Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 14 Ma Hongjun's Martial Soul Turkey?flaming Phenix!

Chapter 14 Ma Hongjun's Martial Soul Turkey?flaming Phenix!

The awakening of the martial soul is a cumbersome process. Song Shan, who does not have the thick soul power of Habayashi and is just an ordinary soul master, can only rely on the martial soul awakening stone to slowly guide the children's martial soul out.

A total of 32 six-year-old children gathered here from five villages. Half an hour passed and only half of the work was completed.

Moreover, most of the martial souls are farm tools or ordinary poultry. They have no attack power, no defensive power, no auxiliary abilities, and none of them have soul power.

Song Shan sighed, and said to himself, "I knew, how could a real soul master be born in such a rural place, it's a waste of my time."

In fact, he also hopes to get something in return. If he can bring back a decent talent to the Spirit Hall, maybe he can get some resources to help him break through level [-]. By then, he can become a great soul master.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a tiger roar.

There was a child who actually awakened a tiger. Although it wasn't a mutant blood tiger, or a sabre-toothed tiger with powerful attack power, it was just an ordinary tiger, but it was already a very good attack-type martial spirit.

Generally speaking, this kind of very aggressive martial soul will have innate soul power, such as Song Shan's hyena, which has one level of innate soul power, and Su Yuntao's lone wolf, which has two levels of innate soul power.

Tiger is a bit more advanced than these two, and his innate soul power may have three or four levels.

Song Shan was very happy, and hurriedly took out a crystal ball for the child to test. The quality of this crystal ball was much worse than that of Habayashi, and it was the lowest grade crystal ball that could only be tested below the tenth level.

And that child actually let the brightness of this ball reach nearly half, that is to say, his innate soul power is almost four and a half levels.

"Haha, that's right, kid, your talent is very outstanding. Let me ask you, would you like to go back to the Martial Soul Branch Hall with me?" Song Shan asked. , he should be given a little reward, at least breaking through level [-] is not a problem.

"Of course!" The child immediately agreed excitedly, joining the Spirit Hall, even if it was only the lowest branch of the Spirit Hall, was a great honor for ordinary people.

Song Shan nodded in satisfaction and let the child stand aside. He continued to speed up the process of awakening others. At this moment, he just wanted to complete the task and go back as soon as possible. He didn't think that there would be a second miracle in these small villages.

Soon, it was Ma Hongjun's turn.

Standing within the magic circle, a fiery red chicken gradually emerged.

Because of his contradictory behavior at the beginning, Song Shan's first impression of Ma Hongjun was not very good, and he immediately mocked, "Haha, it's a chicken, a useless martial soul. The color looks more beautiful, but a useless martial soul is a useless martial soul. This kind of martial spirit generally has no soul power, but I still let you test it as a routine."

"Okay!" Ma Hongjun didn't dare to continue to offend this master soul master, and obediently put his hand on the crystal ball.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the crystal ball shone with a light that was far more dazzling than before, only a hair away from the maximum brightness.

"How is this possible? Innate soul power, peak level nine, infinitely close to full innate soul power!" Song Shan's expression was full of disbelief.

He glanced at the child who had awakened the tiger at the side, then at Ma Hongjun, and was caught in a tangle for a while.

The total of these villages has only one quota, but now there are two little ghosts with soul master potential.

But soon, he made a decision to take the child of the tiger spirit back home, so what about the little fat boy's innate spirit power, and how can the growth potential of the useless spirit compare with the tiger's natural fighting spirit.

This guy obviously doesn't know that the quality of the martial soul is directly proportional to the strength of the innate soul power, otherwise he would still think that Ma Hongjun's martial soul is a chicken, which is also normal, because Su Yuntao doesn't know, otherwise when he awakens Tang San, he It should also be reported.

Once reported to the high level of Wuhundian, Tang San couldn't cultivate so comfortably in the early stage.

"You actually said that this martial soul is a chicken? This blind thing." In the dark, Yulin couldn't help complaining. Ma Hongjun's martial soul gave him a very familiar feeling. In his previous life, he felt been.

That is the existence of the same ceiling level as the evil spirit clan, Phoenix!

Although this Ma Hongjun's phoenix power is very mixed, but no matter how inferior the phoenix is, it is at least a top-level spirit.

The reason why it is only a turkey image now is because there is no soul ring, the phoenix fire cannot be used, and Ma Hongjun's low soul power and impure blood make the phoenix body unable to appear.

Yubayashi smiled slightly, "Hehe, since you are ignorant of the Wuhun Palace, then I will accept this brat, just to be my young master's thug!"

With the passage of time, the awakening ceremony was completely completed, and the few people after Ma Hongjun, and the one with soul power, did not appear again. In fact, this is a normal phenomenon.

Song Shan took the child with the tiger spirit and left, Ma Hongjun seemed a little disappointed, but then, he remembered something, and quickly ran towards Beixuan's house.

"Brother Xuan, Brother Xuan, are you there?"

Ma Hongjun patted the door of Beixuan's house anxiously, but Beihan had already gone out to sell vegetables, and there was no one in the house. At this moment, a voice sounded behind Ma Hongjun, "Hongjun, why are you here? Today is not Wuhun!" Awakening day? Has your martial soul been awakened?"

Ma Hongjun looked back and saw that it was Beixuan, "Well, I've awakened, Brother Xuan, where did you go, you didn't come for such an important day?"

Beixuan smiled slightly, and a pitch-black phantom appeared behind him, "Don't worry, my martial soul has also awakened. Look, this is called Nightmare."

Immediately, Beixuan recounted to Ma Hongjun what he said to Beihan yesterday.

"Brother Xuan, you have already been favored by a master soul master, no wonder! I knew, Brother Xuan, you are not a person without measure." Ma Hongjun heaved a sigh of relief, but said apologetically, "Brother Xuan, You deliberately didn't come today because you wanted to give me the only recommended spot in the village, but I'm sorry, I let you down."

The ins and outs of the matter, in fact, Beixuan already knew about it, Yubayashi Kuaima Hongjun said it when he came back in one step.

No wonder Ma Hongjun in the original book has such an outstanding martial soul plus innate soul power, but the Hall of Martial Arts doesn't know that his relationship is due to meeting an awakened person who doesn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, Hongjun, in fact, your martial spirit is very extraordinary, it's just that that guy doesn't know what to do. Since the Wuhun Palace doesn't want you, why don't you continue to hang out with me, and we two brothers will go outside together." Beixuan invited road.

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun nodded again and again, "Okay, okay, then I'll go home and get ready, when we're leaving, Brother Xuan, remember to call me."

After finishing speaking, Ma Hongjun ran back home in a hurry.

Habayashi appeared beside Beixuan as if teleporting, "This kid has good talent, but he has a bad temper. He has no independent opinions and just goes with the flow."

"I know, but it's easier to control such a person, isn't it?" Beixuan smiled, and it was precisely because he knew Ma Hongjun that he wanted to take him away with him.

In the original book, Ma Hongjun is a person who can only follow others. In the academy, he hangs out with Dai Mubai, and later joins Tangmen, hangs out with Tang San. This guy rarely has his own ideas. Dai Mubai, Flender and Tang San [-]. Whatever these people say, he will do.

Subduing this kind of person is much more reassuring than subduing Tang San and the like.

(End of this chapter)

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