Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 15 Farewell to Yehuo Village and Embark on a Journey to Become Stronger

Chapter 15 Farewell to Yehuo Village and Embark on a Journey to Become Stronger

At dusk, Beixuan exhaled a mouthful of stale qi from his body, and with the help of the Sun Moon Divine Art, he finally made the soul power in his body more pure, and at the same time transformed all of it into Sun Moon True Qi.

Beixuan ran all the way home from the hillside. After gaining more powerful and pure soul power, his running speed at this time was about twice as fast as before.

This feeling of speed and speed is really joyful.

But when he returned home, he saw Ma Hongjun who was the complete opposite of him, with a mournful face.

At this time, he was striding forward, sweating profusely, and beside him stood Habayashi with a serious face.

"Habayashi, Hongjun, who are you?"

Seeing Beixuan came back, Ma Hongjun seemed to have seen a savior, and cried, "Brother Xuan, you are finally back, save me quickly, I just packed my luggage and was taking a nap, but this uncle threw me away without saying a word. I got pulled out of bed and he drilled me all afternoon and he beat me up when I didn't listen."

"Shut up, keep your legs down. Before the sun goes down, I can stabilize my horse stance. As a soul master, physical fitness is very important." Habayashi shouted angrily, "I can't hold it at this level. I think back then, when I was the commander of the Evil Resisting Imperial Guard, those little bastards under my command would not stop until they played until they wanted to die."

Beixuan was ashamed, he had already seen it clearly, because he decided to take Ma Hongjun with him, so this little fat man became Habayashi's training object just like himself.

But Ma Hongjun has been relatively lazy since he was a child, so how could he stand up to training like Habayashi.

In fact, this kind of training is very necessary. Indeed, with the improvement of soul power and the absorption of soul rings, the soul master's physical fitness will naturally grow. But the problem is, the same is true for your opponents. They also have soul power. There are also soul rings. If the opponent's soul power level and the age of the soul ring are not worse than yours, why should their bodies be weaker than yours?

To defeat the enemy in a battle of the same level, or even leapfrog the level to kill the enemy, the most important thing is to cultivate the day after tomorrow.

Even the master understands this truth, so when he was in Shrek Academy, he arranged for the Shrek Seven Monsters to run laps for physical exercise.

Of course, running circles in training is completely different from running circles in training.

Ma Hongjun's attribute is the same as one of the common physical attributes of the evil spirit clan, which is fire. Except for the special skills that the evil spirit royal family never spread, ordinary evil martial arts must have been in Habayashi's training courses.

"Haha, Hongjun, just bear with it. I wanted to introduce you, but now you must know him. This Uncle Yubayashi is the senior who helped me awaken my martial soul. His cultivation base is very high. Oh, after that, he will take us to hunt for the first soul ring first, and then lead us to practice." Beixuan laughed.

Yubayashi nodded, looked at Ma Hongjun and said, "Well, that's right, kid, don't be lazy, after finishing the physical training, I will teach you the method of meditation later, I won't let you sleep tonight! "

Beixuan sighed helplessly, the old driver Yubayashi always said something that made people daydream, what he meant was, replace sleep with meditation, this is something that even hard-working soul masters can do.

However, Habayashi didn't seem to intend to teach Ma Hongjun any high-level exercises, at most they were only a little more advanced than the common meditation methods on the mainland.

In this regard, Beixuan also recognized it.

Firstly, it is easy to develop Ma Hongjun's character of getting nothing for nothing. Second, Sheng Mi's kindness fights against Mi's hatred, and giving Ma Hongjun too many things for no reason is not necessarily a good thing. It would be miserable if it should be taken for granted. If one day there is nothing for him, it may cause dissatisfaction.

The playboys in countless novels, the arrogant young and old, are spoiled like this.

People need to be taught correctly. Instead of giving nothing in return, it is better to wait for Ma Hongjun to make some achievements in the future, and then reward him in the form of rewards. This can mobilize his enthusiasm and let him understand that there is no white man in the world. Eat lunch for the truth.

Under Ma Hongjun's despairing eyes, Yu Lin picked it up and walked towards his house.

The level of this guy is the peak of Xiantian ninth level, which is only a little bit away from the innate full soul power. With this speed of cultivation, it is definitely not a problem to break through tenth level in a short time, so that he can hunt the first soul together with Beixuan Ring, save wasting time and make two trips.

After that, Habayashi also plans to find them a high-level soul master academy, so as to obtain some resources and mimicry training grounds.

As for building forces or something, that's something after graduation.

The strength is not strong enough, talking about everything is empty talk.

When he got home, his grandfather who had worked hard all day had already fallen asleep. Beixuan pulled the quilt for him without waking him up. Although parting was imminent, he knew that his grandfather had always been a straightforward person, and he didn't need to say any more words of farewell .

Besides, it's not that I won't come back, and I will meet again soon.

In the early morning of the next day, Beixuan left the house carrying the luggage that Grandpa Beihan had packed for him on his back. Grandpa hadn't woken up yet, so he seldom slept in. He did this on purpose today, probably to avoid the parting scene.

Yulin and Ma Hongjun were already waiting outside the door, Beixuan said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go to the nearby Soul Hunting Forest to obtain my first spirit ring."

"Brother Xuan, aren't you saying goodbye to your grandfather?" Ma Hongjun asked.

Beixuan waved his hand, "No need, grandpa and I are not the kind of people who love each other. When I become stronger, I will pick him up again."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun stopped talking, followed Beixuan, and left the village where he had lived since he was a child.

Not long after they left, a soul master with glasses happened to pass by here. In the end, nothing happened. He just bought some dry food here and left.

This person is none other than Flender, who had a relationship with Ma Hongjun in the original book. They probably met here, but because Beixuan took Ma Hongjun away, their relationship between teacher and student was also broken.

Because Yehuo Village is too remote, the three Beixuan who left the village arrived at the nearest Soul Hunting Forest after traveling for several days.

This shouldn't be the forest where Tang San got his first spirit ring in the original book, because this place belongs to the Barak Kingdom, and it's too far away from Tang San's Notting College.

Of course, no matter where the hunting forest is, it is under the jurisdiction of the Wuhun Temple, and you need the Wuhun Temple's hunting token to enter.

But Habayashi didn't need it. He had a good relationship with Wuhundian, and he was also the title Douluo Zhizun, so he got a token given to him by Chihiro Ji when he was still alive.

It is engraved with a sword, a hammer, a dragon, a chrysanthemum and an incomplete human figure. Compared with the legendary papal decree that can only be used by the titled Douluo elders, that is, the Six Emperors of Heaven Dou It's just a pattern.

The Platinum Bishop of the Wuhun Temple used tokens of this level.

With this token, Hunting Soul Forest and Habayashi can enter and exit at will.

(End of this chapter)

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