Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 36 Five Elements Academy Annual Exchange Competition

Chapter 36 Five Elements Academy Annual Exchange Competition
"Xiaoxuan, soul bones are impossible. Let alone the Five Elements Academy, even if there are, they will not give them as prizes for an exchange competition." Huo Wushuang said, "But this year's prizes are not bad, yes A storage soul guide, and it is extremely rare, a soul guide that can store living things, and the value is not cheap."

"Can you store soul guides for living things?" Beixuan's eyes lit up, this thing is not bad, and he said immediately, "Yes, that's all, Senior Sister Huowu, I will teach you the footwork now, and then you Help me win the exchange competition, and then the soul guide will be mine."

"Deal!" Huo Wu immediately agreed.

She is not interested in storing soul guides. Anyway, every time she goes shopping, she is followed by a bunch of licking dogs. Isn't it enough to use so many arms as storage?

"However, if you teach me the exercises in advance, you won't be afraid that we will lose the battle and fall short, and you will lose the exercises and still get nothing?"

"It doesn't matter that way, just try your best in everything. Besides, I want you to become stronger because I want to strive for victory with all my strength. With the qualifications of senior sister, I believe that it will take a few days to learn the footwork." Bei Xuan laughed.

"Okay, thank you so much, Xiaoxuan, let's work hard together!" Huo Wu gave a thumbs up. She really appreciated Beixuan's mentality of longing for victory but not being obsessed with victory.

As for the exchange competition of the Five Elements Academy, Beixuan also knew that there is once a year, two teams, with 15 years old as the dividing line, so Beixuan can only participate in the group under the age of 15.

Generally speaking, at this age, those who dare to sign up basically have the strength of around twentieth level, and even if there are geniuses, soul masters will appear from time to time.

Of course, it is unlikely that this class will be possible. The Five Elements Academy has not produced a real genius for a long time. In the past two years, Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, Feng Xiaotian, Shui Binger, Yu Tianxin and others have grown up one after another. But they are still too young after all, and have not grown to the intensity of the original book.

Although Ma Hongjun has the Fire Phoenix Martial Soul, his level is too low, he has no actual combat experience, and his temperament is not mature enough, so he is not suitable to be his teammate. Huo Wu will be fine.

After the training was over, after the Huo Wu brothers and sisters left, a figure appeared next to Beixuan as if teleporting, it was Habayashi.

"The college exchange competition is not bad. You can take part in it. Although soul power is the foundation of everything, real strength cannot be shown by the level of soul power alone. Only actual combat ability can truly determine life and death. Your demon-subduing palm and moon shadow footwork , You also need different opponents to feed you moves, so that you can achieve success as soon as possible."

Beixuan nodded, "Well, I also think the same way, but I am really interested in the soul guide that can store living things. Ordinary soul guides are easy to buy. This kind of soul guide that can put life into it is considered precious. It is precious to us. It will be useful in the future."

"But let me say Xiaoxuan, you are too straight. That Huo Wu can be called a little beauty. Even if you take the initiative to offer a sweet kiss, you are disgusted. Although your physical age is only six years old, your mentality is not so good. If you are like this, I am very worried about whether the king and Mr. Xie will be able to hold a grandson in this life. Do you want me to pass on my unique knowledge back then, the eighteen methods of flirting with girls? In recent years, I have also strengthened it into a masculine man The updated version!" Habayashi complained and said temptingly.

"I can't think so much about chasing girls right now. I don't have the strength. No matter money, power or beauty, they are all vain. You have experienced life and death. You should know better than others." Bei Xuan said seriously.

"Do you still remember why you appeared here? Because you were not strong enough, you were killed by the demon and could only be reincarnated. Why is Uncle separated from Aunt Nishang? Because he is not strong enough, he can only perish with the ancestor demon. Why can my father and my mother stay together forever? Because he is strong enough. Those who hinder my father's happiness, such as the great demon Chi Eyang, the thousand-year-old nightmare Ye Changgeng, and the ancient ghost master Wu Yan, anyone who stands in his way will be punished. He cut it off."

"My father's past told me that strength is the foundation of everything. With strength, when my lover appears in front of me, no matter if that person is Huowu-senpai or anyone else, no matter who it is, I can protect her. she."

"You are really too rational. In fact, sometimes, a little love brain can live a happier life, as long as you don't let the love brain overwhelm your reason." Habayashi smiled, "But you are right, you choose It is correct to increase your strength first, but it is a pity that you do not have a sword-type martial soul, otherwise, I will teach you our evil sword technique."

"Evil-dispelling swordsmanship?" Beixuan was taken aback for a moment, and his body turned cold. He just didn't think about chasing any girl for the time being, but it didn't mean he never wanted to think about it.

"What's wrong, isn't the sword technique used by our evil spirit clan the same as the evil evil sword technique?" Habayashi, who didn't know the truth, said it as a matter of course.

Beixuan sighed, in fact, he could explain something more clearly, otherwise, the words "evil warding off swordsmanship" would be a bit permeating.

Not bothering to explain, Beixuan turned and left directly.

Secretly opening the sleeve of his right hand, Beixuan looked at the sword energy transmitted to him by Beiluo on the day he crossed over, forming a sword-shaped mark on his right wrist. Although he didn't know what it was for, but He believed that when he penetrated this mark, he could use swordsmanship.

After all, his father's previous life was the No. 1 swordsmanship in the world of ancient swords and legends. Even Ziyin, the real person in Tianyong City, is probably inferior.

Halfway through, Beixuan thought of something, and suddenly turned around and coughed, "Ahem, by the way, Habayashi, what kind of hunk of yours is the expanded version, you can make a copy for me when you are free, and I can revise it for you. .”

a few days later.

At this time, a large number of people gathered in the central square of Blazing Academy.

The host venue of the Five Elements College Exchange Conference takes turns every time. This year it happens to be the turn of Blazing Fire College, so Beixuan has to go to other places.

"Brother Xuan, come on!" Ma Hongjun cheered on Beixuan, because he was too weak and had no actual combat experience, so he didn't sign up for this competition.

"Don't worry, I won't lose." Beixuan said to himself.

Huo Wu stood beside Beixuan, and said, "Xiaoxuan, there are four teams worth noting in this match. Let me introduce to you. The first is the pair of Roshan."

Following the direction Huo Wu pointed at, Bei Xuan could see two super chubby guys who were four times fatter than Ma Hongjun.

"They are students from the Elephant Armor Academy, Hu Yanli and Hu Yanba. Among them, Hu Yanli is the direct grandson of the leader of the Elephant Armor Sect. He is one year older than me. His strength is around level 26 to 27, and his defense power is stronger than that of the Soul Sect."

"Then there is Thunder Academy, Yu Tianxin and Lei Dong. Among them, Yu Tianxin is born in the blue electric Tyrannosaurus family and has the title of the best beast martial spirit in the world. I don't need to say more. You have heard of it. He is just 15 years old and his level is close to the soul. Your Majesty, the attack power is even more terrifying, so be careful when dealing with it."

"En!" Beixuan echoed, and naturally he would not underestimate the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"The next Shenfeng Academy is better, but Feng Moheng needs to pay attention to it. Although he was born in the next four Fengjianzong, his qualifications are just the same. He is not as good as Feng Xiaotian, but Feng Xiaotian is already sixteen this year. , who participated in the over-15 class, don't worry about him."

Hearing Huo Wu's words, Beixuan felt a little pity on the contrary, he really wanted to see the 36 consecutive slashes of the wind and licking the dog.

"The last is Tianshui Academy, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu, I don't need to introduce them, you are old acquaintances."

Hearing this, Beixuan glanced at Tianshui College, and happened to meet Shui Binger's eyes, the two smiled at each other, and nodded at each other.

In the past eight months, the two have practiced together a lot. Xue Wu is Shui Binger's best friend, and they are already familiar with each other.

The actions of the two made Huo Wu very unhappy.

"What, you don't even want Miss Ben's sweet kiss, but flirting with Shui Bing'er, it's too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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