Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 25 The Poorest Title Douluo in History

Chapter 25 The Poorest Title Douluo in History
"Then, Your Majesty, please go to rest with these two children first. The start of school is coming soon. During this time, I will let Huo Wu and Wu Shuang take them to get acquainted with the campus, and then wait for Binger to come back. I will inform you .” Huo Ran respectfully said to Habayashi.

"Okay, then I will trouble you. Hongjun is my most important nephew. He is more important than anything else. Please take it to heart." Habayashi said this deliberately, deeply expressing his importance to Ma Hongjun, and even because of this Huo Ran, whose status is not as good as his, used the honorific title of 'you'.

"Don't dare, my majesty values ​​love and righteousness, and I admire my nephew for taking such care of me." Huo Ran said immediately.

Ma Hongjun was even more moved after hearing Yubayashi's words, but he didn't know that he had already been given PUA by Yubayashi.

Beixuan looked at Habayashi who spoke like this, but he was thoughtful. He had heard Habayashi say how he found himself before, and when he thought about it together, it was easy to guess Habayashi's intentions.

"By the way, Mr. Principal, well, I will pay the tuition fees of my two nephews on time, and I will have to live in the academy for a while after that. Can your rent be cheaper?" Habayashi suddenly looked sincerely. On fire.

These words made the other people stunned. How could a dignified and titled Douluo be so poor?Do you even have to worry about the rent?

"Haha, Your Majesty was just joking." Huo Ran laughed, "It's an honor for Your Majesty to come to live in our college. The rent of our college will be calculated for His Majesty at the lowest price."

"Okay, thank you!"

Huo Wu Huo Wushuang was stunned again, when did my grandfather become so stingy, you actually paid the rent with Title Douluo, anyway, it is the lowest price, directly free, won't it be good to win Title Douluo's favor?
This is the immaturity of their children, and Huo Ran has heard about Meteor Demon Douluo Yulin's deeds and personality for a long time.

Since he didn't join any forces and didn't work, he had a lot of power, but he didn't have any income.

Every time an evil organization or bandit gang is wiped out, the money in it will be distributed to the people who are persecuted by the evil organization, and I can't keep much for myself.

In addition, he is also extremely arrogant, and he pays attention to not getting paid for nothing. He usually goes to a friend's house for a drink at most, and he will not accept any money from them.

He has a famous saying, "There is nothing in this world that is more expensive than free."

This also created the poorest Title Douluo in history.

Therefore, Huoran rented the room to Yubayashi at the lowest rent, because he knew that Yulin hated receiving money for nothing.

In fact, Beixuan, who had heard about Habayashi's deeds, had also complained secretly. As expected of his father's most trusted subordinate, he perfectly inherited his father's title of the poorest evil king in Beiluo's history.

I think back when my father brought his mother to the human world for the first time, he couldn't even afford a single flower, so he could only work part-time to make money. Now this can be regarded as the tradition of their evil spirit clan.

Leaving the principal's office, under the leadership of Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang, Beixuan and others came to the student dormitory. There are many empty dormitories here. After all, Blazing Academy is also a famous academy. Starting from the Intermediate Academy, there is a selection process, so the Intermediate Academy There are always vacancies in the dormitory of the college, and there has been a situation where there is only one class in a building in the senior college.

For children who need elite education, high-level academies uphold the four-character principle of "rather lack than excess". Shrek, for example, raises these four-character requirements to the extreme, although Beixuan believes that they cannot provide resources. There are not so many requirements for this qualification.

"Junior Beixuan, junior Hongjun, you two will live here from now on." Huo Wushuang led the three of them into a double room and said.

Beixuan nodded, the environment is not bad, quite enough, and he didn't have so many demands.

And Habayashi's room is next to them, so it's convenient to take care of them.

"Then junior, take a good rest today. Huo Wu and I will show you about the campus tomorrow. Your Majesty, I will take my leave." After Huo Wushuang finished speaking, he left the dormitory building.

It was the first time for Ma Hongjun to live in such a good room, and excitedly ran to the bed, jumping up and down, "Brother Xuan, look, this bed is so big, so soft, and the quilt is so thick."

"Hehe, then enjoy yourself first. I'll help Uncle Yubayashi pack his luggage." Beixuan laughed.

Then he left the room and came to Habayashi, who was sitting at the desk writing something.

"Habayashi, is it okay to use Hongjun like this?" Beixuan leaned against the wall and asked.

"It's nothing bad, and he won't be in danger." Yulin replied, "When I found you through your story, people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School were also there. With Ning Fengzhi's intelligence, he can probably guess that Someone is looking for me on purpose, and as one of the few freedom-titled Douluo, my news has never been less than the attention of the intelligence organizations of all major forces."

"Thus, it's the same with the people around me. I didn't care much about being alone before, but now it's different. Once the Wuhun Palace, the Seven Great Sects or the two Great Empires know that I have a nephew, they will definitely pay attention to you. Trying to control me by controlling you is not good, it will affect your cultivation."

"However, there is a difference between closeness and distance in everything. In the future, I will be more intimate with Hongjun when I am outside, and I will be more indifferent to you, creating the illusion that I love Hongjun more, and let Hongjun use all the major forces. eyes sucked away."

Beixuan nodded, Habayashi's idea was correct, after all he had twin spirits, even if he didn't add soul rings to the evil spirit king's spirit for the time being, the cultivation of the evil spirit king's spirit was indispensable.

Just like Tang San, even when he didn't use the Clear Sky Hammer, he never let go of the practice of the Wind Hammer Technique.

The evil spirit clan has a lot of top-notch unique knowledge, and Habayashi will gradually pass it on to Beixuan. If he receives too much attention, how can he carry out the cultivation that requires the activation of the evil spirit.

Ma Hongjun is different, he has extraordinary talent, the best fire phoenix martial spirit, he is very easy to attract attention, with such a martial spirit, it is reasonable to say that he is the nephew of Titled Douluo.

And no matter how other forces pay attention to him, it will not affect him. After all, he has nothing to hide, and he can practice as usual.

In a short period of time, he will not be in danger. It is not a time of war, the mainland is still relatively calm, and Habayashi is friendly with all major forces. Although those forces hope to absorb Habayashi, they will never use it rashly. Forcible means, otherwise it is likely to be self-defeating, consume that little friendship, and turn friends into enemies.

"What are you writing?" Beixuan stepped forward to look at the white paper in Yulin's hand.

"Prescription." Yu Lin said, "Practice the Sun Moon Golden Body, it is best to go with a medicinal bath. During the period when Shui Bing'er has not returned, I will go out to earn some money and prepare enough medicinal materials. Your fitness is good."

(End of this chapter)

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