Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 2 Beiluo's Different World Project

Chapter 2 Beiluo's Different World Project
Beixuan, a soul from the earth.

Speaking of which, he died tragically in his previous life. He went to visit a friend at his house, but when he arrived at the door of his apartment, before he could knock on the door, he heard a "bang".

It seemed that his friend's new computer exploded. The explosion was inexplicably powerful, and he suffered an unreasonable disaster.

It has been almost ten years since he entered this body, and he has fully accepted his new identity. When he opened his eyes and heard his parents talking, he knew that it was a coincidence that he had traveled to the ancient sword The Tianlu City in Qi Tan is now, and it is decades after the end of the plot of Gu Jian San.

Bei Luo and Yun Wuyue are his parents in this life.

For these two, he has nothing against them. They are all characters he liked very much in his previous life. Yun Wuyue, who is cold, beautiful and powerful, is the most reliable heroine in the ancient sword series.

And the male protagonist, Bei Luo, is even more powerful. In the series of stories of the three domestic swords, the ancient sword, the fairy sword, and the Xuanyuan sword, which are per capita bad ends, this one, by virtue of his strength, forcibly hits a happy end character.

The boss of the second generation of Gu Jian, the high-level demon heart demon, is nothing more than an elite monster in front of this third-generation male protagonist, the king of evil spirits. From Jinyun in the previous life to the current Beiluo, several people were hacked to death by him. Only.

In the end, the heroine or the male and female two are at high risk, right?Do you have to block the knife and die for the male lead at every turn?Then Beiluo simply didn't bring any of them.

Beixuan still remembers that in the final battle, the king of evil spirits left the second man and the second woman to consolidate the formation, and asked the heroine to wait for him obediently outside, and challenged the boss by himself. The key point is that he won, Therefore, none of the four protagonists of this generation died, and it can be said that they have created an era of perfect endings in tragic games with hard power.

With such a powerful figure as his reliance, Bei Xuan has nothing to be unhappy about.

However, he doesn't want to rely on others all the time. Now that he has come to this world, he certainly wants to be a strong man, not to mention that he still has the blood of witches and the blood of two great monsters, evil spirits and nightmare charms. Blessed.

The problem is, he doesn't grow up.

A full ten years have passed, and he is still a baby who can only be held by his mother Yun Wuyue, and his body has not grown at all. Perhaps, as Bei Luo said at the beginning, this world does not recognize the birth of a life that violates the rules. .

The two completely opposite bloodlines of the evil spirit and the nightmare conflicted with each other, making his body unable to receive the nourishment of energy and gradually grow up. Although the blood of the witch was reconciled, his blood of the witch was only inherited from Beiluo after all. It's not origin blood, and there is no such powerful blood that can control the ceiling of the two monster races at the same time.

The witch's blood seemed to only guarantee his survival.

Therefore, there was a conversation between Beiluo and Yun Wuyue before. Beiluo seemed to intend to send Beixuan to other worlds. Since this world is unwilling to recognize him, let him grow up in a world that recognizes him. When he becomes strong enough, he can use the ability of the evil royal family to come back. This is Beiluo's plan.

The evil king family has a very powerful ability, which is to break through the space, and it is stronger than a monster like Bei Luo who surpasses the demon king. This ability has been developed by him not only in the space of this world, but also to break through the barriers of the plane. to an extent.

The current Beiluo can travel to other planes, except for two. One is the plane whose power system is far stronger than that of the ancient sword world. The space barriers in those worlds are too strong. He can't go there. For example, the prehistoric plane, and the Dharma-ending Era plane, that plane is very special, and no superpower can intervene.

Therefore, Beiluo chose a new plane that could accept Beixuan's particularity, could cultivate, and whose power system was not as good as that of the ancient sword plane.

In fact, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. At that time, two of his subordinates, or good friends, Habayashi and Lan Xiang died in the battle with the demons, because they were fighting evil spirits and killed countless demons. , The killing was too heavy, so it was impossible to reincarnate. After the life soul was exhausted, it turned into a wild soul.

In the ancient sword world, the desolate soul is the saddest thing, and it can only wander in the world until it is gone.

Originally, Baili Tusu had to face this kind of ending, but at that time Feng Qingxue had Yuheng in his hands, which saved his last bit of life and soul, allowing him to reshape his body with the bone of evil spirits and be reborn.

Beiluo didn't have such a treasure, and when he found the souls of the two, they had already turned into wild souls. Beiluo naturally didn't allow his friends to go on like this, so he also let them go to another world to reincarnate and be reborn. The world that Xuan will go to.

"Bei Luo, you really want to do this. Back then, you threw the souls of Yu Lin and Lan Xiang who were supposed to be dead into other worlds to be reborn. This has violated the Buddhist six paths of reincarnation and the Taoist way of nature. If you send Xuan'er away again In the past, I'm afraid." Yun Wuyue looked at her husband worriedly. He has repeatedly done such unnatural things. Once the guys in the God Realm find out, I'm afraid they will not care about Beiluo's achievements and will also deal with them. he.

"Hmph, the Buddha is a false name, and the Tao is also established in vain. I, Beiluo, have always cultivated myself." Beiluo said domineeringly, "My method is never at the cost of harming others. I just want my relatives and friends to come back to life. What's wrong with wanting my children to grow up healthily? I want to see, who dares to stop me, if the world stops me, I will smash the sky!"

Bei Luo's monster power so strong to the limit soared into the sky, with his current power surpassing the Demon Lord, the world suddenly changed, until his wife Yun Wuyue stepped forward to comfort Bei Luo, and Bei Luo calmed down.

In fact, Yun Wuyue knew how reluctant Bei Luo was. After all, Bei Xuan was a child they had acquired with great difficulty, but now they had to send it away. Who could feel better about it? Bei Luo was just venting.

"Sorry, Wuyue, I was too excited." Bei Luo apologized, "The place I want to send Xuan'er to is a world where the power of bloodlines is transformed into martial spirits. Although the power system of that world is not strong, it is very powerful. Strange, even martial souls with completely opposite attributes can maintain a perfect balance in the body, I will let Xuan'er go to that world, accept the baptism of the world's laws, and become the same physique as the people in that world."

"Although this will greatly weaken his strength, his potential will not change under the protection of the evil king's bone. As long as he can become a god-level powerhouse in that world, the power of his blood will The power will be reactivated and become a new generation of evil king, then he will be able to break through the space barrier by himself and come back to us."

"Moreover, in this way, maybe he can bring Habayashi and Lan Xiang back to us. My power is too strong. If I come to that plane in person, the laws of that plane will not be able to resist my power, and the entire plane will be destroyed." If the face collapses, this is the only way to do it."

After hearing Bei Luo's words, Yun Wuyue's baby Bei Xuan was shocked.

Just now Bei Luo said that the world he was going to send him to was cultivated by Wuhun, a name immediately popped up in Bei Xuan's mind, couldn't it be there?

Douluo Continent!

(End of this chapter)

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