Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 24 The Encounter Between Evil Fire and Absolute Ice Beixuan

Chapter 24 The Encounter Between Evil Fire and Absolute Ice Beixuan

"There is really a way to undo it!" Hearing what the principal said, even Bei Xuan was a little surprised this time.

Originally, Bei Xuan just needed Huo Ran to come up with a way to suppress Ma Hongjun's evil fire and prevent it from erupting in the past few years. For the real solution, he still pinned his hopes on the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower.

Only when I have fully learned Habayashi's medicine and detoxification techniques, and Ma Hongjun's body grows a little bit, can bear the power of the fairy herb, then go to get the fairy herb.

But now listening to the principal, he can completely dispel the evil fire.

This is really a surprise, in the original book, although Ma Hongjun took the fairy grass, but with his fire phoenix martial soul, the increase in level was actually the least among the Shrek seven monsters.

Regarding this point, Beixuan guessed that it was because of the evil fire that part of the medicinal effect of the cockscomb phoenix sunflower was used to purify the evil fire. The companions who have the efficacy of medicine are the best.

This may also be one of the biggest reasons why his potential was obviously stronger than others, but in the end he lost the position of inheriting the first-level god because of fundamental problems.

But if the evil fire has been eliminated before taking it, then the medicinal effect of this fairy herb may be fully exerted.

"Principal, what is the solution?" Beixuan asked.

"Use the same type and completely opposite power as the evil fire to suppress each other." Huo Ran said, "There was an evil fire martial soul in our college, and it was suppressed in a similar way at that time, but unfortunately, at that time There is no ice of the same type as the evil fire, so it can only be suppressed, and the suppression must have its limit. In the end, the child of the evil fire martial soul could not bear the backlash of the evil fire, but he neither wanted to be a dead person, nor did he want to die. To be a bad person, in the end, I chose to abolish my martial soul and become a useless person."

Speaking of this, Huo Ran couldn't help sighing, it's a pity, after all, the Martial Soul that can produce evil fire is not so weak, it's a pity to become a useless person like this.

"The same type as the evil fire, does it mean the ultimate ice?" Habayashi guessed, after all, the ultimate ice is the strongest ice.

"No!" Huo Ran denied, "The ultimate ice corresponds to the ultimate fire. This kind of ice is indeed powerful and can suppress the evil fire to the maximum extent, but there is no problem with this kind of ice. It belongs to a normal martial spirit. , even if it is stronger than the evil fire, it is not considered the same type."

"It's not the same type." Beixuan touched his chin and said, "Could it be that the principal you are talking about is Shui Bing'er from Tianshui College who has the Ice Phoenix Martial Soul? I've heard of her."

Huo Ran nodded, "Yes, it's her. What a coincidence, you name it. She, like Hong Jun, both have Phoenix martial spirits, one is fire and the other is ice, and both of them have problems with their martial spirits."

"That girl Bing'er, like this child, possesses a unique talent, but her ice phoenix martial soul's ice is absolutely ice!"

"Jue Bing?" Ma Hongjun looked at Huo Ran suspiciously, could it be that Jue Bing is the corresponding thing to his evil fire.

Huo Ran patted Ma Hongjun's head kindly, "That's right, Jue Bing is an uncontrollable power just like the evil fire, the difference is that this kind of power is harmless to itself, but once used, it will get out of control, no I can't stop freezing the opponent in front of me into ice crystals."

"And Bing'er is a very kind girl herself. She doesn't want to hurt people's lives. Therefore, in all the soul fights she participated in, she never used more than [-]% of her power. That is already the limit she can control. It is inevitable that there will be a rampage, and Binger has been troubled by this."

"The two of you have martial souls of exactly the same level and opposite attributes. If you can help each other as fellow practitioners and use evil fire to dissolve the absolute ice, and then use absolute ice to dissolve the evil fire, it may be a win-win situation. As for the special characteristics of the fellow practitioners, The technique is available in my Blazing Fire Academy, and I think Nizi will agree with it."

"That's great, I'll go and bring that Shui Bing'er now." Yubayashi always acted vigorously, and after speaking, he was ready to go straight to Tianshui College, which was opposite and not far away anyway.

Huo Ran hastily stopped him and said, "Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry, that girl Bing'er is not in the academy now, she just broke through the twentieth level, and went to the Sunset Forest with her elders to hunt soul beasts, and it may take ten and a half months to finish her job." Come back, and fellow practitioners are not that simple, and now there is still a big difficulty."

"What's the problem?"

"Lacking a medium, Shui Bing'er and this child's martial souls are both phoenixes. This is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage. There is a saying that fire and water are incompatible. Their two martial souls are exactly the same but have opposite attributes. They may repel, or even Confrontation, not to mention cultivation at that time, the two will basically become a confrontation of soul power until one kills the other." Huo Ran frowned and said.

"Therefore, we need an intermediary between the two, and through that intermediary, let the evil fire and absolute ice of the two of them transfer to the other body and then pass on to the other party. However, the intermediary person will He will suffer from the double impact of Jue Bing and the evil fire, and he will definitely be in great pain. This person must have extremely strong willpower and physical fitness, and his cultivation level cannot be much higher than those of the two children, otherwise his strong soul power will be destroyed. Automatically protect the body, push back the soul power of the two children."

This is what Huo Ran is worried about. How can it be so easy to find someone who is as strong as two children under ten years old, with strong physical fitness and willpower?

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Habayashi and Beixuan's eyes lit up.

Yu Lin grabbed Bei Xuan's collar and lifted it up, "I told you earlier, this kind of trivial matter is too easy to solve. Just use this boy, there will be no problem."

Beixuan also pointed to himself and said, "Yes, yes, just use me, and don't compete with me!"

Huo Ran, Huo Wu, and Huo Wushuang were all stunned. Could it be that the uncles and nephews in front of them couldn't understand human language? This was a very painful process.

"Well, Your Majesty, I just said that this matter is very dangerous."

"Needless to say, if you don't believe my family, Xiaoxuan, don't you believe me as a Douluo? It's okay to leave it to Xiaoxuan, and I will be responsible for what happens." Habayashi interrupted Huo Ran's words and said resolutely.

Hearing this, Huo Ran didn't say anything more, the Title Douluo had made up his mind, and who could change it.

And it's their own choice.

He just didn't understand, if Beixuan himself agreed, it could be said that it was because of the deep brotherhood, he could understand, but this titled Douluo, would he sacrifice another nephew for the sake of one nephew?
In fact, what kind of brotherly love is deep? The reason why Beixuan agreed was because it was right in his arms. He was worried that he didn't have the power of ice and fire strong enough to let him practice the golden body of the sun and the moon. He originally planned to wait until later. Those who have just cultivated eyes, now have the opportunity to advance, of course they must seize it.

Due to the practice of the Sun and Moon Divine Art, Beixuan's cultivation speed already exceeds that of ordinary innate full soul power. If he cultivates the golden body again, not only his combat power will increase exponentially, but his cultivation speed will also increase by a certain level. Why not do it ah.

He has the bone protection of the evil king. The power of ice and fire may be painful, but it cannot hurt him.

As for Beixuan's willpower, if he couldn't bear even that bit of pain, then why would he return to the position of evil king in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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