Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 34: Spirit Kite Douluo

Chapter 34: Spirit Kite Douluo
"Oh, sister Lingyuan, every time you hear about Brother Yubayashi, you will lose your composure. It seems that the old relationship is still unforgettable." Seeing Lingyuan's performance, Ju Douluo deliberately teased.

"Who can't forget the old relationship with the heartbroken man? I just want to know if he is dead or not!" Lingyuan retorted angrily, then looked at Lordiala, and asked impatiently, "Say, where is he recently? What did he do? ?”

"His Majesty the Meteor Demon has brought two children to the Blazing Academy, and he still..." Lordiala had just said a few words, and suddenly the surrounding temperature began to rise rapidly.

"Children?" Lingyuan's hair stood on end, her Flame Eagle martial soul loomed, and she was obviously furious.

Yueguan continued to fight on the sidelines, "Yo, Brother Yubayashi has children, when did we get married? It's really shameless. I think back then, when he fell in love with Lingyuan, I didn't have much to match up with. In the end, he Married and had a child, he didn't even invite me to drink the full moon wine."

As soon as the voice fell, a flame shot up into the sky. Few women with flame martial spirits have a good temper. Huo Wu and Liu Erlong both have fiery personalities.

"Calm your anger, that's not Meteor Demon's child, it seems to be his nephew, one surnamed Ma, named Ma Hongjun, the other surnamed Bei, named Beixuan, I investigated the origins of the two, they are both named Ye People from Xiaoshan Village in Huo Village had no contact with Meteor Demon Mianxia before, but both of them are extremely talented, they got their first soul ring at the age of six, and their innate soul power is conservatively estimated to be around nine levels." Lordi Yara hurriedly said, "My subordinates speculate that His Majesty the Fallen Demon Crown recognizes them as nephews because of their extraordinary qualifications."

"Among them, the one named Ma Hongjun possesses the most superb Fire Phoenix Martial Soul. His Majesty Meteor Demon took special care of him. He even asked for a lot of money for him to go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. He also went to the Star Luo Empire to buy medicinal materials for him. Make medicinal baths for body refining."

Hearing Lordiala say that he is not his own son, but a nephew, Lingyuan Douluo suppressed his anger, but he was still very upset, "I really care about it, he never asked people for money before. .”

"Besides, even if you need money, why don't you just come to Wuhun Hall to find me? Why not go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School? If it's not enough, I can ask Xiaoguanguan to sell chrysanthemums."

When the chrysanthemum closed, the back door tightened, "Sister Lingyuan, what you said is somewhat chilling!"

"Where did you go, I mean your martial soul, it's a fairy herb anyway, it's fine to take it out and sell it for money, and then take it back with your mind." Lingyuan Douluo said angrily, "You and Habayashi Aren't you a friend, I won't help you with this little favor."

"That's natural. Brother Yulin not only had the grace to save my life, but at the beginning, he talked with me all over the world, and our two hearts matched each other. I will never forget that experience." Juhuaguan recalled the beauty of that year, There was a happy smile on his face.

At this time, the sky suddenly changed. It was clearly broad daylight, but the sky suddenly became overcast. The entire courtyard seemed to be wrapped in darkness. In this darkness, it seemed that bursts of murderous aura could still be felt.

Ju Douluo realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly corrected, "Of course, that's all in the past. Since that bastard dared to betray my sister Lingyuan, he is my sworn enemy."

After he finished speaking, the black air gradually dissipated.

Lordiala, who was kneeling on the ground, swallowed subconsciously, it turned out that Ghost Douluo Guigui was also here.

He and Ju Douluo have always been inseparable, one in the light and the other in the dark, the murderous aura just now was from him.

As a social cow, Yubayashi has a good relationship with many people, including sissies like Ju Douluo Yueguan. After all, Yubayashi knew all kinds of strange flowers very well in order to pick up girls. Said to be Ju Douluo's confidant.

But because of this, he attracted the jealousy of Ghost Douluo, and Ghost was very worried that Ju Douluo would be cheated by Habayashi one day, and he would suffer NTR.

"Well, sister Lingyuan, this is a good opportunity. We have always wanted to absorb Habayashi into the Wuhun Temple, but before he was alone and had no weaknesses, we couldn't do anything. Now he has two nephews, If we start with his two nephews, maybe we can get him here." Ju Douluo changed the topic, and said with a sly smile, "In this way, my sister can also continue her relationship with Habayashi."

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Bone Douluo have exactly the same thoughts, what they are most afraid of is a person who has no scruples and is alone, but as long as he has a weakness, he can start to plot.

Ling Yuan waved her hand, "Now is not the time, after all, Yulin just met those two children, and most of them just accepted them as juniors because of their good aptitude. Absorbing Yulin into the Hall of Spirits would be self-defeating, turning the two sides who had a pretty good relationship into enemies, and Ning Fengzhi would probably wake up from a dream."

"Lordiala, go down and send someone to keep an eye on those two children, especially the one called Ma Hongjun who Yubayashi loves more."

"Yes, Elder Lingyuan, this subordinate will leave." Lordiala responded and stepped back slowly.

"Sister, you are always so cautious when it comes to matters related to Habayashi. It can be seen that you have deep affection for him, and Habayashi is also true. Just because you killed a small matter, you separated from you. What kind of indiscriminate killing of innocents and Killing is completely different, in my opinion it is the same thing, the innocent people killed by you can be no more than a few hundred people, but the villains you killed are no less than a thousand, and the number of people indirectly rescued by you is more than tens of thousands." Chrysanthemum Douluo sighed, "Oh, how can there be so much black and white in this world, he is too naive, besides, since he left, you have never killed anyone again."

"Xiaoguanguan, stop talking, you can go, I want to be alone for a while." Lingyuan lowered her head, a little dull.

Yue Guan nodded. He only cared about ghosts and ghosts. He didn't know much about things between men and women, and he didn't know how to comfort her. It would be best to let her be alone for a while.

After Chrysanthemum Douluo left, Lingyuan looked at the flowers in front of her with a nostalgic expression. In fact, these flowers were planted for her by Habayashi when she was chasing her.

She picked up a flower casually and smiled slightly, "Hehe, Ma Hongjun? It's just the one that attracts attention. The one you really care about is the one called Beixuan, right? You may have forgotten that you told me about your former friends , one of them has the surname Bei, but none has the surname Ma."

"But don't worry, I won't ruin your plan. I want to see how much that Beixuan holds in your heart."

Lingyuan Douluo's eyes were filled with a sense of contradiction between love and hatred, she might not let Wuhundian do anything to Beixuan, but she herself, not necessarily.

(End of this chapter)

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