Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 13 Sun and Moon Divine Art

Chapter 13 Sun and Moon Divine Art
at dusk,

Sitting on the hillside, Beixuan began to practice the Sun and Moon Divine Art in the Sun and Moon Secret Code.

This is the time when the sun and the moon alternate, and it is also the best time to practice this technique. Since he is born with full soul power, what he has to do today is not to improve his skills, but to use his true energy , into Sun Moon True Qi.

The zhenqi cultivated by different kung fu methods have their own magical effects, just like Tang San's internal power of Xuantian Kungfu, when confronting enemies, his soul power recovery speed far exceeds that of ordinary people, so he was able to fight against Meng Yiran's soul power later. Among them, level 29 surpassed her level [-].

The internal power of the Sun Moon Divine Art does not have such an effect, but this kind of true energy is extremely aggressive. For example, when two people are facing each other, even if they are of the same level and spirit quality, the power of the soul ring and soul skills is completely equal. Then, the power of the sun and the moon's true energy will far exceed ordinary soul power.

Beixuan's aptitude is extraordinary, and in just a few hours, he transformed half of the soul power in his body. When all the transformation is completed, the first level of the Sun Moon Divine Art will be considered completed.

At that time, Beixuan can also practice the martial arts in the Sun and Moon Secret Code, there are four sets in total, the scorching sun's palm, the moon shadow footwork, the strongest sun and moon's sword and the sun and moon golden body.

It's a pity that there is no sword in Beixuan's martial soul. In this Douluo Continent, apart from the Asura Excalibur, there seems to be no other famous swords for him to use. The Seven Killing Sword and so on are all other people's martial souls.

Beixuan opened his sleeves, and there was a sword-shaped imprint on his wrist, which was transformed by the sword energy transmitted by Beiluo before crossing. Unfortunately, Beixuan can't sense any of the power now.

As for the golden body of the sun and the moon, it needs ice and fire to refine the body to practice. Beixuan has no way to cultivate it for the time being, and it is estimated that he will have to use the power of the ice and fire Yin Yang in the future.

After finishing training, Beixuan returned home, Yu Lin had already slept soundly on the roof, this was his own request, he was a wild soul master, so he was used to sleeping like this, but at this time the house was still brightly lit.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?" Beixuan went home and saw that Beihan was packing a bag and packing up, and it seemed that what he packed was his clothes.

"Grandson, grandpa thought, since you have such a good talent and you are favored by the soul master, then you must go to the outside world to make a living. This small village is not the place for you to stay. , Therefore, Grandpa, help you pack up in advance, so as not to panic when you leave." Beihan said silently, his tone was very indifferent, but Beixuan could still hear the strong reluctance.

Beixuan can't do anything about it. Indeed, he must leave. Cultivation requires resources, such as medicinal herbs, soul beast meat, and mimicry cultivation sites, which are only available in relatively advanced soul master academies.

Because Yubayashi didn't join any forces, even though he was a titled Douluo, he was poor and useless. He could only be his own guardian at most.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely cultivate into a powerful soul master and come back, and then I will pick you up to enjoy the blessings." Beixuan helped his grandfather to sit down, and comforted him with a smile.

"As soon as I'm old, I won't live long. It doesn't matter whether I enjoy life or not. As long as you are well, I will have no regrets." Bei Han is very free and easy, and doesn't have so much vision for the future.

Beixuan knew that no matter how much he said now, it would be empty talk, so he no longer promised grandpa anything, but told him that no matter what time, he would put his own safety first and live a good life.

Beihan only smiled when he heard this sentence, isn't that right, what kind of powerful soul master is not important to him at all, the most important thing is to live well.

On this point, Beihan's thoughts coincided with what Beiluo said when he sent Beixuan to Douluo Continent.

In the early morning of the next day, Beixuan practiced the Sun Moon Divine Art again. He wanted to completely transform the true qi in his body today.

Except for him, everyone in the village is actually very busy today, because today is the day when the Wuhun Palace came to awaken the Wuhun for the children.

Small villages like Yehuo Village are probably the last batch. For example, the children in Tiandou City, or the villages that have independent enrollment quotas and have received the attention of the Wuhun Temple because of the appearance of Soul Saints, have already awakened. After it's over, Tang San probably starts school soon.

Six to 20 years old is the best period for Wuhun cultivation, one day less is lagging behind.

"Children, the master soul master of Wuhun Temple has come. You must cooperate with him to awaken the spirit. Grandpa looks forward to some of you who can become soul masters." The villager of Yehuo Village Chang said to the group of children in front of him.

There are not only children from their village, but also children from several other nearby villages, and several villages share a place.

"Stop talking nonsense, come in with me, I'm in a hurry." Behind the village head is an arrogant young man, he is the awakened person sent by the Wuhun Temple, but compared to the blind Su Yuntao Appears impolite and impatient.

"Wait, Grandpa Village Chief, Master Soul Master, my brother Xuan hasn't come yet, can you wait a little longer." Ma Hongjun asked anxiously.

"Hmph, I'm late for such an important day. A person who doesn't pay much attention to his own future, why waste time on this kind of waste? If it's his turn before it arrives, let him go to the Wuhun in the city." Awaken the branch hall." The soul master said coldly, what is Beixuan's identity, what is his identity?
He is a dignified soul master, why would he wait for a child born in a commoner? Anyway, in a village like Yehuo Village, a soul master with soul power has not been produced for decades, and awakening is just a waste of time.


Ma Hongjun wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by the soul master directly, "Shut up, I don't have your turn to tell me what to do, if you talk nonsense, get the hell out of me!"

"Shut up, Hongjun!" The village chief hurriedly scolded, Beixuan's failure to come was his own problem, he couldn't let Ma Hongjun lose his chance because of others.

"Yes!" Ma Hongjun didn't dare to disobey, he could only lower his head and say in a deep voice.

"Yo, this kid, you still think about my young master at such a time, is he quite loyal?" Not far away, Yulin was secretly observing, but he didn't expect a little fat man who dared to talk back for Beixuan and the soul master.

It's not bad, if his martial spirit is acceptable, Habayashi can take him away and train him together.

A small village like Yehuo Village does not have a special awakening place like Holy Soul Village, and the awakening place is in the middle of the village square.

The children stood in a row, and the soul master glanced at him before introducing himself, "My name is Song Shan, martial soul hyena, nineteenth-level first-ring battle soul master."

After finishing speaking, the man directly activated his martial soul, his teeth became sharp, his palms turned into sharp claws, his legs looked more developed, and at the same time, a circle of white soul rings surrounded him.

This is the beast spirit possession.

(End of this chapter)

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