Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 5 Meteor Demon Douluo

Chapter 5 Meteor Demon Douluo
Meteor Demon Douluo, this name did not appear in the original book, but now, this person is well known to everyone.

If he was a character in the original book, under such a high-profile situation, the original book should not have appeared, so Beixuan suspected that he might be the Habayashi he was looking for.

After all, Habayashi was the number one warrior of the evil spirit clan back then. Even if he lost his evil spirit bloodline and the ability to deter demons back then, he has traveled through the past 50 years. It shouldn't be too difficult for a Titled Douluo in this world.

Moreover, Beixuan once heard Beiluo mention that Habayashi's weapon is called the Meteor Demon God Iron, which is an epee. Back then, he accidentally obtained a piece of God Iron that could suppress demons, so he asked the blacksmith to directly The god iron was forged into the shape of a sword.

In other words, the iron is still the same piece of iron, but its appearance has changed, so Habayashi didn't bother to name it, and still called it Shentie.

If the God of Meteor Demon Iron became his Martial Soul, then it wouldn't be surprising if his title was Meteor Demon.

I heard that this guy has a very good reputation for punishing rape and eliminating evil in the mainland. What's even more strange is that he is inextricably linked with Wuhundian, Shangsanzong and Tiandou Empire.

Beixuan was very curious, how did this guy do it?
These forces are all hostile. Although in this era, Wuhundian and the Shangsanzong and the two great empires have not fought face to face, Beixuan believes that Wuhundian's plan to unify the mainland is absolutely not If it happened on a whim, it must have started preparations a long time in advance. The three sects and the two empires are probably already on their must-kill list.

The same goes for the upper three sects. Needless to say, the Haotian School has a deep hatred with the Wuhun Palace. Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School seems to have already started guarding the Wuhun Palace. That's why he was so eager to ask Tang San in the original book. Buy hidden weapons to arm the sect.

In other words, once one of them makes friends, the other will inevitably be hostile, such as Dugu Bo, who is now standing on the side of the Heaven Dou Empire, but he is a thorn in the side of Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo.

But this guy Yubayashi, who can deal with the three major forces so smoothly, is really a social cow.

In contrast, Lan Xiang is simply a social fear. After so many years, there is no news at all, and Bei Xuan wonders if he is already lying down.

Therefore, what Beixuan has to do now is to find a way to attract Habayashi's attention.

Following the children to a grass field, everyone sat around together. Apart from the usual faces, there were also a few friends who they knew but were not very close to.

The reason for saying this is that those children are not from the village, but the sons of merchants from big cities.

Yehuo Village is close to the official road. When merchants pass by, if it is getting late, they will often spend the night here and buy dry food, and they are usually the same batch of merchants.

These children also love to listen to Beixuan's storytelling, and they are also the main target of Shenyu, but the coverage in the village is too small, so use the children of these big cities to spread the story to the city Not bad.

"Yo, you guys are doing business with your parents again, where is your destination this time?" Beixuan asked with a smile.

A 12-year-old child replied, "Yes, after all, we are not soul masters, and we can only inherit the family business in the future, so we need to get familiar with the business in advance. The destination this time is Tiandou City. Big business."

"Really, then I wish you a prosperous business." Beixuan nodded, Tiandou City, a good place, to spread his story in that kind of place is really his dream.

"Then, let me tell you today the story of Bei Luo Mian's invasion of the Shadow Puppet Dragon Palace."

Beixuan vividly told stories to the children. It wasn't until dusk when the children's parents came to find them that they woke up from the world of fairy tales.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's end today's story, you should go home!" Bei Xuan also stopped.

The children had no choice but to get up, bid farewell to Beixuan, and reluctantly went home.

"Brother Xuan, wait, let's go together." A fat little boy stopped Beixuan, he and Beixuan belonged to the same village, and his home was next to Beixuan's house, and his name was Ma Hongjun.

With this appearance and figure, coupled with the right age, and living in a village where most of them are poultry spirits, Beixuan confirmed at a glance that this is the future fourth child of the Shrek Seven Monsters, the evil fire phoenix Ma Hongjun.

Now he has not awakened his martial soul, so he has not been troubled by the evil fire, nor has he been taught badly by some people, he is still a simple little boy.

"Okay, let's go, Hongjun, go to my house for dinner today, my grandfather prepared two eggs for me, I will share one with you." Beixuan laughed.

Ma Hongjun's life experience is actually quite tragic. His father died early, and his mother raised him alone. Finally, two years ago, when he was four years old, he collapsed from exhaustion and passed away not long after. according to.

Fortunately, the villagers here are simple-minded and willing to help him. He grew up healthy and healthy until he was six years old by eating hundreds of meals.

"Thank you, Brother Xuan." Ma Hongjun hurriedly ran to Beixuan and asked, "Brother Xuan, the story you told is really good, I hope I can be like Beiluo Mianxia in your story in the future, and become a The great soul master punishes rape and eliminates evil, and soon, the adults from the Wuhun Temple will come to our village to help us awaken our Wuhun. Tell me, can we become spirit masters?"

"Of course you can, but our village shares a quota with other villages to go to the city's Junior Soul Master Academy to work as a student. If we all have soul power, I will give you the quota." Beixuan patted Ma Hongjun shoulder said.

Their village is neither like Tang San's Holy Soul Village, because they have a Soul Sage, so they can enjoy a place for work-study students exclusively, nor is it Qibao Village under Qibao Mountain, which is protected by a big sect.

For such a small village of leftovers from the empire, it would be great if Wuhundian could send someone to help awaken it. The number of work-study students is only one in several villages.

This kind of Beixuan is not uncommon. Anyway, the junior soul master academy only teaches how to meditate and cultivate soul power. Only available at the Intermediate Soul Master Academy.

Hearing Beixuan's words, Ma Hongjun was extremely moved, and hurriedly said, "No, no, brother Xuan, you are always nice to me and always let me go to your house for dinner. If there is a quota, I don't want it, I'll give it to you! "

A child's heart is always the purest, and whoever treats him well will treat him well.

Beixuan smiled, and replied confidently, "Don't worry about me, even if I don't go to the junior college, I can break through the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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