Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 1 Prologue

Chapter 1 Prologue
Dazzling flames shone in the sky, a magnificent European-style city, as if standing high in the sky, majestic and magnificent.

In the city, everyone has a smile on their faces, and they are building their own homes together. Although it is quiet and peaceful here, in fact, this is not a good place, but a legendary magic domain.

This city is called Tianlu City!

That's right, it is the ancient sword Qi Tan Sanli, the city ruled by the protagonist Bei Luo.

In the world of Gu Jian Qi Tan, the three realms of heaven, earth, and human are called "eternal world", while the huge space opposite to the eternal world is called "devil realm".

There are not only demons in the Demon Realm, but also many monsters and beasts thrive here, so this place is extremely chaotic, and battles will break out from time to time.

And the race in this Tianlu City is a kind of monster, and it is the ceiling existence of the monster race, to ward off evil spirits!

Exorcising evil spirits is a very special branch among the monster clan. Not only are they extremely powerful in combat, but they also possess extremely rare spatial abilities. No matter the sky or the world, for them, they can come and go in an instant and come and go freely.

Moreover, evil spirits are different from other monsters. They have good friends with humans. They used to have fetters with Xuanyuan, the emperor of the human race. His kendo was passed on to the evil spirit clan.

The Tianlu City established by the evil spirits happened to be the passageway between the human world and the demon realm. That is to say, if they hadn't guarded the gate of the demon realm, the human realm would have been a mess of demons.

Countless demons tried to break through the evil king city, and then went to the world, but unfortunately, with the perseverance of generations of evil kings, their plans were shattered time and time again.

The two most dangerous times, one was when the most advanced demon in the demon world, the ancestor demon, invaded, and later suffered two defeats with the current evil king Xuan Ge. Xuan Ge died of his injuries a few years later.

Before dying, Xuan Ge passed on the title of King of Evil Resisting to his younger brother Bei Luo.

Bei Luo Yin grew up in the human world. Not only did he not practice the evil royal family skills, but he also claimed to be a demon power. Therefore, his strength was not strong at that time. Luo completely unsealed the demon power, angrily slashed the great heavenly demon, and guarded the evil king city. Later, he fought alone, defeated Wu Yan, and protected the peace between the world and Tianlu City, at the cost of ten years of serious injuries.

Now more than 50 years have passed since the war that year, Bei Luo not only recovered from his injuries, but also improved his skills day by day, even surpassing his brother Xuan Ge.

The reason is that it is Beiluo who has integrated the power of the three generations into one. His previous life, named Tianhai, was a warrior of the Tai clan, and he obtained the source blood of the witch's blood in the kingdom of witches.

The witch's blood is a kind of domineering spiritual power, which can be passed on along with the bloodline and reincarnation, and the effect is enough to suppress any other bloodline in the body.

Therefore, his second reincarnation, Jinyun, was able to perfectly integrate the blood of evil spirits and become the strongest master in the world, No. 1 in the way of swordsman.

The third life is the current evil king Beiluo. In this life, he is not a person who has obtained the blood of evil spirits, but directly reincarnated as a king evil spirits. This identity alone makes his fighting power when he just awakens comparable to Great Omen.

Afterwards, it was a coincidence. First, in a dream in a dream, he awakened his witch blood, and then at the Baishen Sacrifice, Jin Yun's memory was restored, and he also recalled the world-leading swordsmanship.

At that time, he combined the strongest blood in the first world, the strongest swordsmanship in the second world, and the strongest body and demon power of the king of evil spirits in the third world, and his combat power was extremely tyrannical.

Now after many years of practice, his skill has been improved to a higher level, and he is actually the top master in the Three Realms, and can even be said to be the strongest evil king in all ages.

Even in the sea of ​​monuments, the sacred land of the demon world, those ancestor demon monsters whose strength reached the level of the demon king did not dare to offend them at will. After all, the king of evil spirits is not a good-tempered master.

Before it was unsealed, he slashed the high-level demon demon in the demon world with a sword, and even directly killed the great demon Chi Eyang after awakening. His combat power can be said to be invincible at the same level.

It is also the existence of this evil king that makes Tianlu City more peaceful now.

But at this time, on the throne of Tianlu City, Bei Luo's expression was not very good. Beside him stood a peerless beauty. Raised by Jinyun in Beiluo's previous life, she is kind-hearted by nature and has saved countless people and monsters. Many monster clans are grateful and respect Yun Wuyue as "Lord Xie Xie".

In Yun Wuyue's arms, was holding a cute baby. When Yun Wuyue, who had a cold personality, looked at the child, there was an irresistible tenderness in her eyes.

"Bei Luo, are you really determined to send Xuan'er to another world?" Yun Wuyue said reluctantly.

"There's no way around it. Xuan'er's existence is not recognized by this world at all." Bei Luo looked helpless, why did he want to send the child out, it was his and Yun Wuyue's child.

But the origin of this child is somewhat different from the normal yin and yang combination of the mother's gestation.

Because Beiluo's body attributes are metal, wind, and fire, and the evil power attribute of evil spirits is from rigidity to yang, which is completely opposite to Yan Meiyun Wuyue whose body attribute is water, and monster power is from yin to cold.

Therefore, although the two can marry, they cannot have children.

How could this make the two of them reconciled, so they imitated Nuwa's method of creating human beings, combining the power of their blood to create life by themselves.

The body is easy to handle. There is a unique thing of the evil spirit clan, called the evil spirit bone, which can shape the body.

The heroine of Gu Jianyi, Feng Qingxue, got a piece of evil bone from Xuan Ge, and then recreated a body for Baili Tusu and brought him back to life.

It's a pity that they failed the first time. They underestimated the combination of the powers of the blood of the witch, the blood of the evil king and the blood of the nightmare. Shattered by great force.

At that time, Yun Wuyue was on the verge of despair, and couldn't bear Bei Luo who loved his wife like this, and was going to try again. At that time, Xuan Ge's wife Nishang, the queen of the previous generation, came out, and she handed over the evil bones left by her husband to her. Gave it to Beiluo.

This evil spirit bone is not the same as ordinary evil spirit bones, it is the king evil spirit bone, ten times stronger in bearing capacity.

So the two rekindled hope and rebuilt their bodies based on this. This time they finally succeeded. They created a little life that merged the blood of the two, with a healthy body and a cute face.

But it also failed, because they discovered that the life they created had no soul.

The Tusu created by Feng Qingxue has a soul, that's because she used the power of Yuheng to put Baili Tusu's original soul into it.

And the birth of a new life must have a new soul, either conceived from this world, or reincarnated from the underworld.

However, the birth of this child did not conform to the rules of the birth of life in the avenue of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth will not give him a soul, and the soul turned around in the underworld will only blend with the embryo when the mother is pregnant.

The two were inconsistent, and Bei Luo found out in despair that the life they created was just like a puppet.

This time, not only Yun Wuyue, but also he was in despair. After all, he is not a Nuwa Empress, who can create a life recognized by heaven and earth.

Bei Luo and Yun Wuyue, this loving couple, seems destined to experience the fate of childlessness.

However, fate always likes to give people hope when people are powerless.

Just before they were about to seal up the body, the baby suddenly burst into tears, which surprised the two of them. How could a child without a soul cry?

When Yun Wuyue used her mental strength to investigate, she was pleasantly surprised to find that their child actually had a complete life soul, including all three souls and seven souls.

Even the two of them didn't understand why this happened. Could it be that Empress Nuwa gave this child a soul because of Beiluo's saving the world?
In fact, of course it is not the case. This soul, from the earth, is a soul that travels through time. Only such souls that do not belong to this world and are not governed by the underworld here can enter this body.

Thus, Bei Luo and Yun Wuyue finally had their child and named it Beixuan!
This was named in memory of their elder brother Xuan Ge. After all, Bei Xuan's body was successfully created with the help of Xuan Ge's Evil King's Bone.

(End of this chapter)

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