Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 8 Gathering

Chapter 8 Gathering
Hearing Yulin's words, Ning Rongrong in Chen Xin's arms burst into a smile, "That's great, I knew that Dad and Grandpa Bones were lying to me, really, why did Uncle Yulin leave so fast, I still I want to play with him."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said, "Rongrong, it seems that you can only wait for the next time, after Yu Lin goes to meet the person who is very important to him."

Chen Xin glanced at Ning Fengzhi, "Fengzhi, what did you think of?"

"Someone is looking for Habayashi, through that story." Ning Fengzhi replied.

"Why do you say that?"

"It's very simple, because with the intelligence capabilities of my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, if there is such a person as Bei Luo in history, and he has the strength of the title, I have never heard of it, and even I don't know about the existence of Yulin, who is in the wild. But the soul master knows that it can only represent one thing, that Beiluo is a character that only the person who told the story, and Habayashi know."

"Actually, I'm curious, why would an ordinary person know a titled Douluo like Habayashi."

"Fengzhi, how do you know that the person looking for Habayashi is an ordinary person?" Bone Douluo asked doubtfully.

"It's very simple, because he has no money, he can't hire people to help him find it, he has no power and power, he can't let the forces under his command listen to information, and he has no strength, so he can't come out to this dangerous continent by himself. Xun Xun, therefore, he can only rely on this kind of cleverness to attract Yulin's attention, such a person who has no money, no power, no power and no strength, what is he if he is not an ordinary person?" Ning Fengzhi analyzed.

This guy's suzerain is not pretending to be a fake, with just such a little information, he can guess Beixuan's current situation very closely.

"Sovereign, then the person Habayashi is looking for may have two situations. The first is that the person has his weakness, and the second is that the person is his weakness. We might as well strike first. As long as we Find the person who spread the story first, then maybe you can use this to absorb Yulin into the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School." Bone Douluo said immediately.

This guy's personality is not that good, and the original book also had the idea of ​​obliterating Tang San because of his outstanding talent.

As long as the sect can become stronger, he doesn't care what despicable means it uses.

Jian Douluo heard the words, but hugged Ning Rongrong and left without saying a word. He hated these methods, but he knew that if a big power wants to develop, there must be a bright side and a dark side. This is the so-called great power. down, there must be a shadow.

So no matter how much he didn't like it, he would never interfere with the decision of Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo. All he could do was not to intervene.

Ning Fengzhi waved his hand, and said seriously, "It's best not to, we don't know what the actual situation is, and because of Uncle Jian's relationship, Meteor Demon Douluo is still on good terms with our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, so if you act rashly, the gain will outweigh the loss It's not a good thing to offend a Title Douluo for no reason."

"Well, Suzerain is right, I thought it was too simple." Bone Douluo nodded, no more words.

Leaving Habayashi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he went straight to the city to find the storyteller, and then followed the clues to find the caravan. Soon, he learned a name and an address from the child.

"Beixuan, Yehuo Village?" Yulin's figure flickered, and he used his soul power to fly with the sword and disappeared into the sky. It's a pity that he now doesn't have the ability to break through the space of the evil spirits, otherwise, even if they are separated by thousands of miles , can also be instantaneous.

But now, it's just a little more time.

After all, they are all within the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire. With his title Douluo's speed, he can arrive there in less than a day.

In the early morning of the next day, Bei Xuan had just washed up, pulled vegetables from the vegetable field for his grandfather, and then sent him to the entrance of the village.

On the way back, suddenly a powerful aura descended from the sky, Beixuan hurriedly raised his head, it was a big man with long red hair, his eyes met his.

Yulin didn't expect that the first person he saw when he arrived at Yehuo Village was exactly the person he was looking for. He was sure that the child below was Beixuan. It's exactly the same, it's almost carved out of the same mold.

In fact, it is also true to say that, when Bei Luo condensed his body for Bei Xuan, he shaped it according to his own appearance, and Xuan Ge and Bei Luo are twins, and they look exactly the same.

How could Habayashi, who grew up with Xuan Ge, not recognize him.

"Child, who are you?" Yu Lin asked in confusion. Xuan Ge is dead, and it is impossible for Bei Luo to come here now. With his power that surpasses the Ancestral Demon, once his true body comes, he will be with the throne. The plane law started to hedge, and this plane collapsed in minutes.

"Hehe, Uncle Yubayashi, this is not a place to talk, please come to my house and talk about it." Beixuan smiled, and Yubayashi could recognize him at a glance, so he is not the same.

At this moment, Beixuan was very happy. Unexpectedly, the story he spread would reach Habayashi's ears so quickly and let him find it.

Habayashi nodded, fell from the sky, followed Beixuan, and returned to Beixuan's home.

"Uncle Yulin, you must be very puzzled about my identity, but I am actually." Beixuan told Yulin the whole story.

"It turns out that the king and the queen sent you here in order to use the laws of this world to resolve the conflict of blood power in your body." With such an appearance, coupled with a complete understanding of Tianlu City, it is still clear. Knowing the past of Beiluo and Yun Wuyue, Habayashi had nothing to doubt, and immediately knelt on one knee and said, "Commander of the Imperial Guards of Tianlu City, Habayashi, see Your Highness!"

"Uncle Yubayashi, there is no need to be like this. In this world, there is no Tianlu City. We are only the elders and juniors." Beixuan hurriedly lifted Yubayashi and laughed.

Habayashi has always been a casual person, stood up and smiled, "Okay, I didn't expect that when I come to this world, I can still see my family from Tianlu City. It's really happy. Then I will call you Xiaoxuan from now on. Don't call me Uncle either, it looks like I'm very old, just call me Habayashi."

"Well, by the way, Habayashi, do you know where Lan Xiang is? I have traveled through time for six years, and I have heard a lot about your deeds, but his name has never been mentioned."

Habayashi shook his head, "I don't know, I've been looking for him for so many years, and the reason why I act high-profile is to attract his attention and let him come to me on his own initiative, but this social fear is simply It's like the world has evaporated, 50 years, no news at all, I don't know if he is dead."

"No, I believe that Lan Xiang is not someone who dies so easily. We will find a way to find him later. Before that, Yubayashi, please help me awaken my martial spirit first!" Beixuan looked Habayashi said expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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