Chapter 26 Tang Sect’s Secret Skill Five Poison Red Flame Body

"By the way, in addition to this prescription, I also have these two for you. I wrote them during this period. They are the secret method from the Tang Sect in Sichuan, the Poison Scripture, and the five poisons and red flame body that they don't teach. I believe you can take these. If the two of you understand clearly, you should be able to help Dugu Bo. You must study hard and recruit Dugu Bo into your group in the future. You must treat him personally. This is the kindness of a leader." Yu Lin wrote these days. The secret of the Tang Sect was handed over to Beixuan.

Beixuan took over the two thick books and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. In order to chase his sister back then, Yulin probably evacuated the secrets of the major martial arts families and sects.

However, the Tang Sect exercises he gave were quite different from Tang San's.

"Habayashi, don't you have a Tang Sect kungfu called Xuantian Kungfu here?" Beixuan asked curiously.

"Xuantian Kungfu? It's named after Xuantian. It sounds like a Taoist technique. It's a school that uses poison and hidden weapons. Why do you learn this? I remember the unique skills of Tangmen, which are Poison Classics, Five Poisons and Red Flame Body and The Tang family is free, I have never heard of them practicing Taoism." Yulin asked doubtfully.

Beixuan nodded, and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, it was confirmed that Tang San's Tang Sect and the Tang Sect of the Ancient Sword World were completely unrelated sects.

Beixuan curiously picked up the five-poison red-flame body technique and observed it. This is a set of top-notch poison skills. In fact, Tangmen masters and Dugu Bo are similar in that they are covered in poison, but they will not be poisoned by themselves. The poisonous backlash is because they have cultivated this set of five-poison red flame body that can be invulnerable to all poisons.

Beixuan directly turned to the last page, the highest level of the five poisonous red flame body, ten thousand poisons into perfection.

In fact, the so-called five poisons refer to poisonous snakes, scorpions, toads, centipedes and spiders, but the five poisons are not only five kinds of poisons, but five major categories. Pit pits, corona snakes, etc., are countless.

Therefore, the highest level of the Five Poisons Red Flame Body, Ten Thousand Poisons, needs to collect poisons from all over the world and refine their toxicity to practice.

Once the success is achieved, it will be able to make no grass grow in a radius of a hundred miles in an instant.

As expected of the martial arts from the world of cultivating immortals, even if it is just martial arts, it is terrifying enough.

Beixuan thought for a while, and directly tore down the cultivation method of ten thousand poisons.

Yulin was taken aback, "Xiaoxuan, you don't plan to teach Dugu Bo the perfection of ten thousand poisons? You know, if Dugu Bo has trained to this level, even some gods in this world may not be able to defeat him. After all, back then, Even the fighters of my evil spirit clan would not dare to personally appreciate the transformation of all poisons of the ancestors of the Tang Sect."

"It is precisely because of this that I cannot teach Dugu Bo this for the time being. Anyway, to detoxify, the first few floors are enough." Beixuan said.

"In that case, I'll write you a new one, and you'll give it to Dugu Bo at that time. From the torn marks, he can tell at a glance that it's a defective product." Habayashi said.

Beixuan shook his head, and smiled evilly, "No, just give it to him."

Seeing Beixuan's smile, Habayashi suddenly understood, "Oh, I see, Xiaoxuan, you are bad enough."

"Yu Lin, thank you. By the way, I have one more thing to ask you. Go to the Qibao Glazed Sect again and ask them for money. It doesn't need to be more. Three hundred gold soul coins are enough. You found me by relying on For the information provided by Ning Fengzhi, we already owe him a favor, but we cannot owe him more." Beixuan said specifically.

The evil spirit clan has always had a clear distinction between grievances and grudges, revenge must be avenged, and favors must be repaid, and debts of favor are definitely the most difficult to repay.

Yu Lin used Ma Hongjun's method of attracting attention, and could indeed deceive other forces, but he couldn't hide it from Ning Fengzhi, after all, he found himself in the Qibao Glazed Tile School after being attracted by the story.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect can also use the same method to learn that it was Bei Xuan who told the story, not Ma Hongjun.

Therefore, Yubayashi had to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School again, asking for money was just a pretext, the important thing was to express some of his thoughts from the side.

"Don't worry, Xiaoxuan, I also have the same intention." Habayashi is not an idiot, he can think of anything that Beixuan can think of.

Beixuan nodded, and returned to his room with the secret book of exercises given by Habayashi.

At this time, Ma Hongjun was already sound asleep, and the rush of this period of time had really exhausted him.

Now that he has entered school, he will have a lot of practice days in the future, so let him be lazy every day.

However, Beixuan himself would not slack off in the slightest. He sat on the bed, cross-legged, with his five hearts facing the sky, and he performed the Sun and Moon Divine Art, entering a state of meditation.

Although the Sun Moon Divine Art is most effective when practiced at dusk and when the sun is rising, it doesn't mean that it can't be practiced at ordinary times, it's just that the speed is slower, and it is still much stronger than ordinary meditation.

A day has passed.

In the early morning of the second day, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Two juniors, are you awake? I am Huo Wushuang. I promised you yesterday that I will show you about the school."

Beixuan woke up Ma Hongjun, and then stepped forward to open the door, "Thank you senior, I will trouble you."

After washing up briefly, the two followed Huo Wushuang out of the dormitory, where Huo Wu was already waiting.

At this time, there were not too many people in the college. During the enrollment period, the college was still on vacation, and many students were still on vacation.

"Our college covers an area of ​​3 mu, ranking third among the five element colleges. There are 256 junior college students, 96 intermediate college students, and 37 senior college students. There are not many people. Many of them can only graduate from junior colleges, and then go to intermediate colleges elsewhere. It is not so easy to go straight to Blazing Intermediate College. The total number of teachers and students in the college is only about 400. .” Huo Wu introduced.

"Not bad, I heard that Tiandou First Academy only has more than 500 students." Beixuan said.

"You mean Tiandou Royal Academy? It's different there, they only recruit nobles, and our Five Elements Academy, regardless of nobles or commoners, as long as the attributes match, they are willing to accept." Huo Wu showed a hint of disdain, "Our study here The atmosphere is much better than that. After all, commoner soul masters need to work harder if they want to stand out, and if noble soul masters are overtaken by commoner soul masters with more resources, they will lose face even more. Can't slack off."

Huo Wu's meaning is very simple, compared to the Tiandou Royal Academy, which is living a stable life, they are very curvy.

"Two juniors, you have to work hard. With your qualifications, after eight years, you will have a great chance to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Competition with me and Huo Wu." Huo Wushuang patted the two of them on the shoulders to encourage them.

"Don't worry, senior, we won't slack off. Well, I want to ask, where is the place where the mimicry is practiced?" Beixuan asked.

"Haha, I knew that you signed up for the intermediate academy for this reason. After all, only those who start from the intermediate level can use it at will." Huo Wushuang laughed, "Let's go, I'll take you to have a look right away. It is a proud mimetic training ground."

(End of this chapter)

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