Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 9 Martial Soul Awakening

Chapter 9 Martial Soul Awakening
Since Habayashi had arrived earlier, Beixuan did not intend to use the power of the Wuhun Temple to awaken his Wuhun.

Because he reckons that his martial spirit is at least evil-proofing, and it is the king of evil-proofing. Even if there is no one out of ten, it is a god-level martial spirit that surpasses the seraphim. Maybe it is because it is not a god-given martial spirit, and it does not have the tenth-level soul power bestowed by the gods. , but at least there is a degree of innate full soul power.

Even if the people who come to awaken the martial soul may not know the goods, but the powerful monster like the evil spirit, as long as it is an individual, it can be seen that it is definitely a powerful martial soul. With the innate full soul power, the awakener will definitely report the martial soul temple.

Beixuan neither wanted to join the Wuhun Palace, nor did he want to be targeted by the Wuhun Palace.

Dugu Bo once said that the Wuhun Palace has secretly dealt with many talented soul masters who did not join them over the years, and Beixuan did not want to become a thorn in the side of the Wuhun Palace for no reason.

Of course, he will not have any prejudice against Wuhundian because of this. He knows better than anyone that there must be shadows under the hugeness. The darkness behind the two great empires is only a lot more than that of Wuhundian.

In fact, Beixuan just doesn't want to be someone else's subordinate.
And in fact, the contribution of Wuhundian to the mainland is well known. Even in such remote mountain villages, they will send people to awaken for free, and they will also write letters of recommendation for poor children to work and study at the Soul Master Academy. It can be said that it has given many civilian children hope to reverse their fate.

In addition, Wuhundian also made outstanding contributions in resisting the beast tide in the spirit beast forest and combating evil spirit masters.

In this era, there are actually evil soul masters of the later generations, but not as many as the later generations. Under the pursuit of the Wuhun Temple, they can only flee for their lives in embarrassment, and it is impossible to form a sect like the Holy Spirit Sect of the later generations.

It's just that the definition of evil soul masters today is slightly different from that of later generations. Later generations define evil soul masters based on martial souls, but now, they are based on the soul masters themselves.

In other words, it doesn't depend on what your martial spirit is, but what you do with it.

In other words, even if you have the most sacred martial spirit, if you use it to do evil, you will be labeled as an evil soul master. And even if your martial spirit is the darkest and bloody, you will still be a regular soul master as long as you keep your integrity.

In fact, Beixuan believes that this method of judgment is correct.

Otherwise, according to the judgment method of later generations, Ghost Douluo Guixi of Wuhun Temple, Bone Douluo Gurong of Qibao Glazed Tile School, I am afraid that they would have been crusaded long ago, even Pope Bibidong... Uh, this seems to be the original, Beixuan suddenly thought, If this Bibi Dong is the Bibi Dong in the anime, who uses living people to practice, then he is really an evil soul master.

Of course, such a method of judging cannot be made by Qian Xun Ji, an idiot, or Bibi Dong, who is in love with his brain, but Qian Daoliu, who is the real most outstanding Pope in the Spirit Hall in the past hundred years.

It's a pity that since he stepped down from the position of pope and served as the adjudicating elder, the two successors of the Wuhun Hall were unqualified, because they only cared about getting stronger and didn't care about things, which made the Wuhun Hall full of smog and dross.

The lowest level is not bad, but there are many bishops like Miles and Salas in the main hall of spirits in the middle level, and even in the temple of spirits in the upper level.

The current Beixuan really doesn't want to have anything to do with them.

If he was awakened, it would be a bad guy like a crazy guy, it’s okay, there is Habayashi, just intercept and kill him halfway, even if he is a normal person like the blind Dou Luosu Yuntao, although Beixuan thinks he is not a good person, But I don't want to kill innocent people.

Therefore, preventing Wuhundian from awakening him is the most effective solution once and for all.

Habayashi is not an idiot, and as a titled Douluo who has lived in this continent for 50 years, he immediately understood Beixuan's concerns, nodded and said, "Okay, don't worry Xiaoxuan, I will awaken you immediately, but after I'm afraid there won't be a lot of noise if this awakening happens, let's find a quiet place."

Saying that, Yubayashi grabbed Beixuan and came to a small forest.

This is the place Habayashi is most familiar with. In his previous life, as a prodigal son, he often went to this kind of place. He probably formed a habit and loved to come here when he had anything to do.

It is indeed quiet enough here, and it is also some distance from the village. It is a good place to wake up.

"Just here, Xiaoxuan, this place is remote and sparsely populated, we can do whatever we want here, first of all, stay calm!" Yulin wrapped Beixuan with the powerful soul power in his body, and with his realm of titled Douluo, Without any awakening stone, it can help people complete their awakening.

Beixuan, who was surrounded by Yulin's soul power, seemed to have entered a warm world at this time, the breath penetrated his internal organs, limbs and bones, and he was indescribably comfortable.

"Yo, Xiaoxuan, do you enjoy seeing you? After all, it's your first time, so I try to control myself gently." Habayashi laughed.

Beixuan was in a cold sweat immediately, this guy had picked up too many girls in his previous life, and he would utter a word of tiger and wolf every now and then when he spoke.

But he doesn't bother to complain now, because there are two forces in his body that seem to be breaking out.

The left hand is an incomparably masculine body force.

The right hand is the dark and mysterious spiritual power.

Seeing this, Yubayashi smiled slightly, the young master of their evil-proofing royal family was indeed extraordinary, and had awakened twin martial souls.

One is Wang Bixie inherited from his father Beiluo, and the other is the nightmare charm of his mother Yun Wuyue.

Beixuan had always estimated that his martial soul might only be Wang Bixie. After all, Wang Bixie was always stronger than Nightmare, and it was very likely that the powerful martial soul would swallow the weaker martial soul.

Therefore, among the conditions for the birth of twin martial souls, the most important one is that the quality of the two martial souls must be at the same level.

But Beixuan ignored one thing. When he was sent by Beiluo, Beiluo only transformed his evil spirit and nightmare bloodlines, but the third bloodline was not transformed, which was the blood of witches.

Because it is only an inherited bloodline and has no source blood, Beixuan's witch blood could not suppress the two powerful bloodlines of evil spirits and nightmares, but now that these two bloodlines have been transformed into martial souls, their power has greatly increased. weakened, the Blood of the Witch can already make them separate and not interfere with each other.

Therefore, even if Wang Xiexie's martial spirit is stronger than Yan Mei, it will not devour Yan Mei.

In this way, the two martial spirits perfectly reflected on Beixuan.

As Habayashi withdrew his soul power, Beixuan slowly fell to the ground. At this time, Habayashi took out a crystal ball for testing the level of soul power from his wristband.

His wristband is actually a storage soul tool.

"Xiaoxuan, this is the crystal ball I used before. It can withstand the fluctuation of soul power at the soul king level. Although I know that your innate soul power cannot be low, let's test it."

(End of this chapter)

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