Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 37 VS Wind Sword Sect Heir

Chapter 37 VS Wind Sword Sect Heir

"Everyone, the list of groups for the Five Elements College Exchange Competition has been released. Please pay attention to your groups and playing time, and prepare in time." Teacher Ye Ping from Blazing Academy stood on the stage and announced.

"I am Ye Ping, the assessment teacher of this exchange competition. I want to tell everyone that the purpose of the exchange competition is to hope that everyone can understand their own shortcomings and grow themselves through the competition. Therefore, I don't want to see anyone get hurt. , I would like to remind you that during the assessment, you must not intentionally injure your opponent, otherwise, I can only ask him to leave and report to the academy!"

What Ye Ping said was very gentle, even a little understatement, and he didn't say what the consequences would be if he intentionally disabled his opponent, but those who dared to sign up for the competition, which one was not good, naturally heard the meaning of his words, and nodded to show that they understood.

Soon, several staff members pulled up a bulletin board with a piece of paper pasted on it, which was the list of groups.

This time, there were 15 people registered in the under-64 group, 32 groups, which were divided into two areas. Beixuan and Huo Wu were in the upper half, and they had to be the first to play.

They have to win five games in a row to win the championship and the championship prize. As long as they lose one game, even if they are the runner-up, they will get nothing.

Studying in the Five Elements Academy, the competition is undoubtedly fierce. Although these five academies are always talking about the same spirit, but no matter when, there are a lot of secret rivalries, just like the last three schools. Whoever takes the first place will speak more confidently.

In today's mainland, if the competition is more intense than Five Elements Academy, there are only Wuhundian Academy and Xingluo Royal Academy. Needless to say, Wuhundian Academy is the number one academy in the mainland, Xingluo Royal Academy, It is because of the influence of their imperial ethos, there is almost no healthy competition in that place, and failure may kill people, so no one dares to slack off.

As for the Tiandou Royal Academy, which is as famous as Xingluo, there is no need to mention it. It is completely opposite to the harsh Xingluo. That aristocratic academy is simply for the children of nobles to go on vacation.

"Little girl, Xiaoxuan, you are going to be the first ones to play, come on!" Huo Wushuang cheered them on.

"Senior Wushuang, aren't you going to participate this time?" Beixuan asked suspiciously. With Huo Wushuang's strength, he is definitely the best among them all?
"My good sister was robbed by you. I can't find any other suitable teammates. Although Hongjun has great potential, he doesn't have such an adventure after all. The level is too low. In my opinion, I'd better wait for him to grow up." Let's participate again next year. Anyway, the college exchange competition will be held every year." Huo Wushuang said. He was not interested in soul guides or anything like that. Moreover, he had participated before and had accumulated enough combat experience. There was no need to do it every year. All come on stage.

Beixuan nodded, "Okay, then senior, I will take the stage."

"Brother, wait for me to give you a long face."

After the two finished speaking, they jumped up at the same time and jumped onto the ring in the central square.

Although Beixuan is actually only six years old, you can't tell from his appearance. People from other colleges don't find it strange. The only thing that is a little suspicious is that the person who will be partnered with Huo Wu this year is not Huo Wu. Peerless.

"The first round of the first group, Blazing Academy Fire Dance, Beixuan vs. Shenfeng Academy Feng Moheng and Fengjie."

In the first round, Beixuan Huowu met Feng Moheng from Feng Jianzong, one of the teams that needed special attention.

"Yo, Feng Moheng, it's a coincidence that we met again. I was beaten up by me and my brother last year, but I'm here again this year!" Huo Wu brushed her fiery red hair and challenged Feng Moheng. road.

It seems that she and her brother Huo Wushuang eliminated Feng Moheng last year.

"Hmph, Huo Wu, do you think you won me last year based on your strength? If it weren't for Feng Xiaotian's dog licking, which made me fight three times, how could you have won?" Speaking of this, Feng Moheng is A look of anger.

Last year, Feng Xiaotian was just 15 years old, so he signed up for the competition with Feng Xiaotian, but when he met Huo Wu, Feng Xiaotian was fascinated, had no fighting spirit, and even made trouble for him, so it was really the same as a Hitting three makes no difference.

In this case, it would be really strange if he could win.

This year, the scammer left, and he was about to avenge his death.

"It's not that simple, come on!" Huo Wu was full of confidence, her teammates this year were stronger than her brother.

Seeing that the four of them were ready, Ye Ping announced, "The match begins, release the spirit!"

As soon as his voice fell, the four of them activated their martial souls at the same time.

On Blazing Academy's side, there is a beautiful Hokage and a weird Nightmare.

"Huo Wu, a level 24 control-type battle soul master, Wu Hun Hokage."

"Beixuan, nineteenth-level control system battle soul master, martial soul nightmare."

There is an unwritten rule in Douluo Continent for regular soul fighting, first report your level and martial soul.

Beixuan doesn't know why there is such a rule, but it's just a competition, it doesn't matter if it's reported, if it's a real life-and-death fight, he will never abide by such inexplicable rules in the future.

On the side of Shenfeng Academy, Feng Moheng is holding a long sword. This should be what Huo Wu said. The martial soul of the wind sword sect, the sword of wind, is not as good as the top weapon martial soul like the Clear Sky Hammer, but It can be regarded as a high-level martial spirit, not under Huowu's Hokage and Huo Wushuang's one-horned fire tyrannosaurus.

And another person named Fengjie, the martial spirit is a token, Beixuan didn't feel any aggressive threat from that person, if he guessed correctly, this person should be an auxiliary system soul master.

"Feng Moheng, a level 24 master of agility and attack, the sword of the wind."

"Feng Jie, the soul master of the eighteenth-level auxiliary system, the token of the whirlwind of the martial soul."

Both sides are equipped with a great soul master and a soul master, and the soul rings are also the best soul rings. There is not a single white one.

"The first soul skill, create wind with every step!" A ray of light flashed from the token in Feng Jie's hand, and shot at Feng Moheng.

Between Feng Moheng's feet, a green light shone, and one could also see bursts of air converging into a whirlwind, spinning around his feet.

This person's first soul skill is obviously to increase speed.

"Hmph, dual control right? Take it, Huo Wu!" Feng Moheng smiled slightly, and quickly rushed towards the two of them.

Since the opponent didn't have an attack-type soul master present, he planned to fight head-on.

Originally of the agility attack system, with the help of speed buffs, the speed he displayed in an instant was no less than that of the soul master.

Ordinary soul masters and great soul masters cannot react.

However, Huo Wu is not afraid of Feng Moheng, she hid directly behind Beixuan, "Xiaoxuan, I will leave that guy to you, beat him up."

(End of this chapter)

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