Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 19 Bingxin Jue Next Destination

Chapter 19 Bingxin Jue's Next Destination
As Yulin's powerful soul power suppressed Ma Hongjun's evil fire, the red light on Ma Hongjun's face gradually faded.

But Beixuan knew that external force alone was not enough, and Ma Hongjun's own efforts were needed. He sat in front of Ma Hongjun and put his hands on his chest, "Hongjun, don't be controlled by desire, let your soul power follow me The soul power of the soul is running, the breath is synchronized with me, and then follow me, the heart is as clear as ice, and the sky is not shocked; the changes are still fixed, the spirit is calm; Look at each other from top to bottom, look at each other; intentionally enter the entrance, subdue thoughts; there is nothing inside and outside, as if muddy ice is clear; with one heart and no extravagance, ancient and modern are free and easy!"

Hearing the formula read out by Beixuan, Ma Hongjun also practiced his kung fu while reciting it.

It wasn't long before his face completely returned to normal.

"This is the formula for peace of mind? Xiaoxuan, you actually know this kind of thing?" Habayashi said in surprise, because the girl he chased at the beginning was eager to become a chivalrous woman, so the skills he collected were all increasing rapidly. Kung Fu is the main thing. He really has never learned this kind of kung fu that can stabilize the mind.

"This is called Bing Xin Jue. It was taught to me by my mother. You know, I used to be very irritable because I couldn't grow up. At that time, my mother would recite this formula to make me feel at ease and fall asleep at night. "Bei Xuan said.

In fact, when he heard that Yun Wuyue taught him this technique, he was also very surprised. In the world of ancient swords, there is actually a Bingxin formula similar to Fengyun world.

However, this Bingxin Jue can only suppress desires and make the mind more stable, but it is not very useful for improving the skill, so Beixuan has not practiced it much, but today it is of great use.

Habayashi nodded, "Well, with this Bing Xin Jue, at least Hong Jun doesn't have to worry these days, and it can also buy us time to find a cure for the evil fire."

Of course Beixuan knew how to cure Ma Hongjun, the fairy grass cockscomb phoenix sunflower was in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, but it was not so easy for Beixuan to get it now.

Firstly, he wanted to subdue Dugu Bo, so he could not rely on Habayashi to plunder him, he had to cure his poison first, and this step could not be done by Habayashi, but by himself, after all he He is the leader of the future forces. To gain the trust of the people below, many things should be done by him. He plans to let Habayashi teach him the method of medicine in the past few years.

Secondly, the current Ma Hongjun is too young, so he may not be able to withstand the strong medicinal power of the fairy grass. It is better to take it around level [-] to be safer.

Thirdly, Beixuan intends to use this evil fire to re-cultivate Ma Hongjun's xinxing. In the original book, Flender, the solution to the evil fire is to let him vent his desires. Therefore, Ma Hongjun who just appeared on the stage gives people the feeling of being a wretched maniac. one.

But the evil fire, the more obedient it is, the more addictive it is, just like a drug. Perhaps at first Ma Hongjun had seizures every few months, and as the frequency of obedience increased, it gradually became once every few weeks, every few days. Once, or even several times a day.

In the original book, if Tang San hadn't sent the cockscomb and phoenix sunflower, Ma Hongjun, let alone becoming a god, would have died under the backlash of the evil fire, or completely degenerated, becoming an evil soul master that everyone can punish.

But in fact, this thing can also be used. As long as you can resist it by yourself, slowly, the spiritual power of the soul master will become stronger and stronger, and the xinxing will also become better and better.

Since Ma Hongjun recognizes him as the boss, he, the boss, will be responsible for cultivating him to become even better than before.

Of course, there is a limit to everything. After all, this evil fire is the backlash of the martial soul, and it is impossible to completely suppress it with willpower alone. Once it goes too far, it may cause the evil fire to burn and die.

Beixuan had to think of some other ways to help.

After a while, Ma Hongjun finally woke up.

"Brother Xuan, thank you for teaching me the technique. It's really useful. If it weren't for this technique, I would have been miserable today." Ma Hongjun said with a sigh of relief. He just thought he was going to be burned to death by his own fire.

"Don't be too happy, little fat man, Bingxin Jue can only temporarily suppress your evil fire, and it will flare up again in the future, and it will be stronger every time." Yubayashi immediately poured a basin of cold water on him, scaring the horse. Hong Jun jumped.

"Ah, what should I do then? Am I going to die so young?" Ma Hongjun squatted down with his head in his arms, finally becoming a Master Soul Master, he has never enjoyed it at all. This is going to be over, it is really unacceptable to him.

"Don't worry, Hongjun, we have nothing to do for the time being, but it doesn't mean others can't. Since there is a problem with the Wuhun, of course we have to ask the experts in this field how to solve it." I’m still not sure where we should go to study in the future, but now I know that there will definitely be a master who can help you.”

"Master? Xiaoxuan, you are not talking about the 'master' who claims to be invincible in theory, right?" Habayashi was startled, and hurriedly stopped him, "Don't just believe it when you hear that his theory is great. I also read it, some are common sense that many people know, some are wrong, I don’t know if it’s right or wrong, and it’s not proven, this guy is unreliable.”

As soon as Habayashi heard the word master, he thought of a guy who became a joke and became famous in the mainland. He didn't trust the master very much.

Beixuan shook his head, "Of course it's not that guy. The master I'm talking about doesn't refer to a certain person, but people from two places. When it comes to the organization that has the deepest research on Wuhun, the first is Wuhundian. There is no doubt about it, but they study all martial spirits, if they are specialized in one type of martial spirit, such as fire attribute martial spirit, they may not lose to them in some areas."

"The Blazing Academy of the Five Elements Academy!" Habayashi is not an idiot, he understands everything.

What Beixuan said is correct, Blazing Academy's research on all spirits must not even have one-tenth of the spirit hall, but in terms of single fire attribute, they will not lose to anyone else.

Moreover, Blazing Academy is different from Wuhundian. It is not a sect or any other power organization, nor is it a royal academy that only serves the royal family and nobles. There, one can leave after graduation without affecting Beixuan's plan at all.

Beixuan didn't want Ma Hongjun to go to Shrek in the original book. Of course, he didn't want to go either. After all, what was his purpose of joining the academy? resources.

Shrek academy has these?They are so poor that they don't even have a classroom.

Furthermore, he didn't want to be Dai Mubai or Tang San's little brother, they weren't worthy.

"Xiaoxuan, your plan is feasible. The question now is, can you enter that academy?" Habayashi asked a key question. After all, the martial soul that Beixuan is currently cultivating is a dark aura like Nightmare. Wuhun.

(End of this chapter)

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