Chapter 23
Several people walked into the academy.

This college is also ridiculously big, anyway, it is bigger than Yehuo Village and several nearby villages combined.

"How big is this place? I guess I can't finish it in one day." Ma Hongjun said excitedly. From now on, he will enroll in such a great place.

"Hehe, you've seen the world, little fat man." Huo Wu laughed, she couldn't see through Beixuan, but she could see through Ma Hongjun at a glance, he was an ordinary boy from the countryside.

However, she didn't have any contempt or underestimation for Ma Hongjun because of this, just because of that Fire Phoenix Martial Spirit, Ma Hongjun's background is no longer important.

"Our Blazing Academy covers an area of ​​more than 3 mu. Although it is certainly not comparable to the Royal Academy of Tiandou and Xingluo, and the Academy of Wuhundian, in terms of various training facilities and resources, it is also considered to be among the best among all the Academy." Huo Wushuang explained, "In the future, I will bring the two juniors to learn more about it. Now that you want to see my grandfather, you should go to the principal's office first."

The five people came to the teaching building at the center of the college and stopped at the door of an office. Ye Ping knocked on the door, "Principal, are you there? Does anyone want to see you?"

Without waiting for any response from inside, Yubayashi took a step forward and opened the door directly, "It's really troublesome, people are inside, right? Just go in."

Seeing this scene, Huo Wushuang siblings and Ye Ping were dumbfounded.

Especially Ye Ping, he speculated that Habayashi was the Supreme Soul Sage, so he brought him here to see the principal, but even a Soul Sage, he couldn't be so rude to their principal, you know, their principal is one of the soul masters. Among them, it is second only to Contra of the Titled Douluo Realm.

Yubayashi stepped into the door first, at this moment, a ferocious flame spewed out from inside.

The people inside were expressing their dissatisfaction with Habayashi's rudeness, which was also true, how could Contra's majesty be offended so easily.

Unless, that person is Title Douluo.

Yubayashi just waved his hand, and the flame dissipated invisible, leaving not even a trace of hot feeling.

"Hey, I don't know who is the expert who has such a cultivation level, but is it too rude to break in like this?" An old man came out slowly from the inside, his voice was calm and magnetic, full of arrogance , dressed in a red robe, looks extraordinary.

A person with a high cultivation level, even if he is old, will not give people the slightest sense of senility. This person must be the principal of Blazing Academy, and also the grandfather of Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang.

Yubayashi smiled slightly, and walked inside. Every time he took a step, a soul ring would appear on his body surface. There were nine steps in total, and at the end of the nine steps, nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, five black, had all been displayed.

"You are the principal of Blazing Academy. I was indeed a little rude just now, but I really don't want to go through too many procedures. Your cultivation seems to have not reached the point where I can wait." Habayashi said.

"Nine soul rings, titled Douluo!" The old man was startled, and he lived up to his arrogance just now, and hastily stepped forward to salute, "I don't know whose majesty is coming, but this old man is the principal of Chihuo Academy, Huo Ran, who is far away. Please don't take offense, Your Majesty."

The title Douluo is indeed not a Contra who is qualified to let others wait, that is the highest level of class status in the mainland, even the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, the emperors of the two empires, and other noble figures have to treat each other with courtesy .

If he was just surprised, then Ye Ping and the brothers and sisters of the Huo family would have been completely shocked. The uncle they thought was rude just now was actually a titled Douluo. They scolded their grandpa noses, but no one dared to say anything.

The status gap between Soul Douluo and Title Douluo is not a little bit big.

Habayashi waved his hand, "No need to be polite, my title is Meteor Demon, I believe you have heard of it, I brought my two nephews to your Blazing Academy, but one of my nephews There is something wrong with my martial soul. I have heard for a long time that your Chihuo Academy’s research in the field of fire-attributed martial souls is second to none in the entire continent, so I thought, can you solve my nephew’s troubles? If so, Then it will be considered that I owe you a favor, and I, Yulin, will be rewarded generously in the future."

"It turns out that it is under the crown of Meteor Demon, who has admired his name for a long time." Naturally, Huo Ran has heard of Yu Lin's title, and this is a titled Douluo with an excellent reputation on the mainland.

"Your Majesty wants to send my nephew to my Chihuo Academy. The old man naturally welcomes me. The Blazing Academy is very honored, but I don't know what's wrong with my nephew's martial spirit. I don't know the cause and effect, so I dare not tell him His Majesty promises at will, so as not to deceive His Majesty."

"En!" Yulin nodded, he understood that Huoran didn't dare to speak big words in front of him, then he looked at Ma Hongjun and said, "Hongjun, release your martial soul and show Senior Huoran."

"Yes." Ma Hongjun took a step forward and released his martial soul again, no different from before.

People like Ye Ping, Huo Wu and the others couldn't see any problem at all.

Huo Ran was different, he stepped forward to look at Ma Hongjun in surprise, "It's actually a fire phoenix, but there seems to be something wrong with this flame."

Huo Ran pressed his palm on Ma Hongjun's shoulder and felt it. Immediately, a miscellaneous thought that aroused his emotions and desires rushed into his mind. Fortunately, his cultivation base is deep, and with a little soul power, he can completely clear away the distracting thoughts.

"I see, this is evil fire. My academy has studied fire-attributed martial souls for many years, and there are indeed records of evil fire. Once evil fire is produced, it will make people fall into endless desires. At that time, people with evil fire , there are only two choices, one is to resist the desire, but it will be extremely painful, and in severe cases, it may even explode and die, the other is to obey the desire to vent, but if this is the case, the evil fire will break out more and more frequently At first, it may happen once a month or two, and then gradually, it will become once a day or even half a day, until it is completely controlled by the evil fire and turns into an evil soul master that everyone can punish. This is indeed a big problem. !"

"Grandpa, do you have a way to help me solve it?" Ma Hongjun was obviously frightened by Huo Ran's words. He didn't even know that his problem was so serious. He could either be a dead person or a bad person. These two choices, he But I don’t want either.

He also hopes that with Beixuan, the two brothers will fight the world together in the future.

Huo Wushuang and the others didn't expect that Ma Hongjun's problem would be so serious. If he didn't solve it, he might not be able to become a teammate in the Soul Master Competition in the future. It would be nice if it didn't become a big trouble.

What if the evil fire erupts during the soul fight?They can't beat their teammates first.

Huo Ran stroked his beard, "Hehe, baby, you are very lucky. If it were a few years ago, I would have been helpless, but now, I really have a way to get rid of your evil fire."

(End of this chapter)

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