Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 30 Old Fox Ning Feng Zhi Opening Ceremony

Chapter 30 Old Fox Ning Feng Zhi Opening Ceremony

In the dormitory, Habayashi looked apologetically at Beixuan who couldn't laugh or cry.

This guy, because he had nothing to do, spent three days rushing back from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, eating, drinking and having fun along the way.

Anyway, the matter of the tuition fee has been settled. The one-year tuition fee of Blazing Academy is [-] gold soul coins per person. Habayashi thinks that with the [-] gold soul coins from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, not only can he pay the tuition fees for two people, but also One hundred gold soul coins can be used as living expenses.

Don't underestimate one hundred gold soul coins, just one gold soul coin is enough for a family of three to eat meat and vegetables for a while.

Therefore, Habayashi does not have to be busy working to make money.

However, when he handed over the Golden Soul Coin Card to Beixuan, Beixuan was immediately stunned.

He didn't say too much, he only wanted [-] gold soul coins, just to let Habayashi get cash and gold soul coin cards. This is a problem. Given the wealth of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, they would save [-] gold coins. Soul coins, to get a gold soul coin card?
Or because you knew in advance that Habayashi was coming, so you did it in advance?

When Beixuan asked this question, Habayashi immediately realized that something was wrong, so he went to a luxury hotel in the city to try it out. Three hundred is indeed three hundred, but the unit behind it is ten thousand!
A full 300 million gold soul coins, worthy of being the largest household in the Douluo Continent, so much money, you can give it if you say it.

But think about it, this guy Ning Fengzhi can easily give Tang San 500 million gold soul coins in the later stage, and here is a mere 300 million, which is really nothing to him.

Three hundred gold soul coins are not enough to form a Title Douluo's favor, but three million are enough.

"Xiaoxuan, why don't I go back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and return the money?" Habayashi asked tentatively.

"No need, you asked for money instead of borrowing money, so you can't just borrow and repay. The relationship has been formed. Really, I was tricked by that old fox Ning Fengzhi. Now, we are I really owe him two favors." Beixuan said helplessly, "He can do this because he knows you well enough. He knows that you will definitely not ignore these two favors. After coming to Douluo World, your His personality is still the same as before.”

Habayashi scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, "Hehe, there is no way, no matter what time I am, I am the commander of the imperial guards of the evil spirit clan, and our evil royal family always repays revenge and repays kindness. "

"Don't worry, I will find a way to pay him back these two debts of affection." Beixuan said, "Hehe, Ning Fengzhi is indeed good at calculating. In this respect, I am not his opponent, but, do I have him in my hand? Thanks to the Tang Sect poisonous scriptures you left behind, Habayashi, I now have a way to ask him to do things for me, which counts as my repaying his favor."

"Xiaoxuan, what do you mean?" Yu Lin was taken aback, why couldn't he understand, asking Ning Fengzhi to do things for them, as they returned Ning Fengzhi's favor?Is it the other way around.

Beixuan looked at Yulin dissatisfied, "I don't want to tell you, Yulin, you are indeed the best in our evil spirit clan when it comes to arranging troops, but when it comes to being as careful as dust, you are not as good as Lan Xiang. With him here, Ning Fengzhi won't be able to put us together so easily."

"Hmph, who knows where Lan Xiang went, I haven't heard from him for so many years." Mentioning Lan Xiang, Yu Lin was very upset. Draw Lan Xiang's attention.

Now even the fishermen on the frontier have heard of the name Meteor Demon Douluo. As long as Xiang Lan is still on this continent, it is impossible not to have heard of him.

In fact, Beixuan has already ruled out the possibility of Lanxiang being in the Sun Moon Continent and other continents. When Beiluo sent the two of them, perhaps because of the interplanetary relationship, they could not be sent to the same city so close, but it was also possible. Not so far away as to be on two different continents.

Beixuan still has some confidence in his father's IQ, he can't be so stupid, right?
"Habayashi, let me ask you, did you tell him about your life in the world after you returned to Tianlu City?" Beixuan thought of another possibility, and he tentatively asked Yulin.

Habayashi shook his head resolutely, "No, why should I tell him that? Besides, he is very withdrawn, so he is not interested in listening to my stories."

"Then, if he is in this continent, I may know the reason why he didn't show up, Habayashi, there is no need to deliberately look for him for the time being, I believe that when he knows my existence, he will take the initiative to come to me. "Bei Xuan laughed.

"Okay, I get it, I just like to be a joke, Xiaoxuan, your character is not like your father, but a bit like your grandfather and uncle, they also like to be riddlers." Habayashi complained, but didn't ask any more questions He knew that what should be told to him, Beixuan would naturally not hide it.

The reason why I don't say it now is probably for Lanxiang's consideration.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, Ma Hongjun came in with two sets of clothes, "Brother Xuan, what are you doing here, senior Huo Wushuang just sent us our school uniforms, today is the opening ceremony , go quickly."

"Okay!" Beixuan took the school uniform and changed into it.

The school uniform of the Blazing Academy is naturally crimson, which is more beautiful than the shit green of the Shrek Academy.

Habayashi is not interested in the opening ceremony. In his opinion, the headmaster came to the stage and said some unnutritious things like competing with each other and studying hard.

As the leader of the Evil Resisting Clan, he used to say such things to the newcomers who just joined the team.

In this regard, Beixuan also let Habayashi go, but he and Ma Hongjun had to go, maybe there would be people who could become their comrades-in-arms in the future.

Arriving at the central square, hundreds of students have gathered here, which is completely different from the deserted scene of the previous few days.

This is the atmosphere of a famous college.

Beixuan and Ma Hongjun walked to the place where the students of the Intermediate Academy gathered, which surprised those children who were at least 12 years old. How could there be two more dolls in the Intermediate Academy? This is too young.

Huo Wu stepped forward and introduced, "These two are newcomers, Bei Xuan and Ma Hongjun, although they are young, they are both born with extremely high soul power, and now they are genius souls who have obtained the first soul ring Master, they are strong enough to join an intermediate academy, and their uncle is also the world-famous Meteor Demon Douluo."

"Title Douluo's nephew!"

Everyone was shocked. This identity was even higher than that of Huo Wu, the granddaughter of the principal and the daughter of the dean of the advanced academy.

After all, the title Douluo can be called Mianxia, ​​and Mianxia's class is equivalent to the majesty of a country, not a principal or dean can be compared.

Some of them were a little bit dissatisfied with why they had to study with two little kids, and even the arrogant noble children who were about to come up to make trouble suddenly didn't dare to make any more moves.

Not to mention ordinary nobles, even the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire would not dare to easily offend a Titled Douluo.

Seeing this, Beixuan smiled with satisfaction. He never asked Yulin to hide his identity from the very beginning, just for this scene in front of him. He came to the academy to practice, and he didn't want to live a boring life of quarreling with the villain rich second generation.

If there is power behind him, he can use it, and with Habayashi as a deterrent, his college life can be much quieter. Anyway, he is just using the power to protect himself, and it is not bullying others. These are two completely different things.

(End of this chapter)

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