Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 33 Introduction to the Sun and Moon Golden Body

Chapter 33 Introduction to the Sun and Moon Golden Body
An hour passed, and with the passage of time, Beixuan, who was supposed to be suffering more and more, now seemed to have adapted to this pain, and his expression returned to calm.

On the back that few people could see, under the cover of the clothes, a bone on Beixuan's back exuded a little bit of golden light.

"This man has such strong willpower." Shui Bing'er looked at Bei Xuan with admiration.

She felt very uncomfortable just being impacted by the evil fire, and this was because she was fighting against the ice, but Bei Xuan simply withstood the power of the ice and fire with her body, and seemed to use this power to cultivate.

It's hard to imagine that this is the perseverance that a six-year-old child can have!

Shui Binger smiled slightly, "What an interesting guy."

Two hours later, the three of them slowly closed their efforts.

Ma Hongjun tentatively felt his own flame, "Suppress it, completely suppress it! It's great!"

At this moment, he couldn't feel any evil fire at all, and even the speed of his soul power became faster.

The same is true for Shui Bing'er on the other side. With a phoenix cry, the Bingfenghuang martial soul is displayed in full view for the first time. Shui Bing'er doesn't need to control [-]% of her strength, even if it is [-]%, she can perfectly control it.

"Haha, it's very good. This fellow practitioner's method is really useful." Huo Ran smiled and stepped forward, "But don't be too happy too early. Just practicing once will not be able to completely solve your problems. Your Jue Bing and The disease of evil fire will recur sooner or later, and in the next period, it can be as fast as one year or as slow as three years. You must continue to practice like this. Only by accumulating it over time can you completely solve your problems."

"Yes, Principal!" The two nodded.

"Xiaoxuan hasn't woken up yet." Huo Wu looked at Beixuan worriedly, for some reason, he hadn't stopped yet.

At this moment, the red zhenqi in Beixuan's left hand and the blue zhenqi in his right hand rushed to the center of his chest at the same time, and after a few circles, they gradually disappeared.

Beixuan opened his eyes, showing a satisfied smile, the first layer of the sun and moon golden body has just completed!

Based on this, Beixuan is confident that in the next two or three years, he will practice this martial art to perfection, and in the future, he can use the star-aniseed black ice grass and raging fire apricot in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi to directly promote it. To the point of Dacheng.

In this way, not only can he be as invulnerable as Tang San in the original book, but his physical fitness is at the same level, and he is absolutely invincible. Even if he doesn't have as many spirit bones as Tang San, it will not affect the second spirit. practice.

In addition, there is another advantage, when the sun and the moon become golden, his physical endurance should be enough for him to take an extra powerful fairy product, instead of being like Tang San, who can only choose mild medicine, but for him Wangchuan Qiushuilu was not much helped by the improvement of soul power.

After all, he hasn't practiced any pupil technique, so looking forward to wearing Qiushuilu has no effect on him.

Soon, Beixuan also finished his work and stood up, twisting his body, "Phew, the feeling of the impact of the absolute ice and the evil fire is simply more comfortable than a spa. It doesn't matter if you come a few more times, it just hurts a little."

"Huh?" Looking at Beixuan who was doing gymnastics, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched. Although they didn't know what spa meant, there was a high probability that it was a good thing. This kid has a problem with his five senses. Same as a massage.

Huo Wu stepped forward and touched Beixuan's forehead and said, "Xiaoxuan, are you burned or frozen? Your strange perception can be grounded, but it can't be grounded. It feels like a hell of ice and fire. Is that comfortable?"

Beixuan pushed Huo Wu's hand away, "Sister, you don't understand, compared with becoming stronger, no matter how much pain you suffer, you can bear it with a smile."

"Well said." Shui Bing'er was full of admiration when she heard the words, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that you, a six-year-old child, can have such determination and perseverance. I appreciate it very much. From now on, I will ask you to continue to help me cultivate Already!"

After Jue Bing was suppressed, the cold aura on Shui Bing'er's body completely disappeared, leaving only a soft and watery feeling.

"Don't worry, senior sister, please give me more advice from now on."

With the return of Shui Bing'er, Beixuan and Ma Hongjun's practice was completely on the right track. A month later, Yulin also returned from the Star Luo Empire. The grass exists, but it is no problem to make a medicinal bath for the two of them.

At the same time, in the center of the mainland, Wuhun City.

Here, the Pope with the highest status is naturally the Pope of the Wuhun Hall, followed by the Seven Great Priests and the Nine Great Elders, among which the position of the Grand Priest can be said to be equal to that of the Pope.

The above-mentioned people are all titled Douluo Masters, and this place can be called the gathering place of the highest combat power in the Douluo Continent.

A shining golden eagle circled down from the sky, landed in front of a courtyard, and took the form of a human, surrounded by eight spirit rings.

This is a Contra-level powerhouse with a golden eagle spirit, and he is the person in charge of the intelligence organization of the Spirit Hall, Loldiala.

It's just that under normal circumstances, unimportant information will not be delivered by him personally, unless that matter needs to be reported to a certain elder, priest, or even the Pope.

Ordinary people are not qualified to meet them, so he can only come in person.

Stepping into the yard, a man and a woman are taking care of the flowers in the yard. The flower here is called 'Flame', which is a series of double sunflowers. It is appreciated by many flower lovers because of its excellent performance in all aspects. Many colors have been derived, including flame, purple flame, pink flame, champagne flame, green rod flame and so on.

Obviously, the people who live here love fire.

The man and woman cared for the flowers together. Maybe people who don't know it will think they are a couple, but Lordiala knows that they are actually girlfriends, because the man is Ju Douluo Yueguan, and he has The odds of having a boyfriend are much greater than those of having a lover.

And that woman is the only woman among the nine elders of Wuhun Hall, Lingyuan Douluo.

"See Elder Ju, Elder Lingyuan!" Lordiala stepped forward and knelt down on one knee, facing the two titled Douluo, his Contra had no status at all.

"Huh? Lordiala, what's the rush?" Ju Douluo dissatisfied. What he hates the most is when someone disturbs him when he is admiring the flowers.

"The subordinates are terrified. It is related to Meteor Demon Douluo Mian. Elder Lingyuan once issued a death order to his subordinates. Once there is news of Meteor Demon Mian, he will report it immediately. The subordinates dare not disobey it." Loldiala report.

"What, you have news from Yulin?" Lingyuan's watering hand trembled, and the water bottle in her hand fell to the ground. Only Yulin could make her, a titled Douluo, lose her composure.

(End of this chapter)

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