Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 6 Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School

Chapter 6 The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School

More than ten days passed, and the children of Yehuo Village and several nearby villages were anxiously waiting for their fateful judgment day, the day of Wuhun awakening.

And at the same time, Beixuan's hard work for many years finally showed results.

This is the theory of the six-dimensional space, which can be generally explained as: "There are no more than six people between you and any stranger, that is to say, you can know any stranger through at most six people." .”

Although this theory seems to Beixuan to be self-indulgent, sometimes, it can indeed have an effect, and it is also excellent for finding people.

Some of the caravans going to Heaven Dou City also do business with nobles and great sects, or in other words, those who are able to buy in large quantities are their main customers.

The story of the legendary ancient sword told by Beixuan was passed on to the children in Tiandou City through the son of the caravan owner. Of course, in order to show off among the friends, the little ghost told the story as if he had imagined it himself.

A good story is passed on to ten, ten to a hundred, just like the Grimm's fairy tales that were popular all over the world, it immediately became a best-selling story in Tiandou City, and even attracted the attention of an incredible little witch.

In a tavern in Tiandou City, a tall man with curly hair and a gentle middle-aged man are accompanying a beautiful little girl in blue clothes, listening to the storyteller telling the story of Bei Luo .

At this time, it is talking about the part where Beiluo Dreamland kills Ye Changgeng and regains the voice of his lover Yun Wuyue.

The little girl was fascinated when she heard it, "Wow, Your Majesty Beiluo is so handsome. If only I were as happy as Sister Yun Wuyue."

"Little princess, we've finished listening to the story, let's go back." The tall man said softly to the little girl.

"Okay, Grandpa Bones!" The little girl seemed to be a little bit unsatisfied, and turned her head to look at the tavern, but it was a pity that the storyteller was out of stock. She really wanted to know the follow-up plot, and she didn't know who the original author was. , Old Calvin, kept her awake at night.

"Hehe, Rongrong, I haven't heard enough. It's okay. Grandpa will bring you to listen to it when the follow-up plot is updated." The tall man picked up the little girl with a pampered expression on his face.

"Well, thank you, Grandpa Bones." Rong Rong immediately beamed with joy.

"Hehe, it's no wonder that Rongrong is so obsessed. I don't know who came up with the story of "The Legend of the Ancient Sword". Even after listening to it with Rongrong a few times, I was a little fascinated." The middle-aged man beside him smiled. .

This person is the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, Ning Fengzhi, and that little girl is his only daughter, Ning Rongrong. There is no need to question the identity of the person Ning Rongrong calls Grandpa Bone. Bone Douluo Ancient Banyan.

Originally, with the identities of Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong, it was absolutely impossible to come to the tavern to listen to some stories, but there is one person in this world who will go wherever they want, and that is the baby of their family, Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong was completely fascinated when she accidentally heard the story of the ancient sword legend spread in Tiandou City. From then on, as long as there was an update, she would pull her father, and her grandpa Jian or Grandpa Bone into it. One, take her to listen to the story.

"Father, Grandpa Bone, Bei Luomian is so powerful, you must have heard about his deeds, right? Tell Rongrong about it, Rongrong really wants to know how he ended up with Sister Yun Wuyue." Ning Rongrong Looking at the two expectantly, she simply thought that Bei Luo was a real person who had existed in their mainland.

Ning Fengzhi was taken aback, and replied with a smile, "Rongrong, this is just a story. In fact, there has never been a titled Douluo called Beiluo in history."

"Father, you are lying, Grandpa Bones, if you don't tell me, can you tell me?" Ning Rongrong immediately refused, and said coquettishly while pulling Gu Rong's clothes.

"Rongrong, your father won't lie to you, and neither will Grandpa Bone. This Beiluo is really just a character in a story." Gu Rong is obviously also a straight man. His second denial hit Ning Rongrong directly. That young heart is at stake.

For Ning Rongrong, who regards Beiluo as an idol, their words are like the unscrupulous adults in modern times telling children who worship Ultraman that there is no Ultraman in this world.

If there is a modern person here, he must be severely reprimanded, shut up, don't destroy the dream in the child's heart, you two Yabo people!

The next moment, Ning Rongrong's small mouth shrunk, her eyes turned red, and she was about to cry, which made these two high-ranking bosses flustered for a while.

"Hmph, you all lied to Rongrong, Rongrong doesn't like Dad and Grandpa Bones anymore, I'm going to find Grandpa Jian!" Ning Rongrong started crying and ran home with her short legs.

The two hurriedly followed, they were really helpless with their little princess.

"Fengzhi, you can't put it mildly, you know how much Rongrong admires the love story of Beiluo and Yunwuyue, now you make Rongrong cry, the old swordsman will definitely go crazy later. "Gu Rong complained.

"Uncle Gu, you seem to be the same. You also have a share of the responsibility for making Rongrong cry. Later, Uncle Jian will chop you with a sword, so don't blame me for not helping you." Ning Fengzhi quickly shirked responsibility, Jian Douluo's temper Bone Douluo is still young, so he is called suzerain when he is happy, Fengzhi when he is not happy, and he directly takes you as the master when he is angry. Ning Fengzhi said that he can't afford it alone.

They quickly returned to Qibao Mountain, at this moment Bone Douluo frowned suddenly, hugged Ning Rongrong with one hand, protected Ning Fengzhi with the other, and said, "There was a fierce fight on the mountain, one of them was the old sword man, and the other One is also a Titled Douluo, and Wuhun seems to be a sword too, I feel two different sword qi, it can't be that guy?"

The three of them looked at the sky. At this time, the sky seemed to be torn apart by the sword energy, forming an abyss crack. Ning Fengzhi smiled, "Uncle Gu, there is no need to doubt it. Besides that guy, who else would dare to come to our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?" Fighting, and comparing sword skills with Uncle Jian, let's go, go up the mountain, since distinguished guests come to the door, then as masters, we should do our best as landlords."

Gu Rong nodded, in order to hurry up, he no longer hiked up the mountain, but used his spatial ability to bring Ning Rongrong and Ning Fengzhi a few times, and returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School on the mountain within a few breaths. .

At this time, on Zongmen Square, there were two people standing opposite each other, one holding a long sword in his hand and the other carrying an epee on his shoulder.

The one holding the long sword, with fluttering white hair, a handsome face, and a fierce sword spirit, is none other than Luo Chenxin, the sword fighter of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

And the other person, with wine-red long hair fluttering in the wind, has a rough appearance, but gives people a sense of honesty. Although he is a swordsman, his temperament is not as cold as Chen Xin, and he is even a little casual. This image, this Guy, the person Beixuan has been looking for, Meteor Demon Douluo, Habayashi!
(End of this chapter)

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