Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 18 Evil Fire Phoenix

Chapter 18 Evil Fire Phoenix
Beixuan tried to mobilize his external spirit bone. After all, this external spirit bone was the bone of the evil king. If it only had the ability to filter impurities, it would be too stretched. Even one of Tang San's eight spider spirit bones came with a full body. There are many wonderful functions such as attribute strengthening, devouring, and poisonous.

Beixuan was certain that the evil bone must have other abilities.

It's a pity that no matter how he moved it, this spirit bone was still quietly hiding in his body without any response.

"Okay, Xiaoxuan, don't worry. The Evil King's Bone is different from others. Maybe you are not qualified to use it now. When you become stronger, you will be able to completely control it." Habayashi reassured.

Beixuan nodded. He was not a person who was easily frustrated. Since he would not be able to find any key information for a while, then let it be.

"By the way, Xiaoxuan, what is your first soul skill?" Habayashi asked curiously.

He speculated that since it was the shadow elf's soul ring, it was most likely related to illusion and spiritual power.

"My first soul skill, called Illusory Fog, can produce thick fog, reduce the opponent's field of vision, reduce mental strength by 20%, and create illusions, which interfere with the opponent's actions, but have no effect on our own." Beixuan explained. .

Habayashi said in surprise, "I didn't expect that the number one soul skill in the district would have so many abilities. Should it be said to be the martial soul handed down by Mr. Qi Chou? It is definitely the ceiling existence of the spiritual system martial soul!"

"Furthermore, lowering the line of sight, weakening mental strength, and illusion interference are definitely the characteristics of control-type soul masters. This first soul skill is considered a success."

The main purpose of coming to the Hunting Soul Forest has been fulfilled, and now Ma Hongjun is still meditating deeply, and he can leave when he wakes up.

Not long after, Ma Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes, surrounded by flames all over his body.

Yubayashi's eyes lit up, "Oh, not bad, a breakthrough."

Ma Hongjun also stood up excitedly and said, "Brother Xuan, Uncle Yubayashi, I have reached level ten, so, can I also get my first soul ring?"

Beixuan nodded, "Of course, your soul ring is much easier to find than what I need, and even fire attribute soul beasts are very suitable for you."

"Habayashi, in this hunting soul forest, there should be a valley of flames where fire attribute soul beasts gather, or some other hot place?"

"Of course, you follow me closely." Habayashi took the lead and led the two to the south of the Hunting Soul Forest.

Among the five elements, the southern anode generates heat, and heat generates fire. Therefore, generally speaking, if you want to find fire-attributed soul beasts, go south, the probability will be much higher.

Sure enough, not long after, they came to a valley of flames, where many fire attribute soul beasts gathered.

Although most of the ages are relatively low, Yubayashi quickly found a Salamander with a age of around 380 years, which is enough for Ma Hongjun.

The first soul ring limit of ordinary people is around 420 years, Ma Hongjun can't exceed this range, and he doesn't have the protagonist's luck like Tang San, so he just happens to meet a 400-year-old soul beast with quite suitable attributes .

The first ring in 380 years, among all soul masters, can be regarded as very outstanding.

But Ma Hongjun, this little fat man, seemed a little hesitant to kill a life for the first time, after Yubayashi knocked out the fire lizard, he trembled for a long time before stabbing it to death with the dagger.

Sure enough, he is still a kid who has never seen the world. He has the virtue of killing a lizard now. What will he do when he kills the enemy in the future? His character needs to be cultivated.

According to the method taught by Habayashi, Ma Hongjun also successfully absorbed the spirit ring, 380 years is completely within his range, without any danger.

With a resounding phoenix cry, the phoenix martial soul with the soul ring finally got rid of the image of a grass chicken at that moment and turned into a phoenix with wings.

Of course, it is still not useful because the wings are only illusory. According to Beixuan's speculation, Ma Hongjun needs at least two soul rings to truly soar in the sky.

After absorbing the spirit ring, Ma Hongjun seemed very excited, and kept spraying fire around him. He finally became a real soul master. His first soul skill was still the same as the original book, which was the phoenix line of fire that spewed out a straight line of flames.

As the first soul skill of an attacking soul master, it can still be used.

"Okay, little fat man, don't be so excited, since you and Xiaoxuan both got the first soul ring, let's test your soul power." Habayashi said, and took out the crystal ball.

Because he had tested it once when he awakened his martial soul, Ma Hongjun put his right hand on the crystal ball with ease, and the crystal ball flickered with not weak light. Up and down, the 380-year soul ring has raised Ma Hongjun by nearly two levels.

"Not bad." Habayashi said with satisfaction, "Xiaoxuan, look at yours."

"Okay!" Beixuan also put his hand up.

Under the suction of the crystal ball, the sun and moon zhenqi in his body was attracted, and the crystal ball emitted a more dazzling light than before.

Habayashi was startled, "Level [-]! It seems that it's not just the power of the soul ring. Although you have lost a lot of true qi because you didn't know how to gather it in the dantian, part of the power you have gained through breathing out over the years is also part of it. stored."

"Well, hard work will always pay off." Beixuan smiled.

He is very satisfied with this level.

This trip to the Soul Hunting Forest has been quite rewarding, and it's time for them to leave.

The three of them walked towards the forest exit, Ma Hongjun walked more and more slowly without realizing it, and his face began to turn red, as if on fire.


Finally, the scorching heat all over his body made him unable to hold on any longer, and he screamed out.

"Hong Jun!" Beixuan immediately came up to support him, but was almost burned by the temperature of his body. As a traverser, he immediately understood what was going on, "The temperature is so high, no, his evil fire broke out Already!"

Seeing this, Habayashi also came over, "Evil fire?"

Beixuan explained, "Yes, in fact, the flame of Hongjun's fire phoenix is ​​not pure, it should be called the evil fire phoenix, once the flames run wild, it will burn the body with evil fire, making people lustful."

"It turned out to be like this." Yulin knew that something was wrong, this kind of flame would lead people to degenerate, Ma Hongjun's temperament was not good, if he relieved the outbreak of evil fire by releasing his desire, his temperament would become worse and worse. More likely to turn into a wretched pervert.

Yulin immediately put his palm on Ma Hongjun's chest, powerful titled Douluo level soul power surged out, forcibly suppressing Ma Hongjun's evil fire.

Fortunately, this is only his first seizure, and it is not very strong. With Yubayashi's skill, there is no problem, but I am afraid that as the number of seizures increases in the future, even Yubayashi will find it difficult to suppress it.

(End of this chapter)

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