Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 7 Habayashi and Chenxin

Chapter 7 Habayashi and Chenxin

"Habayashi, your swordsmanship has improved again. With an epee, I didn't expect that you can not use the swordsmanship of wide opening and closing, which is as ingenious as clumsy. On the contrary, you can lift weights lightly, and your swordsmanship becomes more and more exquisite." Chen Xin praised road.

"Haha, you are not bad at all. The attack power of the Seven Kills Kendo is really amazing. If you hadn't suppressed your cultivation to the same level as mine, I would not be your opponent." Yu Lin said with a big smile.

In fact, he has a good relationship with the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. It is precisely because of Chen Xin's existence that Chen Xin has always wanted to find a fellow who can exchange sword skills. Unfortunately, since his father passed away, there has been no such person.

The legendary enshrinement of Qian Daoliu in the Wuhun Palace can be regarded as a master of swordsmanship, but firstly, he has a noble status, so how could he practice swords with Chen Xin, and secondly, Chen Xin's father, Chen Jianjun, died at his hands , the two sides have a big enmity, although Qian Daoliu's swordsmanship is strong in the past three years, he is still not a master who specializes in kendo. The divine power came to fight, so of course Chen Xin couldn't go to him.

It wasn't until Habayashi was born that Jian Douluo felt that he was not alone. Besides him, there were actually people who used swords as martial souls and cultivated to the realm of Titled Douluo.

Chen Xin, who was delighted to see Lie Xin, immediately found Yu Lin and invited him to discuss swords.

In terms of cultivation, it is natural that Habayashi is nearly a hundred years old now, and Habayashi, who is 50 years older, is exactly twice as strong as Sword Douluo, so Sword Douluo suppressed his soul power to be equal to Habayashi, and it was a fair fight.

Unexpectedly, Sword Douluo actually lost to Habayashi in the contest of kendo.

In fact, it is also natural. Yubayashi's swordsmanship comes from Tianlu City, and the swordsmanship of Tianlu City is inherited from Jinyun, the No. 1 sword in ancient times. His kendo has slashed countless demons in his life.

With the same cultivation base, Sword Douluo has no advantage at all, no matter in terms of exquisite swordsmanship or combat experience.

However, Sword Douluo not only was not angry, but admired Habayashi very much, and became friends with him. He also invited Habayashi to join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but Habayashi freely refused with his heart.

Chen Xin also doesn't like to force others, he just said one thing, he can go to Qibao Liulizong to discuss swords with him whenever he has free time, Yulin is not polite, if others say that, he will really go to Qibao if he has nothing to do Eating and drinking, who told Qibao to be rich?

As the No. [-] dog in the Douluo Continent, Habayashi said that he has no psychological pressure at all.

"It seems that the battle between the two of you is over. The honored guest came to the door, and Fengzhi was far away. Please forgive me, Meteor Demon Mian." Ning Fengzhi stepped forward and said, although he is the master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, he is only a soul sage after all. When it comes to Title Douluo, he will still let go of his suzerain airs.

"You're welcome, Sect Master Ning, Your Majesty Bone Douluo, I came here uninvited, and I hope you don't blame me," Yubayashi walked towards the two of them and said, "By the way, there is also Rongrong. You bring a gift, and I will replenish it for you next time."

Habayashi's voice was bold and majestic, making it difficult for people to feel disgusted.

"Your Majesty Meteor Demon Mian is serious. You would like to come to my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect as a guest. My Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is full of splendor. How can you blame me? Rong Rong, send my regards to Meteor Demon Mian." Ning Fengzhi said.

Yubayashi squatted down and rubbed Ning Rongrong's hair, "It's fine to say hello, but don't call me your mianxia like your father, you should call me Uncle Yubayashi."

Ning Rongrong nodded, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "Well, Uncle Yubayashi."

This action immediately caught Jian Douluo's attention, "What's the matter, Rong Rong, why are you crying? Who bullied you, tell grandpa."

"It's Dad and Grandpa Bone." Ning Rongrong ran over and hugged Chen Xin's leg, her small face was filled with aggrieved faces.

Jian Douluo immediately became angry, "Fengzhi, old bone, what's going on, you took Rongrong out to play, not only didn't make her happy, but also bullied her to the point of crying? I don't make it clear, I'm asking you!"

"It's none of my business, Fengzhi made you cry." Bone Douluo picked his nose, shamelessly shifting all responsibility to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi's hairs stood on end immediately, and he shouted in his heart, "Uncle Bone, you are too ruthless, you are not afraid of Uncle Jian's slaps because of your thick skin, I am a support system, but I can't bear his slap."

"Fengzhi!" Hearing this, Chen Xin looked at Ning Fengzhi with burning eyes.

"Wait, Uncle Jian, listen to my explanation." Ning Fengzhi hastily explained what happened. He didn't mean to cry at Ning Rongrong, but just told the truth.

After Chen Xin listened to it, she understood the ins and outs of the matter, and indeed she could not blame Ning Fengzhi, but he was too straight and didn't know that sometimes the truth hurts more than a lie.

"Hmph, even if it's the truth, can't you comfort and comfort Rongrong? Rongrong is still young, it's normal to have fantasies in your heart." Chen Xin hugged Ning Rongrong, looking at the remaining tears on her face, her heart ached.

Ning Rongrong sniffled and asked, "Grandpa Jian, is there really no Master Beiluo and Sister Yun Wuyue in this world?"

of course not!

Chen Xin really wanted to say that, but he was afraid of hurting Ning Rongrong again, and he couldn't bear to lie to his precious granddaughter, even if he lied to her now, if one day Ning Rongrong found out the truth, he would be hit harder .

Just when Chen was hesitant to speak, Yubayashi, who was just watching a play, couldn't sit still.

He heard the names that Ning Rongrong said just now, Beiluo and Yun Wuyue, aren't those the king and Qi Xijun?How did their names appear in this world?

"Rongrong, tell uncle, the names you just mentioned are indeed Beiluo and Yunwuyue, right? Where did you hear these two names?" Yulin rushed to Ning Rongrong and asked excitedly.

He desperately wanted to know the truth, his anxious appearance seemed to scare Ning Rongrong a little, not only did he not dare to answer, he even shrank into Jian Douluo's embrace.

Yulin's appearance immediately caught Ning Fengzhi's attention.

"Could it be."

Ning Fengzhi thought of something, stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, this story was told by a storyteller in Tiandou City, and he seems to have heard it from a foreign caravan who came here to do business. .”

"Thank you, Sect Master Ning, for letting me know that I still have something important to do today, so I won't stay any longer and leave." After Yubayashi finished speaking, he directly sacrificed the Meteor Demon Iron. Before going up, he thought of something and turned around and said, "By the way, Rong Rong , Uncle just said sorry for scaring you because he was anxious, and as compensation, uncle told you one thing, Bei Luo and Yun Wuyue are real people."

After finishing speaking, Habayashi Yujian disappeared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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