Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 27 Mimicry Training Ground Level 16

Chapter 27 Mimicry Training Ground Level 16

Under the leadership of the brothers and sisters of the Huo family, the four of them came to the mimetic practice site of Blazing Academy.

This is a must for every high-level college. In the Douluo Continent where the alchemy and alchemy industry is underdeveloped, this is the biggest cultivation resource of the college. Every college occupies the most extensive area, and Beixuan is also for this. Just came to the college to study.

"Most of us are mimetic cultivation sites related to the fire attribute. Brother, you can take that little fat guy there. Beixuan's is quite special, so I'll take him." Huo Wu said.

"Okay, Junior Beixuan, then you can go with my sister." Huo Wushuang agreed.

The four of them separated at the entrance of the mimic training area. Ma Hongjun was easy to find. Anyway, [-]% of the place is a flame mimic area, so you can just enter any one. In fact, Beixuan is the same. His evil spirit is the three attributes of gold, wind and fire. , Land of Fire is also quite suitable for him.

However, this spirit cannot be exposed for the time being, so he followed Huo Wu to a remote place.

Unlike those hot places just now, it looks cold here instead.

"I didn't expect Blazing Academy to have such a mimic training area." Beixuan said.

"Of course!" Huo Wu was very proud, "Our Blazing Fire facilities are absolutely perfect. There are Yin soul fires like you in the flames. This place is prepared for them. In the Mimicry Zone, martial arts spirits like You are too rare and are basically not used here. You are very lucky. It means that one person occupies a Mimicry Zone. Currently, you are the only one in our college who has the Soul Fire Martial Spirit. You can use it here from now on, go in and give it a try."

"Okay!" Beixuan walked into the training area without hesitation.

As soon as he entered here, Beixuan felt incomparably peaceful. The place was shrouded in mist, and there were all kinds of strange blue plants growing. The pollen of these plants could make the inhaler enter the illusion, so as to improve the spiritual power.

The most important thing for a strong soul attacker is to improve his mental power.

"This place is actually very similar to Baimengze!" Beixuan said in surprise. He remembered that his mother Yun Wuyue's favorite place to practice was Baimengze under the corridor of the ancient house in Tianlu City. It was the most suitable place for Nightmare to practice.

Beixuan immediately sat cross-legged and entered the state of cultivation.

Sure enough, here, his soul power moved faster.

After absorbing the 600-year-old shadow spirit ring, his soul power has reached the peak of level [-]. After several days of unremitting practice, the bottleneck has been loosened. Now in this mimic environment, it is a breakthrough good time.

It was also safe enough here, so Beixuan allowed himself to enter deep meditation directly.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would meditate for a whole day, and when he came out, it was completely dark.

"Yo, you finally woke up." Huo Wu walked slowly, "My brother and Ma Hongjun have already gone back, I went in to see you a few times, and saw that you were at the critical moment of breakthrough, so I didn't bother you."

"Thank you senior sister!" Beixuan clasped his fists in gratitude.

"It's nothing, it's what senior sisters should do to care about juniors." Huo Wu seemed to enjoy the status of senior sister very much, and said with a smile, "Looking at you, your promotion should be successful, and you are now at level [-]." ?”

In Huo Wu's point of view, even if six-year-old Beixuan was born with full soul power, he would usually reach level eleven after obtaining a soul ring, but now level twelve is indeed about the same. This is almost an inherent concept.

"Level [-]? No, I'm at level [-]." Beixuan didn't hide his level, after all, it can't be hidden at all. In the academy, soul power tests are performed from time to time to check whether the students are in the soul. Laziness in strength training.

Huo Wu's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief when she heard the words, "What are you talking about? You have level sixteen? How did you do it?"

"Uncle Yubayashi said that it was because I accidentally ate a fairy herb when I was a child, which caused the accumulation of innate soul power in my body to exceed the limit. After I got the soul ring, I reacted in one breath and directly reached the fifteenth level." Xuan explained, "Oh, by the way, senior sister, you don't know what a fairy herb is, right? For example, the Wuhun Qirong Tongtianju under the crown of Chrysanthemum Douluo in the Wuhun Temple is one of the fairy herbs. A sort of."

This was Beixuan's excuse to pass Qi with Yubayashi a long time ago, so as to get away with it. With the title Douluo Yubayashi as the testimony, most people would not doubt it, and dare not doubt it.

Huo Wu understood immediately, and at the same time she was envious, "So that's how it is. You have a good fortune. You have eaten all the immortal grasses that can be at the same level as the title Douluo's martial soul. No wonder your innate level is so high."

As the granddaughter of the president of Blazing Academy, she certainly knows that after the soul power reaches the bottleneck, even if there is no soul ring, as long as you continue to practice, you can still accumulate soul power. This is one of Yu Xiaogang's core theories. In power, it actually belongs to common sense.

In her heart, Beixuan was like this, and she even suspected that Beixuan was not born with full soul power at all, but just relying on the full soul power of the fairy grass.

After all, innate full soul power is really too rare, even a top martial soul like Huo Fenghuang can't do it, and a black demon martial soul is just a high-ranking one, so why can it be done.

Beixuan scratched his hair embarrassingly, "Hey, if it weren't for such luck, Uncle Habayashi might not be willing to take me out of the village too, and I'm just a subordinate now."

"Well, I also think that compared to you, Meteor Momian obviously loves that little fat man Ma Hongjun more. By the way, Meteor Momian just had something to do and said he was going to leave for a while. He said goodbye to Ma Hongjun, and he also said goodbye to me. Having said that, when you wake up, I can just tell you casually, you are really just Ma Hongjun's accessory."

"But don't feel inferior. Although your uncle loves that little fat man even more, you have your own fortune. As long as you work hard, you will definitely achieve something in the future." Huo Wu patted Beixuan's head and smiled. As if the elder sister was comforting the younger brother.

As everyone knows, Beixuan III's combined ages are enough to be her father.

The appearance that Yulin loves Ma Hongjun more than Ma Hongjun seems to be quite successful, but in fact the strangest thing is Ma Hongjun himself, obviously he should be Beixuan's subordinate.

Yubayashi secretly told him that the reason why he deliberately showed more love to him was actually instructed by Beixuan, because Beixuan felt sorry for his parents who died since he was a child, so he hoped that he could feel more care from his elders.

This sentence immediately moved the inexperienced Ma Hongjun to tears, his Brother Xuan was really kind to him.

This poor little fat man, after taking all the blame that Beixuan should have been responsible for, he still has to be grateful to Beixuan, he was simply deceived by this pair of unscrupulous uncles and nephews.

However, what Beixuan will compensate him in the future is that at least in the original book, the phoenix became a god, and the ending of the lonely life of losing Swift and losing his soul, Beixuan will definitely not let it happen again.

(End of this chapter)

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