Chapter 28: Two favors from Qibao again
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Yulin temporarily left Beixuan just to come back here, to show Ning Fengzhi something.

In the Seven Treasures Hall, Ning Fengzhi looked at Yu Lin who was calmly drinking tea in front of him, and said with a wry smile, "Your Majesty Meteor Demon, you just said that you made a special trip to my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School just to ask for three hundred gold soul coins , to pay tuition for your nephew?"

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo on the side were also very speechless, only three hundred gold soul coins?Who are you looking down on?
"Yes, you guys also know that I, Yu Lin, am famously the poorest titled Douluo in history. In my life, I have been adhering to the policy of eating, drinking, and playing, and I have never left a penny in savings. Didn't you just find me? My nephew Beixuan, his parents are no longer in this world, of course I have to take on the responsibility of raising him," Yu Lin said.

"Oh, Beixuan? Hehe, isn't it Ma Hongjun?" Ning Fengzhi asked knowingly. Sure enough, his intelligence ability of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is extraordinary. It wasn't long before Yubayashi brought two children into the Blazing Academy, he knew it very clearly Not only that, he even knew the information that Yulin was more fond of Ma Hongjun.

Habayashi waved his hand, "Oh, Sect Master Ning, let's be friends, I won't hide it from you, Hong Jun is just for me to attract the attention of other forces and only put it on the bright side, my real most important person , it’s Xiaoxuan, the purpose of doing this is just not to want those people to disturb Xiaoxuan’s cultivation.”

"So that's how it is." Ning Fengzhi showed a shocked expression as if he had just found out, "Bei Xuan, also surnamed Bei, has the same surname as Bei Luo in that story, hehe, this shouldn't be a coincidence, if that Bei Luo is real The person who has ever existed, he should be Beixuan's father, and also your former friend."

"This person is really powerful." Habayashi couldn't help but swear in his heart that such a little information could be inferred to such an extent.

"That's right, Sect Master Ning, the son of an old friend, has lived in a difficult life these years. Therefore, as an uncle, I must take good care of him, and please keep it a secret for me. Don't let people from Wuhundian or other sects notice him. Otherwise, they might use some tricks against him in order to get me." Habayashi directly put the matter on the table, which is also the main purpose of his coming here.

"I found Xiaoxuan thanks to the information you provided, and I asked you for money again this time. Adding up the two, I owe you a favor from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything." Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, and took out a card from his pocket, "Your Majesty, the gold soul coin card you want is here, please accept it."

"Thank you!" Habayashi took the card and said, "Then, I will take my leave today, Chen Xin, I will come to you to discuss swords again when I have time."

Chen Xin nodded, "Okay, I'll accompany you anytime."

After the matter was finished, Habayashi left with the sword.

After Yulin left, Gu Rong asked suspiciously, "What the hell is this Yulin doing? He has no beginning and no end. He came to ask for three hundred gold soul coins and left."

"That's right, I still want to hear him tell me the story of Master Beiluo!" As a little girl who grew up listening to Beiluo's story, Ning Rongrong pouted dissatisfiedly. It has been holding back for a long time, and finally finished the business, Yu Lin flew away without giving her a chance to speak.

"Beixuan? It turns out that Lord Beiluo really exists, and he has a son. I really want to see what he looks like?" Ning Rongrong asked expectantly.

"There will be a chance to see you in the future." Ning Fengzhi patted his precious daughter's head and said with a smile, "Actually, Habayashi came to convey something to me, even a warning, and I received it, he is very smart , I know that I have information that other forces don't know, so I know that I can't hide it from me by using Ma Hongjun's tricks, so I simply put everything on the bright side. Lin's first object of suspicion is my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

"As for the three hundred gold soul coins, it's just an excuse to owe me the favor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Uncle Bone, don't you think that three hundred gold soul coins can really form a favor for Titled Douluo?"

"Of course not, just three hundred gold soul coins, even if he doesn't ask for it from any force, as a Titled Douluo, he can help a child of a certain noble family hunt down a hundred-year-old soul beast." Gu Rong firmly denied.

"That's it. Therefore, the favor he owes me to Qibao Liulizong is the news of Beixuan, but this news must be kept secret, so if he wants to return Qibao's favor to me in the future, it can't be because of this reason. He needs to find a new one." The excuse is the three hundred gold soul coins, haven't you noticed that he asked us for three hundred gold soul coins, not borrowing them, if you borrow, just pay back as much as you want, if you want, it's a debt of favor." Ning Fengzhi explained.

"Suppose the favor of three hundred gold soul coins to replace the favor of the old friend's son news? When did Yulin think so much, it doesn't match his character?" Chen Xin asked suspiciously, Yulin has always been the same as him, straight to the point Yes, how can there be so many fancy intestines.

"It may not be Habayashi, maybe it's what the child is thinking. He can find Habayashi by relying on stories, isn't that kid pretty smart? The money he borrowed is also just right, and three hundred gold soul coins can't form a title fight." Luo's favor is just enough for them to temporarily pay the tuition fees, which is an excuse for favor, in fact, what Yu Lin owes me to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is only the favor of the news."

Speaking of this, Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, "However, he thinks of me, Ning Fengzhi, too simply. In fact, he and Yulin already owe me two favors from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Make good use of it." , may be of great use in the future.”

Yubayashi, who was flying with the sword in the sky, didn't know that he had already been tricked by the old fox Ning Fengzhi.

Maybe Ning Fengzhi's method is useless to others, but for a person like Yulin who keeps his promise, it can definitely achieve full marks.

The same is true for Beixuan today, because Beixuan is the son of the evil king.

Back then, because the evil royal family had a good relationship with the lord of the human race, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, and accepted his love several times, they guarded the passage between the demon realm and the human world for thousands of years for the human race, and they would die without regret.

The evil spirit clan can't easily make enemies with others, and it's not easy to owe favors to others, but once they are married or owed, they will take revenge or repay even if they die. Ning Fengzhi has known Yu Lin for so many years, but he has a very clear view of his character.

Looking at Ning Fengzhi's insidious smile, Gu Rong didn't care, but Chen Xin couldn't accept it, he really hated conspiracy and schemes, these schemers have a dirty heart.

Holding Ning Rongrong's hand, Chen Xin hurriedly left the Seven Treasures Hall with the sword. This little witch is self-willed enough, but she can't be allowed to learn Ning Fengzhi's tricks, and she might become a witch by then up.

(End of this chapter)

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