Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 29 Beixuan Ma Hongjun VS Huowu Huo Wushuang

Chapter 29 Beixuan Ma Hongjun VS Huowu Huo Wushuang


On the Blazing Academy Square, Beixuan, Ma Hongjun, and Huo Wushuang Huowu brothers and sisters were practicing duels. Since school hadn't started yet, there were no people here anyway.

Huo Wushuang proposed to test Beixuan and the others' actual combat capabilities.

Of course, he would not use his full strength against the two six-year-old children, but it was for this reason that he was at a disadvantage from the very beginning in the battle with Beixuan.

The palm strength of the two competed, Bei Xuan only retreated half a step, while Huo Wushuang retreated two and a half steps.

Huo Wushuang shook his arm, "It's so powerful, junior, are you really taking the control system route? Although I didn't use soul skills, my one-horned fire tyrannosaurus is an absolute assault system martial soul! .”

"I am born with supernatural power." Beixuan made an excuse at will, after all, he doesn't want to expose the martial arts in the Sun and Moon Secret Code now.

Well, he doesn't know martial arts, he's just born with supernatural power.

"Are you born with supernatural power? Then the junior should be ready. I'm going to use my soul skills." After Huo Wushuang finished speaking, two yellow soul rings emerged, and the first soul ring shone with light. "The first Soul skill, Tyrannosaurus Strike!"

Huo Wushuang clasped his hands together in front of his chest, a dark red light gushed out of his palms, and instantly condensed into a palm-sized dark red light ball, flying towards Beixuan. This was obviously a single attacking soul technology.

"Brother Xuan, leave this attack to me, the first soul ability, Phoenix Firewire." Ma Hongjun jumped in front of Beixuan, and also showed the first soul ability.

The raging phoenix fire collided with the ball of light, and for a moment they were evenly matched.

Huo Wushuang admired secretly, as expected of the top Martial Soul Fire Phoenix, the power of this flame was astonishing, although he didn't use his full strength, but his level was nearly ten levels higher than Ma Hongjun's after all, and he had a second spirit ring, but it didn't account for much Cheap.

"The first soul skill, phantom fog!" Taking advantage of this moment, Beixuan also used the first soul skill.

The pitch-black thick fog spread to the whole venue in an instant, and the sight of Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu brothers and sisters was blocked.

"The first soul skill, Shadow of Flame." Of course, Huo Wu would not sit still, she also activated the first soul skill, and the fire shadow flashed behind her, exuding flames, which could give her normal attacks a stronger fire attribute, and also Can deal high temperature damage to close targets.

This is a skill that integrates offense and defense. It is mainly aimed at the opponent's melee attack. After all, Huo Wu's path is also a control system. Once he is close to the attack system, he is relatively passive.

At this time, she used this move to prevent Beixuan's sneak attack.

The second purpose is to let Huo Wushuang know where she is by taking advantage of the sudden rise in temperature.

Huo Wushuang really sensed Huo Wu, and immediately ran towards her, but when he saw Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu slapped her.

Huo Wushuang was shocked, "Little sister, what are you doing?"

Huo Wu didn't seem to hear half of Huo Wushuang's words, and continued to attack Huo Wushuang.

This is the second ability of Beixuan's first soul ability, Illusion, because the mental power is reduced by the mist, Huo Wu can't resist Beixuan's mental power at all. At this moment, Huo Wushuang, in her eyes, is Ma Hongjun.

Therefore, it is reasonable for her to attack her opponent.

If she had known about Beixuan's ability in advance and prepared mental defenses in advance, Huo Wu would not have been controlled by the illusion so easily. She had lost in intelligence and was caught off guard.

As time went by, Huo Wushuang gradually fell into the influence of the illusion. In his eyes, Huo Wu became Beixuan, so he stopped backing down and launched an attack instead.

After fighting Huo Wu with a palm.

Huo Wushuang's second soul ring flickered, and Huo Wu's side did the same.

"The second soul skill, Wrath of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon."

"The second soul skill, Naruto Clone."

The pair of siblings started to get serious. Just when they activated it at the same time, Beixuan immediately removed the phantom mist, and the two siblings woke up instantly. Fortunately, there was still time.

The two quickly staggered their respective attacks, and the flames of Hokage and Fire Dragon both hit the ground behind them, avoiding a situation where both sides suffered losses.

After all, it's just a sparring session, and Beixuan won't let them get hurt.

"Huh, it's dangerous." Huo Wushuang heaved a sigh of relief, if he had injured Huo Wu just now, his father and the grandfather of the headmaster of the senior academy would definitely have skinned him.

"Student, this first soul skill of yours is really powerful. It actually has the three effects of blinding sight, reducing mental power and creating illusions at the same time. Huo Wu and I are both great soul masters with a higher level than you. Despite the preparation, it is still unavoidable to be tricked."

"Senior, I'm overwhelmed. The Nightmare Martial Soul focuses on weirdness. This is the first time you have fought against me. It's normal for me to trick you." Beixuan laughed.

"As expected of the superior of the Black Demon Spirit, I had doubts about what you said before, but now I completely believe it." Huo Wu stepped forward and said.

Regarding her original suspicion, Beixuan didn't find it strange either, after all, who is Mengshenji who possesses the black demon spirit? More than 80 levels of Contra!It is rumored that once controlled by his black demon, he will fall into an endless loop of dreams and cannot extricate himself.

Such a powerful martial soul, if there is a high-ranking martial soul, basically represents the appearance of a titled Douluo.

After the battle just now, Huo Wu no longer doubted that even the black demon could not have produced such a powerful first soul ability in the first soul ring.

"But don't be complacent, this girl just didn't notice it for a while, if you compare it again, this girl will use all her strength as soon as she comes up, you may not even have a chance to use your soul skills, and I will concentrate my energy , your illusion will no longer be useful." Huo Wu changed the topic, but she was a little unwilling.

With the same personality as the original book, this is indeed a girl who will not easily admit defeat. Most importantly, her current strength is indeed higher than Beixuan and Ma Hongjun, but she was defeated just because she didn't exert all her strength, how could she be reconciled.

"Okay, Huo Wu, don't forget, they are only six-year-old children, if you lose, you lose, don't make excuses." Huo Wushuang looked serious. He is indeed a sister-in-law, but sometimes he has the majesty of a brother. , as a senior, I can't afford to lose to two six-year-olds. People who are too poor-tempered will not achieve much in the future.

"Yes, brother!" Although Huo Wu is willful, every time Huo Wushuang gets angry, she is still a little scared.

Beixuan nodded secretly, Huo Wushuang deserved to be his elder brother, he was indeed much more mature than Huo Wu, no wonder he would be the captain of the future Blazing Fire Team.

"You two juniors, your martial arts and soul skills are very good. They are exactly what we need. You must work hard to cultivate in the future. Let's work together to win the championship of the All-Continent Soul Master Competition." Huo Wushuang Seeing the two people full of expectations, with Beixuan and Ma Hongjun, he seemed to really see the hope of forming the strongest blazing team.

There are three days left in the holiday, and three days later, it will be the opening ceremony of the new semester. Not only Blazing Team, Beixuan's road to the future has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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