that he knew that in this matter, Jian Zong could only take a step back. If he faced this guy Lingxu, he would easily suffer a big loss.

Although the two are friends, they are also rivals, and rivals know their rivals better.

The main reason was that Lingxu didn't guard against him when he did things, such as connecting with Heavenly Court and mobilizing the power of Heavenly Court's senior officials, which even made him feel that Lingxu had a high status in Heavenly Court, like the Emperor's right-hand man.

He also understood that he was also more and more surprised. He did not doubt that if possible, Lingxu could even mobilize the six saints to gather together.

Although the heaven is now falling apart and there is no trace of the various high-level personnel, as long as there is no definite news of the death of these people, no one can guarantee whether these people will gather together?

In his opinion, Lingxu has this ability.

He did not doubt the strength of the Six Saints of Heaven.

After all, Murong Qingxian was the first to break through, and she was still No. 1. This title will probably stay with her for a long time.

So what about her brother, Murong Longcheng, who was once the number one general in heaven?

And the Wuya Shengjun who showed up not long ago?

They are all top legends in the world, and even if the older generation's hidden powerhouse encounters them, they may not be able to defeat them.

Soul Ancestor: Do you feel like you are tapping me?
However, he was a rare supporter of this discussion. After all, it was not the sword sect that had to bear the consequences alone this time. Even if the matter was done, face could be restored and everyone would suffer the loss together, so he did not refute. This collaboration.

Ren Pingsheng looked at the ancestors in front of him. Although there were not many in number, each of them exuded an indescribable aura, as if they had accumulated over countless years, making them like towering mountains.

He knew that these ancestors were once famous swordsmen, but they began to fall silent because they felt that it was difficult to break through in martial arts.

The hidden world of Cain, the enjoyment that should be enjoyed!
Of course, there are also ascetics who do not believe in evil!
They firmly believe that they can improve if they persevere.

This is true. As long as you keep practicing, there will still be improvement, but it will not be an improvement in realm.



Although Jian Zong has tried his best not to mention this matter, such a big matter cannot be covered up by just covering it up.Moreover, the public opinion in the world has always been controlled by Tianji Pavilion. Even though it does not have such strong control now, it still cannot be underestimated.

This time, Tianji Pavilion became a force that resisted the Sword Sect due to the lack of spirit. Now that things have come to this, we can't turn around and go back to being a licking dog.

And Jiang Yihe is not this kind of person. Even though she knew that she would offend Jian Zong, she still insisted on her behavior.

Even if they are targeted, their Tianji Pavilion is not someone to be trifled with.

So after she came back, she asked her subordinates to publicize the matter. Since she had already offended him, she shouldn't hide it.

Then, now the whole world knows that Jian Zong was messed up by a strange beast at his baptism ceremony.

Although this is a strange beast that has become a god, it is still a beast after all.

In the eyes of people who don't know the situation, one can imagine how embarrassing it is to be slapped in the face by a strange beast.

That's not all. Later, the two juniors, Murong Xue and Ye Muli, destroyed the Sword Sect's treasured land.

There is also the scene of being suppressed by Lingxu later.

These things are big news in the world.

Walking down any street, you can hear these discussions:

"Isn't Jianzong too lazy to just apologize like this?"

"Strange, who is this Lingxu?"

"The effect of alien beasts becoming gods, is this going to go against the heavens?"

"Isn't it too sudden for a warrior in the Heavenly Realm to be so angry?"

"The Sword Sect Soul Ancestor is suspected to have been defeated by Murong Qingxian. What is surprising is that she was actually playing the role of a maid before?"

"Jian Zong gave in? He actually compensated for resources worth hundreds of millions of yuan crystals."

"Murong Xue and Ye Muli are worthy of being the pride of heaven in this world. They have disturbed the entire Sword Sect. They are worthy of the name of Dragon King and Female Sword Immortal."

"The Immortal-Slaying Divine Sword was cast by the Sword Sect at the request of several forging masters, including one made by the Divine Forger Fang Fang. It is suspected that the Sword Sect intended to use it against the Sword Immortal Guzhou. Unfortunately, the Divine Sword was made in heaven and has its own charm. , Those who are not recognized cannot display their divine power."

"Dragon King Xue is extremely wealthy. I wonder where he is now?"


At this moment, almost all discussions on these matters in the world revolve around these topics.

During this time, many people were looking for Murong Xue and the others.

She still has not taken off her status as a wealthy woman, and there are still many people who are determined to take advantage of her.

Or perhaps because of the storm, news about Murong Xue and Ye Muli has temporarily stopped...


After half a month!

The storm of this incident gradually subsided, and the biggest victim of this incident was undoubtedly Jian Zong.

It can even be said that only Jian Zong's injury was achieved.

During this period, Jian Zong has also kept a low profile. Don’t look at the comments in the world that are belittling Jian Zong. But as long as the hard power is still there, as long as these remarks pass, it actually does not have much prestige for Jian Zong. Influence.

After all, Jian Zong does not rely on these people to survive, but this kind of embarrassing thing is really difficult for them to accept.

In the past half month, both Murong Xue and Ye Muli disappeared, and no one knew where they were hiding now.

In fact, the two of them did not hide, but lived a very nourishing life.

Because she has returned to Murong's house.

If the news about her being in her own home could be revealed, there would be nothing to say.

Due south of the Immortality Domain.

The land of the Murong family is dozens of kilometers west of Nanming City.

The mountain behind Murong's house.

Green Show Villa.

Next to a lake pavilion in the villa, the flowers and grass are green.

Outside is a courtyard. In the courtyard, two guards wearing Murong family guard clothes are fighting.

You come and go, the sword energy is floating, the movement is elegant, although it is not murderous, but the competition between the two sides also has a certain sense of appreciation!

Beside the lake pavilion, Murong Xue and Ye Muli were drinking tea and chatting. Both of them looked good and were not affected by the previous incident at all.

"Xiao Lizi, where should we start?" Murong Xue looked at Ye Muli and asked.

Ye Muli's face was cold, but she had a hint of gentleness when facing Murong Xue. She pondered for a moment and said: "The time is about the same, let's do it tomorrow!"

"It's great, I can finally visit our sect."

Murong Xue couldn't help but become happy, but she still had a doubt: "It's all good, but why did your primeval sect start recruiting foreign brides?"

"And what's going on with that goddess?"

Ye Muli shook his head, "We have been together all this time, you don't know, and I certainly don't know."

"That's true."

Murong Xue didn't say much.

If Ye Muli hadn't received a letter from the Su Nu Sect the day before yesterday, she wouldn't have known that the Su Nu Sect actually produced a goddess, and that this goddess was looking for relatives.


Lu Yuan's side!

Well, he is offline at this moment.

However, before going offline, he heard that Ye Xiling planned to return to the Su Nu Sect.

It wasn't because of the goddess incident, Lu Yuan didn't know about it before he went offline.

When he found out, he learned about it from his niece Lu Yiling.

That time was a few days later.


in this world

Lu Yuan came back from outside with some fresh ingredients in his hands. This temperament was very different from his role in the Six Realms World.

In fact, this appearance seems more real to him.

At this moment, he was the only one in the huge villa. Lu Yiling had already gone back to school and only came back once in a while.

And because of the game, I can't touch it.

Then after finishing cooking, Lu Yiling just happened to come back.

Seeing how lonely he was, he couldn't help but jokingly said: "I just said I would introduce you to a beautiful woman. Look, he is all alone. It makes me feel bad to see him."

Lu Yuan didn't look at her, and just said lightly: "If you want to eat, just prepare the food yourself. That's all there is to talk about."

Lu Yiling took off her shoes, ran in barefoot, and gave a rude giggle:

(End of this chapter)

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