Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 4 The Life of Beixuan, the King of Children in Another World

Chapter 4 The Life of Beixuan, the King of Children in Another World

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, six years have passed.

Beixuan's body was affected by the rules of the Douluo Continent, the power of the two bloodlines finally no longer conflicted, and he could gradually grow up like an ordinary child.

Beixuan was also like Tang San, when he grew up to three or four years old, he started to practice in advance. The last thing Beiluo gave him was the practice of the evil royal family, but the problem was, this unreliable old man Dad, I don't seem to have noticed that the cultivation threshold for this technique is very high.

This threshold does not refer to cultivation, but to the power of blood. Without the blood of the evil king, one cannot practice at all, and the power of his own blood has been converted into the power of martial soul. According to Beixuan's estimation, he will have to wait at least seventy levels Afterwards, you can only start to practice this technique after you get the Martial Soul Avatar and recover part of your blood. Before that, you can only practice on your own.

Fortunately, he was pregnant with the bloodlines of the two major monster races before crossing, and the memory in his blood allows him to practice simple breathing and breathing even without exercises.

After his body grew to a certain level, he began to practice, but unexpectedly, he encountered a bottleneck immediately at the very beginning. Beixuan guessed that the remaining power in his body had reached the level of innate soul power in this continent, so he could He encountered a bottleneck at the beginning. According to the rules of this world, without a soul ring, no matter how Beixuan cultivated, his skill would not improve.

Of course, he will not slack off because of this, because he knows that the powers he cultivated are not gone, but hidden in his body, and the soul ring is like a key, once he gets it, he can unseal these powers.

In fact, Beixuan originally thought that he, who was born as a monster, might be able to produce a soul ring on his own, just like a transformed soul beast, without hunting the soul beast. Otherwise, why would Father Bei Luo say that he doesn't have to worry about the blood of the soul beast interfering with evil spirits and nightmares? The words of the bloodline.

But soon, he realized that he was thinking too much. For one thing, he hadn't awakened his martial soul yet, so even if he had a soul ring, where would he get it?Secondly, although he is indeed of the blood of the demon clan, his body is made of evil bones, which is similar to the resurrected Baili Tusu. Except for his greater physical potential, he is no different from a human being.

"Xuan'er, your friends are here to find you!"

The door of the room was opened suddenly, and a kind old man walked in. It was the same old man who picked him up to the village six years ago.

Coincidentally, this old man had the same surname as Beixuan, and his name was Beihan. He was an ordinary person with a poor family, his parents died young, and he was not a soul master. He had no children in his life.

Although Grandpa Beihan was unfortunate in his life, he never complained about others. He was able to entertain himself and live happily every day by himself.

Especially after picking up Beixuan, he felt that this was a grandson bestowed on him by the heavens. Those who had no relatives suddenly got family members. Grandpa Beihan naturally took care of Beixuan as his own grandson.

But he was worried that he was uneducated, and he didn't like the name Beixuan, so he never gave him a name, and kept calling him a good boy.

It wasn't until Beixuan was four years old that he told Beihan that he decided to be called Beixuan in the future.

From then on, Grandpa's address to Beixuan changed from "good boy" to "Xuan'er".

Although Beihan is not a soul master, it's not that he doesn't have a martial soul. His martial soul is food-type Chinese cabbage, and it can be eaten. It's just that he has no soul power, so he can't make it in large quantities like a food-type soul master. Only one or two can be made, which is enough for grandparents and grandchildren.

And his Chinese cabbage is very nutritious, at least Beixuan is better developed than his peers around him.

Beihan also planted a vegetable field by himself, and every day he dragged a basket of vegetables to the market to sell. When the business was good, the two of them could rarely eat meat once. In fact, Beixuan was already very satisfied with this kind of life. , and sincerely thank grandpa, although he can't give himself the best, but he has given everything he can.

Beixuan had already vowed in his heart that in this life, he must repay him thousands of times, not repaying kindness, but showing filial piety. In Beixuan's heart, Beihan is like his own grandfather.

I just don't know if Father Bei Luo would be angry if he knew that he had found an elder for him?

"Understood, grandpa, then I'm going out." Beixuan stopped talking, jumped off the bed and said.

Beihan smiled and nodded, "Okay, remember to come back before the sun goes down, don't delay the dinner time, business is good today, grandpa bought you eggs!"

"Well, thank you Grandpa."

After saying that, Beixuan went out. A large group of children were already waiting outside the door. Seeing Beixuan coming out, they shouted happily, "Brother Xuan, you finally came out. Let's go play together. Today we will continue." Tell a story!"

This village is called Yehuo Village. These children are from this village and several nearby villages. Now Beixuan seems to be the king of all the children in the nearby villages.

Because he can tell stories, the children love to listen to them.

In fact, as an adult, Bei Xuan couldn't play with these little kids, he just hoped that these kids would do him a favor.

That is, to spread the story he told, it is best to spread it to ten or ten to a hundred.

Because what he made up was a story about a powerful soul master named Bei Luo who punished rape and eradicated evil all his life, and finally married a female soul master named Yun Wuyue.

If other people on the mainland heard this story, they would probably just laugh, because there seemed to be no powerful soul masters named Beiluo and Yun Wuyue in history, and it seemed like a story about children entertaining themselves.

But there are two people who will definitely be moved if they hear it, and that is the two people who were reincarnated by Beiluo 50 years ago, Lanxiang and Yulin.

Before Bei Luo sent him here, he told him to find a way to find them. Although they must have lost all their skills when they were first reborn, it has been 50 years. With their aptitude, they will definitely not achieve nothing. , Beixuan also had support.

But the sea of ​​people is vast, let Beixuan find where to find, so Beixuan can only tell all kinds of beautiful stories that can attract the attention of the two of them, as long as they hear these stories, they will definitely find a way to find themselves as the source.

In fact, during this period of time, Beixuan also tried to get his grandfather to inquire about it when he went to sell vegetables in the city, and he did get some useful information.

Titled Douluo, although most of them are very mysterious, but there are also some who often wander in the mainland and are very high-profile, such as Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, even if he is a commoner, he has never seen him, but he has heard of him after all.

There are also the two sword bone Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and the two big Douluo of the Chrysanthemum Ghost on the bright side of the Wuhun Palace, both of which are well-known.

Beixuan also noticed a character who was often talked about by the common people from among those titled Douluo on the bright side - Meteor Demon Douluo!
(End of this chapter)

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