Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 32 The Arrival of Shui Bing'er

Chapter 32 The Arrival of Shui Bing'er

In the blink of an eye, ten days had passed since the official start of school. At this time, Bei Xuan and Ma Hongjun were completely familiar with campus life.

Perhaps it was because of the concern of the seniors for the juniors, or maybe it was to find an opportunity to please the titled Douluo Habayashi. The seniors and sisters in their class took good care of them, and there were no intentional embarrassments in many stories. Condition.

Their campus life is quite comfortable.

It was Ma Hongjun's evil fire, because he practiced the fire attribute meditation method, but the outbreaks became more frequent. Fortunately, there is Bing Xin Jue, which allows him to temporarily restrain himself.

As for Yu Lin, he has already rushed to the Star Luo Empire, because Ning Fengzhi gave him a large sum of money, so he doesn't need to work as originally planned, 300 million is enough, so he is going to buy herbs directly to assist Beixuan After that, it will be used for practicing the Sun Moon Golden Body.

And if you want to say which herb is the best on this continent, it is of course the Po clan.

With Habayashi's strength, even if they go to Xingluo, there will be no problem. The two of them are not worried. What they think about now is to hope that the ice phoenix will come back quickly.

Fortunately, Shui Bing'er didn't keep them waiting too long. Huo Wushuang came to their dormitory early this morning and informed that Shui Bing'er had returned to Tianshui College, and that Huo Ran had invited her and her mother to come with her .

The two were overjoyed, and immediately followed Huo Wushuang to the principal's office. Besides the principal, Huo Ran and Huo Wu, there were two more figures here today.

One of them is a blue-haired beauty with a beautiful appearance and a standard figure. She should be Shui Qingwu. Because of her high cultivation level, she looks not much different from a 40-year-old girl in her 20s.

Beside her, there is a girl who looks about ten years old, exuding bursts of cold air, with long water-blue hair and a light blue dress, good facial features, and a faint smile on the corners of her mouth. With a smile, when this girl grows up, she will definitely be more beautiful than her mother, Shui Qingwu.

Moreover, under the uncontrollable cold, Beixuan's first impression of this girl was not the image of a frosty beauty. If he insisted on using one word to describe it, it would be gentle, extremely gentle and peaceful temperament.

Such coldness and gentleness made Beixuan subconsciously think of his mother Yun Wuyue. Although the strengths of the two were vastly different, Shui Binger gave him the impression that she was really similar to Yun Wuyue.

"Oh, here we come, Qingwu, let me introduce you. These two children are the nephew of Meteor Demon Mianxia, ​​Beixuan who possesses the Nightmare Martial Soul, and Ma Hongjun who possesses the Fire Phoenix Martial Soul." Huo Ran Introduced.

"Is it them, at such a young age?" Shui Qingwu was surprised. She had heard that there was a fire phoenix soul master with evil fire, who could help her daughter with water and fire to solve Shui Bing'er's uncontrollable desperate situation. ice problem.

But even if you want to be a fellow practitioner, the difference in cultivation between the two should not be too large.

There is also the medium in the middle that prevents the direct conflict between ice and fire. If the level is too low, it may even die directly under the impact of evil fire and absolute ice.

"Qingwu, don't underestimate them. These two children are born with extremely high levels. Hongjun is at level nine, and now he has broken through level ten and obtained his first soul ring. Beixuan is born full of soul power, plus a little Qiyu, the level is as high as level [-], not much worse than Binger who just got the second ring." Huo Ran's face was full of complacency.

In the past, Shui Binger's aptitude was far superior to that of Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang. Among the same age group of Five Elements Academy, only Feng Xiaotian could match her. Every time the principals got together, Shui Qingwu would show off her treasures a lot. Daughter, now that they are on fire, they finally have peerless geniuses who can rival Shui Binger, and there are only two of them.

"Oh, it's so outstanding. Since it is approved by Meteor Demon Mian, let's try it immediately." Although Shui Qingwu is a woman, she does not procrastinate at all, and directly pulls Shui Binger into the two of them. before.

Shui Bing'er bowed slightly to the two of them, "You two juniors, please give me your advice."

The two also returned a salute, "I also ask my sister to give me some advice."

Except for the Elephant Armor, which is backed by the Wuhun Temple, and the Thunder, which is backed by the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School, the other three of the five elemental schools can be said to be in the same spirit in the true sense. It is also reasonable for Binger to be a senior.

Moreover, Shui Bing'er's appearance and temperament make it very difficult for people to feel bad for her.

According to Dean Huo Ran's instructions, the three sat down in the center of the principal's office, with Bei Xuan in the middle, Shui Bing'er on the right, and Ma Hongjun on the left.

Both of them stretched out their right palms to face Beixuan's palms at the same time.

"Okay, Bing'er, Hongjun, you two, follow my instructions to use your soul power. Xiaoxuan, you also follow the method I taught you before, and transfer the power of ice and fire to the two of you." Huo Ran ordered. .

"Yes!" After the three of them responded at the same time, Shui Bing'er and Ma Hongjun started to activate their soul power at the same time.

The evil fire that arouses people's negative desires, and the uncontrollable Juebing that freezes everything pours into Beixuan's body from both sides at the same time. Beixuan is like being in a hell of ice and fire. Half were frozen unconscious.

After transferring the soul power of the two to each other, the sensations on both sides of the body exchanged again.

This feeling of alternately feeling the two heavens of ice and fire is really not so pleasant.

Seeing Beixuan's uncomfortable expression, everyone was a little worried. They knew what kind of pain Beixuan was enduring.

Huo Wu even felt dissatisfied with Yu Lin in his heart, even if he loves Ma Hongjun more, he shouldn't let his other nephew suffer like this, it's too partial.

And the two people who are most worried are Ma Hongjun and Shui Binger. To Ma Hongjun, Beixuan is the big brother in his heart, and he has always taken good care of him. If he had known that this method would be painful to such an extent, he would have No matter what you say, you will not agree to Beixuan to be the intermediary.

Shui Bing'er's thinking is simpler. She has only used [-]% of her strength all the time for the purpose of not hurting others. If she hurts someone in order to treat the absolute ice disease at this time, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse.

At this moment, the two had the same thought, that is to close their skills.

Just when the two were about to withdraw their palms, a suction force suddenly sucked their palms together. Beixuan closed his eyes, but shook his head.

The two immediately understood, he was telling them not to give up easily.

In fact, to others, they can only see Beixuan's pain, but to Beixuan himself, he is in pain and happiness.

What happiness?Of course it is the joy of becoming stronger!

Under the impact of the two forces of ice and fire, the strongest body training method in the Sun and Moon Secret Code, the Sun and Moon Golden Body, Beixuan can finally cultivate.

Once this golden body of the sun and moon is cultivated successfully, it will not only greatly increase Beixuan's combat power, but also have a very important meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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