Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 12 Habayashi and Lingyuan

Chapter 12 Habayashi and Lingyuan

"Habayashi, who exactly did you take from Wuhundian? Is there anything you can't say? Could it be Bibi Dong?" On the way back, Beixuan kept asking curiously, but Yubayashi always hesitated and hesitated. Open your mouth.

"Of course it's not Bibi Dong. I've seen her before. She's really beautiful. Although she looks like a stranger, I've seen countless women, and I can see through her hidden love brain at a glance. It's a pity that she I must have suffered some kind of emotional injury, if I met her before she was emotionally injured, I would definitely win." Yulin shook his head and sighed, not knowing whether it was resignation, or pity for a beauty like Bibi Dong.

"Who the hell is that? It's very important. If it is someone with a high position and authority in the Spirit Hall, it will be very helpful to our future." It can't be Hu Liena or Qian Renxue, isn't that the old cow eating tender grass, can this make a good relationship with Wuhundian?Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu killed the old pervert in minutes.

"Well, let me tell you, her name is Lingyuan." Habayashi sighed, "However, I can't guarantee that she can help us in the future, because my relationship with her has reached the first stage that shouldn't be. Four steps."

This is the reason why he didn't say it. As a scumbag who is weak and can drink it all at once, he has four steps to pick up girls. Usually, the first three steps are cut off, and the fourth step will only appear when there is no other choice.

Stepped forward to tease, succeeded in teasing, went to bed, and slipped away.

In other words, he had already dumped that Lingyuan after she fell asleep.

"Lingyuan? This name seems familiar." Beixuan tilted his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly startled, "Habayashi, do you mean Lingyuan Douluo, one of the nine elders of the Wuhun Palace?"

Habayashi nodded.

"That's over, I dumped the dignified titled Douluo, it would be good if I didn't summon Wuhun to burn you when I saw you, and still want him to help us?" Beixuan said speechlessly, "However, why did you dump her, I remember She is quite beautiful, she is a bit older, but with a peerless cultivation, it is not a problem to maintain her appearance in her 30s or [-]s."

Beixuan remembered that his father and mother mentioned Habayashi's deeds when remembering the old man.

Habayashi is indeed a scumbag, but there is a bottom line. He found several wives when he was looking for Beiluo in the world, and he later brought them back to Tianlu City.

Later, when Yu Lin died, Yun Wuyue sent them to Susu Valley in Taoyuan Township, under the care of Feng Qingxue. After all, since her husband Yu Lin was gone, as humans, it was more appropriate for them to live with humans.

Generally speaking, his way of picking up girls is only the first three steps, and the fourth step does not appear often. There should be a reason for making him irresponsible.

"Oh, that woman is too vicious." Habayashi sighed, "Maybe it's been too long, she doesn't take human life seriously. Once, she was ordered to destroy a small mountain range where evil soul masters gathered. Go help her, there are still many innocent people captured by evil soul masters, I adhere to the principle of saving people first and then eliminating evil, but she is different, with the eighth soul skill, I started to burn the mountain range with enthusiasm Exhausted, no matter whether it is an evil soul master or an ordinary person, there will be no survivors."

"I have repeatedly advised her not to do this, but she didn't listen to it at all. In her words, it saves time, and what she wants is to increase the reputation of the Wuhun Palace for killing evil spirit masters. Those ordinary people who are like ants don't Don't worry about it."

After listening to Beixuan, he understood the reason why Yulin and Lingyuan separated. In fact, Yulin must have more life than Lingyuan. Decisive.

But Tianlu City has always been aware of one thing, that is, killing decisively and killing innocent people are always two different things.

"This reason is quite excusable, and I can't stand that kind of crazy woman, unless she can change in the future, otherwise, I can't accept such an aunt." Beixuan shook his head and said.

If Yubayashi put him to sleep and then dumped him for no reason, Beixuan, as the son of the evil king Beiluo, the direct line of the royal family, and his immediate boss, would definitely press down on Yubayashi to apologize to Lingyuan in the future, but since the other party killed innocent people indiscriminately First, after repeated admonition, then let it go.

While the two of them were talking, they had already returned home. Grandpa sold the vegetables in the morning and was already back, cooking.

Although he didn't see Beixuan when he returned home, he was not in a hurry, he just thought that Beixuan went to play somewhere, his grandson was always sensible, and he would come back when he should.

"Grandpa, I'm back!"

Sure enough, before dinner time, Beixuan returned home obediently, but behind him this time was followed by a big guy he didn't know.

"Grandson, who is this?" Grandpa Beihan asked suspiciously.

"Grandpa, let me introduce you. He is Uncle Habayashi, a soul master. He passed by our village today and saw that I have wonderful bones. He thought I might have extraordinary aptitude, so he helped me awaken my martial soul in advance. Take me out to practice." After Beixuan introduced, he blinked at Yulin.

Yubayashi understood and released his soul ring, but only released four, two yellow and two purple, which was enough. If they released all of them, Bei Luo worried that his grandfather's heart would not be able to bear it.

Just these four soul rings completely shocked Bei Han, and he almost knelt down in front of Yu Lin, "Master of the Soul Soul Sect, I would like to greet you, little old man Bei Han. Thank you for helping my grandson awaken his martial spirit."

Yulin hurriedly stopped Beihan, "You don't need to be too polite, I just happened to meet Xiaoxuan and hit it off with him."

Just kidding, although this old man is an ordinary person, he is a grandfather recognized by Beixuan. In the future, if Beixuan regains all the power of his bloodline and becomes the king of evil spirits, he will have both the bloodline of the evil spirit royal family and the bloodline of the nightmare charm, and his body will still be the bones of the evil spirit king He was born, and his skill might surpass Beiluo.

At that time, he will be the best candidate to inherit the throne of the evil spirit clan, and this old grandfather will definitely be brought by Beixuan, his status is no different from the grandfather of the emperor in the world, the supreme emperor.

He was the former commander of the Imperial Guard, but he dared not accept the Supreme Emperor's kneeling.

"Well, Master Soul Sect, I don't know what my grandson's martial spirit is, but does he have soul power?" Beihan asked expectantly. Of course, what he was most concerned about was Beixuan's future.

Although he very much hopes that Beixuan can stay in the village and live with him forever, but he also hopes that Beixuan will have a bright future.

"Don't worry, old man, Xiaoxuan's talent is extraordinary. His martial soul is named Nightmare, and it is a rare spirit-type martial soul. His innate soul power has reached level 7. As long as he works hard, his future strength will reach above that of a soul saint. "Habayashi said a qualification that can be accepted by ordinary people more easily.

Even so, Bei Han was overjoyed after hearing it. If his family wasn't poor, he would have set off firecrackers to celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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