Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 3 Beixuan crosses the Douluo Continent again

Chapter 3 Beixuan crosses the Douluo Continent again
Beixuan realized that the place Beiluo was going to send him to was probably the Douluo Continent, a place where the power of the martial soul was manifested.

Moreover, although the power system there is not high, it can indeed allow completely opposite attributes to coexist in the body, and even this situation is beneficial, because it is possible to give birth to twin spirits.

Dugu Bo, a titled Douluo on the Douluo Continent, once saw a document in the Wuhun Hall, there are two conditions for the birth of twin Wuhun. First, the quality of the Wuhun of the parents should not be too different , This is no problem for Beixuan, whether it is evil spirits or nightmare charms, they are all demon ceilings, one emphasizes the physical body, the other emphasizes spirit, evil spirits are slightly stronger, but it is not several times more than nightmare charms.

Second, the nature of the martial souls of both parents is quite different, and the bigger the better.

That is to say, two completely unrelated martial spirits of the same level have a higher chance of giving birth to twin martial spirits.

For example Tang San's strong Clear Sky Hammer and soft Blue Silver Emperor.

As for Bibi Dong, two spider-like spirits of the same attribute and nature, they were able to be twins, and it could only be attributed to her too outstanding talent.

As for Beixuan's situation, it is more inclined to the later Ye Xishui, Death God Douluo Ye Xishui, who is also a twin martial soul, and the two martial souls are completely opposite, the darkest and evil blood soul puppet and the most bright The most benevolent bright phoenix, two completely opposite forces, are perfectly reconciled in it, becoming twin martial souls.

Beixuan guessed that if he went to the Douluo Continent and the power of his bloodline was transformed into the power of his martial soul, he would be lucky, just like Ye Xishui. With his evil spirit, without the restraint of Yan Mei, he will be able to grow up healthy like ordinary people.

"Bei Luo, I know that continent, but the way of cultivation there is to absorb the energy and bones of other beasts. In this way, Xuan'er will become the god of that world, turning the power of the martial soul into the power of blood, His bloodline will also be disturbed." Yun Wuyue worried.

In her opinion, the cultivation methods in that world seemed a bit low-end.

Bei Luo smiled slightly, "Don't worry, Wuyue, even with that kind of cultivation method, Xuan'er's blood will not be affected."

How could he not know what Yun Wuyue discovered? However, there is no need to worry about this. As for why, when Beixuan went to that continent, he would naturally know.

Bei Luo looked at Bei Xuan and said, "Xuan'er, I know you can understand what I said to your mother. After all, you just can't grow physically, but not mentally. Speaking of which, you must be ten years old now."

"I heard from my father that after arriving in that continent, whether you want to be a good person or a bad person is up to you, but remember what my father said, no matter what kind of person you are, you must have a bottom line, otherwise, everything will be exhausted. Fate is bound to end soon."

Beixuan listened quietly, maybe it was connected by blood, or maybe it was because Beixuan, as a traveler, already knew Beiluo to a certain extent, even if he couldn't speak clearly, he could still understand him clearly. the meaning of.

Bei Luo was telling him that it's okay to be a bad person, but don't kill innocent people indiscriminately and create endless murders, otherwise the world will not tolerate it.

It’s okay to be a good person, but don’t be so good as a saint, thinking about sacrificing yourself all day long. You must know that whether you want to fulfill your ideals or protect your important people, the prerequisite is that you have to live first.

Beixuan nodded slightly to Beiluo.

Bei Luo smiled, "Very well, before parting, father will give you one last gift."

As he spoke, Bei Luo lightly tapped Bei Xuan's forehead with his index finger, and a sword seal and a string of words were entered into Bei Xuan's mind.

Then he handed Beixuan to Yun Wuyue, "Wuyue, do you have anything else to say to Xuan'er?"

Yun Wuyue hugged her child and kissed it on the forehead, "There is nothing more to say, child, mother is here waiting for you to come back."

Although Beixuan was not born from Yun Wuyue's womb, the two are still mother and child connected by blood. Beixuan can feel that Yun Wuyue's love for him is no different from the love that ordinary parents have for their children in the world. .

"Okay, then, let Xuan'er set off now." Bei Luo has always acted vigorously and decisively, and after making up his mind, he did not procrastinate at all.

I saw that Beiluo had turned into the body of the evil spirit, and the powerful coercion made Tianlu City and countless creatures in Guangming Field outside the city in awe.

Bei Luo swiped his arm towards the void, immediately tore a space crack, and then threw Bei Xuan over.

Bei Luo had done this kind of thing once before, so he already knew the coordinates of Douluo Continent, and the second time he was familiar with it.

"Xuan'er, remember, go there, find a way to find your Uncle Habayashi and Uncle Lan Xiang as soon as possible, they will definitely protect you to grow up." Bei Luo shouted.

At this time, the God Realm of Douluo Continent, God Shura and other five great god kings suddenly felt that the barriers of their own world had been broken through again, why did they say again, because this kind of thing happened 50 years ago.

The first time, they didn't have time to react, the visitor had already repaired the space barrier and left, how dare to come for the second time now?
They were immediately angry. These alien beings, these god kings, they thought they were soft persimmons. They broke through the barriers of their world again and again, and they didn't know what to do?
The five great god kings exerted their strength at the same time, and the five forces bombarded the torn passageway.

At this time, Beixuan was undergoing the baptism of the plane law forcibly induced by Beiluo. Of course, Beiluo would not allow anyone to disturb him.

"Hmph!" Facing the five attacks, Bei Luo snorted coldly.

Just the power contained in this cold snort instantly shook off all the joint attacks of the five great god kings, and then the power of the evil king spread, suppressing all the gods in the entire God Realm and immobilizing them.

It was not until several hours later that Beixuan completed his baptism and became a life accepted by Douluo Dalu that Beiluo let go of the suppression.

All the gods in the God Realm breathed a sigh of relief. What kind of power was that just now? It was too terrifying. Just spreading their breath could suppress their entire God Realm.

They didn't even know what happened just now, what was that existence planning to do after invading their world twice?He didn't cause any damage to their world, and before he left, he would specially repair the broken space barrier for them, as if he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

In fact, the purpose of Beiluo suppressing them is to prevent them from realizing Beixuan's identity as a traverser, so as to prevent Beixuan from being suppressed by them as an outsider.

Under Beiluo's suppression, God Shura and other god kings didn't even know that there was an extra traveler in their world.

"Strange?" Bei Luo murmured.

"What's the matter, Bei Luo, isn't it going well to send Xuan'er there?" Yun Wuyue asked with concern.

Bei Luo shook his head, "That's not true. It's just that besides Xuan'er, I seemed to sense that there was another soul that went to that world and was blessed with great luck, but"

"but what?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that he might have been tricked by me a little bit just now. But I definitely, probably, probably didn't do it on purpose." The more Bei Luo said, the more confident he became, and finally, under Yun Wuyue's suspicious eyes , could only sneak back to his palace cheekily.

At the same time, the infant Beixuan finally came to the world of Douluo Dalu and landed at the entrance of a small village.

An old man passing by saw Beixuan and immediately picked him up, "How can there be a child here, it must be abandoned, alas, in this world, there are such parents everywhere, who are born but not raised, Irresponsible."

With that said, the old man carried Beixuan back to the village, he couldn't leave the child in the wilderness, what would he do if he was in danger?
"Grandpa, my parents didn't give birth but didn't raise them. They also had a reason to send me here!" After Beixuan refuted the old man's words in his heart, he said gratefully, "However, thank you, grandpa. Save me, I, Beixuan, swear, I will repay you a thousand times and a thousand times in this life!"

(End of this chapter)

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