Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 11 Beixuan's Plan Another World Tianlu City

Chapter 11 Beixuan's Plan Another World Tianlu City

"Xiaoxuan, since you know where the grass jelly is, let's go find it right away." Habayashi said

"No hurry." Beixuan shook his head, "The medicinal power of the fairy grass is too strong, and I am too young now, it is best to let me grow up a little bit, and the location of the fairy grass is the home of a titled Douluo. With your strength, it may not be difficult to defeat him or even kill him, but there is no need for us to do such a thing of murder and treasure."

"Although that Titled Douluo has a bad temper, he has the most serious promise. As long as he approves of people, he will treat each other sincerely. We don't need to offend him. In other words, it's better to try to subdue him."

"Habayashi, do you want to create our Tianlu City in this different world?"

"Create our Tianlu City?" Hearing Beixuan's words, Habayashi was slightly taken aback. Why didn't he join any forces to obtain resources?It is precisely because of his self-esteem of the branch of the royal family that wards off evil spirits.

As the strongest general under the evil throne, he couldn't accept that he surrendered to these otherworldly people. What Beixuan said directly hit his G-spot.

Do not submit to anyone, create a force of their own.

"Of course, Xiaoxuan, if you have such an idea, I will help you!" Yu Lin said immediately.

He also understood Beixuan's thoughts. To establish a power, there must be rich people, especially high-end combat power. The titled Douluo in the field is of course the priority.

Therefore, Beixuan was fascinated by the titled Douluo who possessed the fairy grass, but he didn't know who that person was.

At this time, Beixuan stopped showing off, and said, "Habayashi, that titled Douluo is the Poison Douluo Dugubo. Although he claims to dominate the world with poison, he can't control such a strong poison at all. His body is poisonous, and he will die soon, but I know a way to cure his poison, but only half of it, because I don't know how to prepare the elixir to suppress the poison, we have to find a way to solve this problem first."

Beixuan is not Tang San. In his previous life, he detoxified and made poisons in elementary school. He knew nothing about poisons, although he knew that as long as he ate the Lihuo Xingjiaoshu and Star Anise Xuanbingcao, and then used his own blood to make antidotes, he would be It can slowly detoxify him, but he doesn't know how to prepare this antidote.

He didn't want to ask Tang San for help, otherwise Dugu Bo would give him a share of the fairy grass.

It is impossible for Tang San to join the forces he created, even if he joins, Beixuan will not rest assured of people like him, in his heart, only the Tang Sect, even if he recognizes his ancestors in the Haotianzong and returns to the clan, he still wants to be independent Coming out to build the Tang Sect again, it can be seen how deep his obsession with the Tang Sect is.

"Prepare the antidote? I will!" Habayashi suddenly pointed to himself.

"Why do you know everything?" Beixuan was speechless, how many side jobs does this guy have?

"Xiao Xuan, you don't understand. There are thousands of beauties in the world, and they all like different things. If I want to win the heart of a beauty, I have to go with her." Yu Lin fell into memories again, "I still remember , that was the first human woman that I could not catch up with. She was so holy and beautiful. When she first came to Tianlu City, I fell in love with her. She was proficient in medical skills, and she also worked for the former king. , that is, your uncle Xuan Ge’s treatment is really admirable. In order to attract her attention, I studied medicine with her, but it’s a pity.”

Habayashi sighed while talking, it seems that he still has a grudge about this woman who can't catch up.

"Human woman, come to Tianlu City?" Beixuan was startled, "Wait, Habayashi, have you ever chased Qingxue? Are you afraid that the revived Baili Tusu will come to chop you with the Fenji sword after recovering his memory?"

"Isn't it that I didn't know that Miss Qingxue's heart belonged to me at the beginning? Although I, Yubayashi, is a dissolute and a scumbag, I still have integrity. I never touch a married woman." Yubayashi said solemnly, Still, this guy has a bottom line.

Now that everything was agreed upon, the two returned to Yehuo Village. Beixuan knew that he was about to leave here, but he absolutely had to leave without saying goodbye, otherwise Grandpa would definitely not be able to bear it and would have to say something.

After his power takes shape, he will take over Grandpa to enjoy the blessings.

On the way, Beixuan also asked Yu Lin about his experiences over the years. He was really curious about how he managed to maintain good relations with the three major forces: the Empire, the Sect, and the Spirit Hall.

The empire is easy to say, especially the Heaven Dou Empire, they don't even have a title Douluo of their own, even if Dugu Bo stands on their side temporarily, it's just a favor for Prince Xuexing, so they must be trying their best I want to win over Habayashi.

On the Sanzong side, it was because of a Sword Douluo who set up a bridge, and on the Wuhundian side, it was a bit surprising. Habayashi did two things. Ghost Douluo actually has the grace to save his life.

It was when Qian Xunji led the two Douluo to pursue Tang Hao, and Ah Yin made a sacrifice, allowing Tang Hao to break through the titled Douluo on the spot and defeat the three of them. When Tang Hao swung the final hammer at them, Yu Lin happened to be nearby and blocked the blow for them.

Tang Hao was seriously injured at the time, and he didn't like to fight. Seeing that there was another Titled Douluo, he retreated directly.

Beixuan thought to himself, Habayashi has made Tang Hao miserable. No one will know except Tang Hao himself. Tang Hao has no killing intent towards Chihiro Ji. Even if Habayashi does not appear, he will eventually It will also be closed.

The reason why he swung the last hammer was to show that he had the ability to kill them at that time, but he was just showing mercy. He did this to stabilize Qian Daoliu, and told him that I, Tang Hao, can kill your son, but I will not let you down. My son is merciful, if you oppose me and Haotianzong's poisonous hands, it will be in vain to make a great offering to the angel god representing justice.

That's why in the original book, Qian Daoliu pretended to chase and kill Tang Hao a few times before being run away by him. Without this kind of affection, Tang Hao, who was covered in dark wounds, might not be able to catch even a single blow from Qian Daoliu.

But now, his last hammer was not retracted by himself, but was blocked by Yulin who jumped out suddenly, which made Tang Hao unable to cleanse himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River. Anyway, everyone thought that he was going to hit hard at that time The hand, the grace of mercy, is completely gone.

Therefore, the enraged Spirit Hall later hit the Clear Sky School more forcefully, and the loss of the Clear Sky School was much greater than the original book.

On the other hand, Habayashi took all the benefits. Although Qian Xunji was still dead after that, he got the favor of Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo, and became superficial friends with them and Wuhundian.

Bibi Dong didn't hate Habayashi because of this, but thanked him a little bit, after all, Qian Xun Ji must die in her hands to make her willing.

As for the second matter, Habayashi kept hesitating, as if he was embarrassed to say it, until the end, he said under Beixuan's persecution, that he took a woman with an unusual identity in Wuhundian.

(End of this chapter)

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