Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 21 Fire Dance and Huo Wushuang

Chapter 21 Fire Dance and Huo Wushuang
At the registration office of the Junior College of the Blazing Academy, there were 30 people standing here and there. These were the same as Beixuan and Ma Hongjun. The number of children who had just awakened their martial souls was not many. After all, the fire attribute martial souls were known for their aggressive attack power. , and not everyone can have it.

There is no requirement for junior college registration, as long as the attribute is fire, anyone can enroll after paying the tuition fee, but whether they can be promoted to intermediate college depends on their own level.

In Blazing Academy, if you reach the age of 12, if you don't have even one ring, you won't be able to graduate, and you will only be dismissed.

To the outside world, you can't say that you are a graduate of Blazing Academy, Blazing Academy can't afford to lose this person.

As for the registration office of the Intermediate Academy and the Advanced Academy, it is more appropriate to describe it as a crowd of people. There are only two people in the Intermediate Academy, and there is no one in the Advanced Academy.

The person in charge of enrolling students in the intermediate and advanced colleges is a male teacher, plus two young people, a man and a woman.

The male teacher was sleeping, and it seemed that he had given all the work to the couple.

Those two young people were about twelve or thirteen years old. Being able to come out to take charge of recruiting students at this age seemed to have a high status in the academy.

Ma Hongjun was about to go to the junior college to sign up, but was directly stopped by Beixuan, "Wait, Hongjun, let's go over there to sign up."

The direction he was pointing to was the Blazing Intermediate Academy. The resources enjoyed by the children of the Junior Academy, and the mimicry training ground, were definitely not comparable to the Intermediate and Advanced Academy. Since they came here, of course they had to enter a better place.

"Intermediate College! But Brother Xuan, what are our ages?" Ma Hongjun hesitated to speak. In fact, his meaning was very clear. The registration requirements for the Intermediate College clearly stated that the age was 9 to 12 years old, and the levels were from ten to eighteen.

"Age is not a problem, strength is the key, Hongjun, you have to remember that in this Douluo Continent, everything is respected by strength!" Beixuan said confidently.

Whether it's his and Ma Hongjun's aptitude, or because he has the title Douluo Yubayashi as his back, he believes that Blazing Academy will be lenient.

Ma Hongjun never doubted Beixuan's words, so he followed Beixuan to the registration office of the intermediate academy.

At this moment, the couple seemed to be complaining about something.

"Sigh, there is not a single sign-up from the Advanced Academy, brother, how should we fight in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition in a few years' time? If we only rely on the two of us, no matter what we do, we won't be able to achieve any good results. Right." The girl said.

"Don't complain, Huo Wu, there's nothing you can do about it. There are so many geniuses. The academy is undergoing a period of change. Whether it's the extreme stream or the balanced stream, the results of the soul master competitions over the past few years have proven to be unacceptable. Yes, we are going to follow the development route of the fusion stream like Wuhundian, many students in the academy can't adapt to our new tactics at all, we can only see if there are any good newcomers, be patient." The man persuaded.

"Huo Wu, and his elder brother?" Beixuan's hearing as the evil royal family was amazing, and he heard their whispers.

These two were actually Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu, the chief and deputy captains of Blazing Academy in the Continental Soul Master Academy Competition eight years later.

It turns out that the Blazing Academy has started to consider the pros and cons of extreme flow and balanced flow so early.

The so-called balanced flow and extreme flow are two directions of soul masters' cultivation, one represents balance, and the other represents extremes.

The extremists believe that the ability of a soul master should be as pure as possible, so that one's ability can only develop in a single direction, and the ability of this single direction should be highlighted as much as possible.The Balance School believes that a soul master's abilities should be developed in a balanced manner, with a balance between offense and defense.

The two major imperial academies focus on the balanced flow, while the Five Elements Academy focuses on the extreme flow. Only Wuhundian combines the two, taking the individual extreme and group balanced fusion flow route.

Perhaps in the Soul Master Competition three years later, the results of Blazing Fire Academy will not be very good, because time is too tight and they will not have time to update.

But in the Five Elements Academy eight years later, except for the Elephant Armor Academy, which still fully defends against soul masters, the other four elements are also balanced in terms of team control, strong attack, and agility attack. Individually, Ruhuo Wushuang focuses on strong attack. , Huo Wu focuses on control and has already fully introduced the fusion flow.

Beixuan remembered that the master once said that this kind of personal extreme and group balanced route is the most suitable way of cultivation that he thinks after years of research.

Now Beixuan just wants to sneer, this thing was researched by him?In fact, the colleges and universities have already begun to reform.

"Hello, we two brothers sign up." At this moment, the two people who lined up in front of Beixuan and Ma Hongjun said, the two brothers and sisters only cared about their own conversations, but ignored the business, which made them a little anxious.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Huo Wushuang hurried forward, "Then, tell us your names and hold out your palm."

"My name is Huoyun."

"My name is Huo Yu."

These two people can be said to be exactly the same from appearance to figure, so they must be brothers without a doubt.

Huo Wushuang stretched out his hand and pinched the palms of the two. This was to measure the age of the bones, and the two brothers were both exactly 12 years old.

"Well, the bone age is suitable, report your level and training direction, and also, release the martial soul for us to see." Huo Wushuang said.

The two brothers nodded and reported at the same time in exactly the same tone, "Level [-], Martial Soul Fire Crane, Agility Attack Department."

After finishing speaking, the two of them activated their spirits at the same time, both surrounded by sharp-billed cranes with strong flames, and both of them also had yellow century-old spirit rings.

This made Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu's eyes shine. These two are not bad. They are 12 years old and [-]th level. They have a century-old soul ring, and they happen to be lacking in the agility department. If they upgrade to another level, they can both directly enter the advanced college.

You know, even the two siblings are only around level 22 to 23 at this time.

"Very good, you have been admitted." Huo Wushuang agreed with satisfaction. As long as the brothers are trained well, they are expected to become soul sects in the future soul master competition.

Looking at this scene, Beixuan speculated that this pair of brothers would be the future Shuangmin Gong of the Blazing Fire Team. From the perspective of normal people, they are considered very good, but after all, they are just a secondary role that is not even a supporting role. The blame is far worse than it is.

The two brothers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that they had been admitted, and then stood aside.

Then Beixuan and Ma Hongjun behind them took a few steps forward.

Huo Wushuang's expression was surprised at first, Beixuan was okay, Ma Hongjun looked really too young, he tested the bone age of the two with doubts, the result shocked him very much, they were both only six years old.

"Kids, you are at the wrong place. The registration area for the junior college is next to it. Look, there are many children your age there. You have to line up and register with them!" Huo Wushuang said in as gentle a tone as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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