Chapter 10
Beixuan took the crystal ball that Habayashi took out, and there was no doubt that he was born full of soul power.

Beixuan had expected this point since the beginning of his cultivation, if he was not full of soul power, how could he not be able to improve his skill from the beginning.

"Well, he is indeed the son of the king and Lord Xie. Even if the power of the bloodline cannot be used for the time being due to the limitation of the plane, there is always a qualification full of soul power. Compared with me, I lost all the power of the bloodline. , the body is also re-born in this world, and the aptitude depends entirely on luck, but fortunately, there are still around eighth levels of innate ability to cultivate to the current level." Habayashi said.

"Innate eighth level? Habayashi, what is your current level?" Beixuan asked in surprise.

"Level 94."

"Level 94?" Beixuan was stunned, "Habayashi, you came to this world, only 50 years ago, you awakened your martial soul at the age of six, you are born at the eighth level, how did you cultivate to the realm of Titled Douluo before the age of 50?" Yes, did you take the medicine, or did you inhale six spirit bones?"

Generally speaking, at the eighth level of innate, there is indeed hope of breaking through the Title Douluo, but it is only hopeful, even if you can break through, you have to be at least 80 or [-] years old.

Known as the youngest titled Douluo in the entire continent, Tang Hao, he was already 44 years old when he broke through the Titled Douluo.

Yubayashi's cultivation speed is almost at the same level as him. If there is no adventure, it will be a little abnormal.

"Xiao Xuan, I haven't joined any force. I'm a free soul master. How can you give me any medicine? There are still soul bones in this world. So far, I don't have a soul bone in my body. I The reason I can practice so quickly is because I have more advanced techniques than those in this continent." Yu Lin explained.

"Cultivation method? But your evil blood has been completely gone, you should not be able to practice our evil royal family's method, do you know other exercises?" Beixuan asked curiously.

Yubayashi smiled slightly, "Hehe, of course I understand, and I understand a lot. I got it from many martial arts sects during the ten years I was looking for the king in the world."

"Actually, I didn't want to practice by myself at the time, but you know, Xiaoxuan, the world is so big, and it took me more than ten years to find the king. During this period, I must find a partner. I still remember, it was mine. The third girlfriend in the world, her dream is to be a chivalrous woman, so I searched for the exercises of various sects to practice for her, and only then did I succeed in chasing her."

Habayashi fell into memory, and it seemed that he still missed his lover back then.

But the third term?This eldest brother is indeed the King of the Sea.

"Great, Habayashi, my bloodline is too weak now, and I'm worried that I don't have the right skills to practice. Do you have any suitable for me?" Beixuan said excitedly.

Congenital full soul power in this world may not be as precious as the success method, such as Tang San, in fact, Beixuan suspects that he may not be congenitally full of soul power, otherwise he should be the same as himself, and he will fall into a bottleneck at the beginning of cultivation.

The reason why he was able to cultivate so quickly later on was definitely a major element of Xuantian Kung Fu.

Yulin is also a good example. He was born at the eighth level, and he caught up with Tang Hao's cultivation speed by relying on his skills.

"Of course there are, the Excalibur Art of Heavenly Sword Sect, the Sun Moon Secret Code of the Sun Moon Sect, the Five Poisons Red Flame Body of the Tang Sect, the Great Dream Heart Technique of Dream Valley, and the Arhat Conquering Demon Art of Buddhism and the Taoist Pure Yang exercises, etc., are up to you to choose." Habayashi said grandly.

There are quite a lot of kung fu collected by Yubayashi, but why are they all the kung fu of the martial arts sect?

Beixuan couldn't help asking, "Habayashi, why are they all practicing martial arts? Don't you collect any exercises from the sect of cultivating immortals?"

Hearing this, Yulin looked at Beixuan as if looking at a silly child, "Xiaoxuan, I was a big monster back then, you asked me to steal things from the Xiuxian sect, do you want me to destroy them, or be taken in by them?"

Beixuan slapped his forehead, and almost forgot that Yu Lin was so evil back then, Wuxiu might not be able to sense it, but he would definitely not be able to hide it from the cultivators, he couldn't get into the cultivator sect, even if he did, he would be discovered , we will definitely fight at that time.

"Xiaoxuan, don't be so disappointed. The cultivation system in this world is relatively backward. Most soul masters rely on their own meditation. It’s not as strong as these exercises in my hands, I suggest you practice the Sun Moon Divine Art first, and wait until your bloodline power recovers a bit, then transfer to the exercises of our evil royal family.” Yulin said.

"Sun and Moon Divine Art?"

"That's right, this technique is the superior mind technique of Yin and Yang fellow practitioners. It just fits with your two martial spirits, Xiaoxuan. Those who have achieved it can freely adjust the energy of Yin and Yang in their body. When using this internal energy in battle , the offensive and defensive capabilities will be greatly improved." Yulin introduced the effectiveness of the Sun Moon Divine Art, and it sounded useful, so Beixuan followed his advice and chose to practice this art for the time being.

In the grove, Yubayashi recited the formulas of the Sun Moon Divine Art little by little. Beixuan's soul power was strong, and his memory was also amazing. He could roughly recite it after only listening to it once.

After he said it silently for two more times, he was already familiar with it.

This technique is best practiced in the early morning or evening, that is, when the sun and the moon alternate. Of course, if there is a time when the sun and the moon shine together, it will be more effective. Unfortunately, this kind of celestial phenomenon is rare.

"Habayashi, thank you. With your help, I believe that I will be able to cultivate to the extreme and become the new king of evil spirits. At that time, I will tear down the barriers of the planes and take you back to Tianlu City." Bei Xuan Thank you.

"Okay, as long as we can return to Tianlu City, no matter how much effort we have to put in, we must have no regrets." Yu Lin's greatest wish in this life is to go home. He originally thought there was no hope for this life, but now that Beixuan's arrival has given him gave him new hope.

Beixuan nodded, "Well, to achieve the goal, you must first become stronger. On this continent, there are many adventures, such as fairy grass, 10-year-old soul ring and soul bone, the power of gods, etc. We will not discuss the latter two for the time being." Think about it, I know a place full of fairy grass, but the fairy grass not only needs to be identified, but also how to pick it, and how to use it is very particular, Habayashi, I heard that you have a good relationship with Wuhundian, can you get it from Ju Douluo? , get the fairy grass information he has?"

"I don't need information on fairy grass, I understand it myself." Habayashi fell into memory again, "I still remember that she was the fifth confidante I met in the human world. She came from a refining medicine sect. Her Her body always exudes the fragrance of medicinal herbs. I chat with her, and naturally I will do what she likes. I really miss the days when we were together."

"Stop!" Beixuan hurriedly interrupted Habayashi, and asked him to continue, but he didn't know that he would recall the year of the monkey. Anyway, it was just a sentence. In order to pick up girls, he specially learned about the fairy grass that the girl was interested in. .

(End of this chapter)

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