Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 17 Chapter 1 Soul Ring Shadow Elf

Chapter 17 The First Soul Ring Shadow Elf
"The first soul skill, heavy sword without front!"

Yubayashi summoned Meteor Demon God Tie, surrounded by two yellow, two purple, five black and nine soul rings.

This stunned the little fat man Ma Hongjun, this Uncle Yubayashi is actually one of the titled Douluo standing at the top of the continent.

Yubayashi's first soul ring flickered. His first soul skill was a state-enhancing soul skill. It had two effects. The first was to increase the attack power by 40.00%, and the second was to increase the weight of the sword. The weight increases as his level increases. At the beginning, it is [-] catties, and after that, it increases by [-] catties for each level.

He is now level 94, so he has gained a total of [-] jin.

As for Yulin's divine iron, with more and more soul rings attached, its own weight has reached more than 8000 catties, so the total weight is already over ten thousand catties

If it was put in Yu Lin's previous life, he could turn the epee into a wooden sword, but his strength is not as good as before. It is not bad to have a sword of ten thousand jin, but this is just a first soul skill.


Yubayashi shouted angrily, and the epee slashed heavily on the ground. In an instant, the ground shook, and countless civet cats around were staggered by the power that Yubayashi spread.

And the thing behind the scene was also suppressed by Habayashi's powerful force, the surrounding fog gradually dispersed, revealing the figure of the thing in front,

It was actually a humanoid soul beast, but its fangs, sharp claws and black wings on the back could still reveal its identity as a soul beast.

"This is the Shadow Elf!" Habayashi said in surprise, "It is said that when the Shadow Elf appears, it can control all kinds of dark-attributed soul beasts whose cultivation is below it, no wonder those spirit-eating cats will listen to you. "

Shadow elves are also soul beasts that feed on souls. It is not surprising that they are in league with the spirit-eating cat, but this time it is cheaper for Beixuan. This kind of soul beast is quite rare.

"Xiaoxuan, get ready to do it. I estimate that the age of this shadow elf is about 600 years. You have the bone protection of the evil king. It will be no problem if the age is longer." Habayashi said, and walked towards the The shadow elves rushed away.

The shadow elf was obviously frightened by the nine soul rings on Habayashi's body. It didn't expect that the guy who was originally his prey was actually a Titled Douluo.

Its IQ surpassed that of ordinary soul beasts without hesitation, and summoned countless black mist again, intending to take the opportunity to escape.

But how can that method work for the titled Douluo Yubayashi? Yubayashi rushed directly into the fog, slashed down with a sword, and when the sword was about to hit the shadow elf, he turned the heavy sword horizontally and turned it into a pressing .

The epee itself weighed more than [-] jin, and with Habayashi's partial strength, the power of this strike was at least [-] jin.

The shadow elf of the hundred-year-old soul beast couldn't resist at all. If it wasn't for Yubayashi's mercy, he could have been crushed to death directly.

At this moment, in the shadow, a figure ran quickly towards this place, it was Beixuan.

"Scorching Sun Falling Demon Palm - Mad Demon Style!"

Beixuan's palm with all his strength hit the shadow elf's Tianling cover. This is the first crazy magic pose of the scorching sun's palm that he has cultivated in the past few days, and it is also the most direct and basic one. out.

Seeing this, Habayashi nodded in satisfaction, it was not bad, and there was no delay.

Many soul beasts are very proud, especially those with IQ. Sometimes they would rather die than become someone else's soul ring.

Therefore, when killing them with the help of other people's strength, you must be decisive in your shots, and you must not even leave the opponent with a chance to self-destruct.

With a plop, the shadow elf's body fell down.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Beixuan didn't feel any discomfort at all because of his first killing. Perhaps it was because of his evil spirit bloodline. The evil spirit clan is an extremely warlike race, especially since he was born in the royal family.

A circle of yellow halo emerged from the surface of the shadow elf.

According to the method Yubayashi taught in advance, after being possessed by Beixuan Nightmare, he sucked this soul ring over.

The resentment of the soul beast before its death was attached to the soul ring, like sharp knives, as if it wanted to tear Beixuan's body apart.

The physical body of an ordinary tenth-level soul master might really not be able to withstand the impact of these 600-year soul rings on the body.

However, this shadow elf is only a century-old soul beast after all, and does not have the soul impact of a ten-thousand-year soul beast. Therefore, with the strength of Beixuan's body, it can fully support it.

At the same time Beixuan was absorbing the soul ring, behind him, a golden light loomed.

This made Yu Lin's eyes condense, "That's it. I see. No wonder Your Majesty is confident that the young master's body will not be disturbed by the soul beast's bloodline and power. That's good, so that I can boldly search for Xiao Xuan in the future." The suitable soul beasts and soul bones have been absorbed."

"Uncle Yulin, brother Xuan looks very uncomfortable, is it really all right?" Ma Hongjun looked at Beixuan's hideous face and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's just a shock of soul power." Habayashi said, "Don't be lazy, go meditate, the innate soul power is at the peak of the ninth level, after so many days, you can't even break through such a small membrane. "

"Yes!" Ma Hongjun suddenly became very obedient, and this was also because he was completely overwhelmed by Yubayashi's powerful strength and those nine soul rings just now.

Seeing that the two children were practicing cross-legged, Habayashi also sat down to meditate.

Of course, he was meditating lightly, as long as there was any disturbance around him, he would be awakened immediately.

After all, the safety of the two children needs him to protect them.

Time passed by every minute and every second, the sky was getting brighter, and the sun had just emerged from a sharp corner.

At this moment, the dark aura on Beixuan's body suddenly grew stronger,
"Successful!" Finally, Beixuan opened his eyes, and he felt that his strength had increased several times compared to before, especially in terms of soul power, which was definitely more than eleventh or second level.

This scene also awakened Yu Lin. He stepped forward and said, "Very good. As expected, a 600-year-old spirit ring is not a problem at all for a physically strong person with an attached spirit bone."

"External spirit bone?" Beixuan was a little surprised, when did he have an external spirit bone.

Yubayashi smiled slightly, "I only discovered it yesterday when you absorbed the soul ring. The bone of the evil king Shang Xuange, the former king, had already turned into a bone when you traveled to this continent and was baptized by the king using the rules of the plane. The external spirit bone will grow as you grow, although your strength is too weak and you are only at the level of ten years, but your potential is unlimited."

"One of the abilities of this soul bone is to filter impurities, so no matter how many soul rings and soul bones you absorb in the future, it will not affect your pure evil king blood and nightmare charm blood, but will only absorb The power of the soul beast."

Beixuan suddenly realized, no wonder Beiluo said before that he can guarantee his body will not be affected by the side effects of the soul ring and soul bone in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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