Chapter 22
Because Beixuan and Ma Hongjun were too young, Huo Wushuang spoke softly as much as possible, Beixuan did not expect that the guy with the one-horned fire tyrannosaurus as his martial spirit would speak in a completely opposite tone to his martial spirit.

He is a nice guy, this is Beixuan's first impression of Huo Wushuang.

"Hello, senior, we did not make a mistake. We want to sign up for the Intermediate Academy." Beixuan said.

"What, just you? How old are you? Don't make trouble here. Go away. Don't disturb our enrollment." Huo Wushuang didn't speak, but Huo Wu waved to the two of them impatiently, signaling them leave.

When the brothers and sisters were born, they must have reversed their martial spirits. The fiery spirit was given to the gentle brother, but the gentle Hokage was given to the grumpy younger sister.

Beixuan was not good at dealing with a girl with such a temper, and he knew that it would be meaningless to say more, so he said directly to Ma Hongjun, "Hongjun, open the martial soul, show it to the two seniors!"

Ma Hongjun nodded, and without any hesitation, together with Beixuan, he released his martial soul.

Suddenly, there was a phoenix cry, and two completely opposite forces rose from the two of them.

One is an ultra-high temperature flame whose temperature surpasses that of the Fire Tyrannosaurus, and the other is wrapped in a dark atmosphere. Although purple flames are burning on his body, the temperature around him drops slightly.

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu were both surrounded by yellow soul rings, and they were shocked. The two six-year-old kids in front of them had already reached level ten or above.

At this time, the male teacher who was sleeping suddenly woke up, and a high-speed movement came to the two of them from the reclining chair.

"These two spirits?" The male teacher looked at Ma Hongjun first. He was not as ignorant as the awakened soul master of the Wuhun Temple who was more than ten levels old. He thought it was a turkey. The scorching heat, and the sound of the phoenix crowing just now, could this be the topmost existence among the fire attribute martial spirits, the fire phoenix?"

"Yes, teacher, my martial soul is Fire Phoenix." Ma Hongjun seemed a little proud. During this period of time, under Yulin's introduction, he already knew how powerful and rare his martial soul was.

Those who also understand this point are Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang. They are very aware of the power of the phoenix martial soul, because in Tianshui College opposite them, there is a soul master of the ice phoenix martial soul, who is obviously older than them A little smaller, but with a high level, it is almost on par with them.

And in a real fight, neither Huo Wushuang's one-horned fire tyrannosaurus nor Huo Wu's Hokage was a match for her ice phoenix.

Unexpected surprise, the two of them now only have one thought in their minds, they have their own Fire Phoenix in Blazing Academy.

The teacher seemed very satisfied. With this martial spirit alone, it might not be impossible to make an exception for Ma Hongjun to enter the Intermediate Academy in advance.

As Beixuan said before, in this continent, everything depends on strength.

The teacher then looked at Bei Xuan, "The fire phoenix is ​​already very rare, but I didn't expect that there is a purple fire martial spirit like you that can attack the soul. Forgive me for being ignorant. My child, can you tell the teacher what this is? Martial spirit?"

"My martial soul is called Nightmare. You can think of it as the superior black demon martial soul of the Mengshenji Education Committee of Tiandou Royal Academy. It also has the ability to drag people into dreams. Fire directly burns the opponent's soul and martial spirit." Beixuan explained.

He couldn't fully explain the ability of the Nightmare Martial Soul to the teacher, so it would be much more transparent. After all, the Black Demon Martial Soul is well-known in the mainland, and there are only a dozen titled Douluo on the surface. The strength of Shenji can at least rank in the top thirty.

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu had another joy, the black demon martial soul's superior, the Nightmare with the fire attribute, could directly incinerate the opponent's soul, which is not inferior to the fire phoenix.

It seems that their teammates who will participate in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition eight years later, now have a place.

"Okay, you've all seen enough. With the strength of my two nephews, it shouldn't be a problem to join your blazing intermediate academy. Now take me to meet your principal, and I have something to tell him." Habayashi Stepped forward and said.

At this time, he is completely different from the idle boy in the past, full of majesty.

This is the commander of the imperial guards of the evil royal family in the past, he will only show his usual appearance to his family and friends.

"Are you, the parents of these two children?" The male teacher asked suspiciously. He said that he wanted to see the principal when he came up, which was a bit too arrogant. "The principal is usually busy with work. If you have anything, just tell me." gone."

"Hmph, is it a big sword with the fire attribute of Wuhun? Level 58, you are not strong enough. You can't help me with what I want to say." Habayashi glanced at him and said disdainfully.

The male teacher was surprised that this person could accurately tell his martial soul and level without releasing his martial soul!
You know, he is also close to the level of a soul emperor, and ordinary soul emperors can't see through him at a glance.

At least Soul Sage!This was his first judgment on Habayashita.

This made him have to pay attention to it. If there is only a quantitative difference between the soul king and the soul emperor, then there is a qualitative gap between the soul emperor and the soul sage, because the soul sage has the soul avatar. You can fight a bunch of soul emperors, and you can come and go freely in an army of ten thousand people. Only when you reach the level of soul saint can you really step into the high class of Douluo Continent.

What Yu Lin said made the fiery Huo Wu on the side couldn't bear it anymore, "Hey, uncle, you are too rude, you just said you want to see my grandpa when you came up, so why don't you just meet my grandpa whenever you want?"

It turns out that Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang are the grandsons of the principal of Blazing Academy, no wonder Huo Wu is so arrogant.

"Huo Wu, don't be rude." The teacher hurriedly stopped.

It is not impossible for a soul saint to meet their principal. After all, even in their Blazing Academy, there are only three soul saints, one is the dean of the college, and the other two are the branch deans of the intermediate and advanced colleges.

The branch dean of the junior college is only the soul emperor.

"Your Excellency, Ye Ping is a teacher of Blazing Intermediate Academy. I'll take you to see the principal, please." Ye Ping suddenly became very polite. The reason for this influence is still because of his strength.

Seeing Ye Ping whose face changed extremely quickly, Ma Hongjun understood Beixuan's words that strength is the most important thing.

Seeing that no one signed up for the intermediate and advanced academies, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang didn't want to stay here any longer, so they walked in together. They wanted to see, what is the identity of this person?What qualifications do they have to meet their grandpa!

(End of this chapter)

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