Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 38 Sheng Beixuan's Kendo Talent

Chapter 38 Sheng Beixuan's Kendo Talent

Regarding Huo Wu's behavior of using her junior as a shield as a senior sister, Beixuan was silent.

Her brother Huo Wushuang even said he didn't notice.

"Hmph, push a ten-level soul master out to block the knife, waste!" Feng Moheng snorted coldly, but the sword of wind in his hand stabbed Beixuan's shoulder mercilessly.

In this soul fight, killing or maiming is not allowed, but there is no limit to injuring the opponent normally. After all, soul skills have no eyes. If you can't even bear this as a soul master, you might as well go home quickly.

The moment Beixuan spotted Feng Moheng's thrust, he turned sideways at the last moment and dodged Feng Moheng's sword. Indeed, in terms of speed, Beixuan was far inferior to Feng Moheng, but in terms of body skills, Feng Moheng's sword was far away. Jianzong can't be compared with the ancient sword world Sun Moonzong.

After dodging the attack sideways, Beixuan stretched out his left hand, clamped the blade of the Wind Sword with his index finger and middle finger, and at the same time struck out with his right palm.

At the critical moment, Feng Moheng immediately struck with his palm.


The soul power of the two was surging, and when they collided with each other, everyone except Huo Wushuang believed that Feng Moheng, who had a deeper soul power, would definitely have the upper hand.

But the result was completely unexpected. In just a split second, Feng Moheng was knocked back by Beixuan's palm without any resistance.

The Wind Sword was released, and his left arm was completely paralyzed and trembling.

"What?" Everyone watching the battle was startled. A first-ring soul master, without using soul skills, knocked back and injured a second-ring soul master.

Huo Wushuang smiled slightly, even his strong attack department didn't dare to challenge Beixuan's Demon Subduing Palm, and the agility attack department, which is good at speed, would naturally be at a disadvantage when facing Beixuan head-on.

"This boy named Beixuan is really of the control type? I'm afraid the attack type may not have such a violent palm!" Yu Tianxin crossed his arms and asked in confusion. After the body, it's nothing more than that.

"Damn it!" Feng Moheng knew that he underestimated Beixuan, he stood up and stretched out his hand, first retracting the sword of wind caught by Beixuan with his mind, and then summoned it out again.

Fortunately, this is a martial soul, not a weapon. Otherwise, as a swordsman, if the sword is taken away by the opponent, there will be no salvation. At Feng Moheng's age, it is impossible to reach the realm of victory without a sword.

"The first soul skill, sword light differentiation!" Feng Moheng no longer held back, and finally used the soul skill.

His first soul skill is to divide the wind sword into three parts and turn it into three sword qi to attack the enemy.

"The first soul skill, the shadow of flame!" Huo Wu jumped out from behind Beixuan, she wasn't here to watch the show either.

The flames on Naruto's body began to spread, resisting three sword qi from three directions.

Feng Moheng smiled confidently, "Hmph, do you think it's so easy to block my attack? The second soul skill is to refine the sword into silk!"

As Feng Moheng's second soul ring lit up, the three sword qi suddenly disappeared, but Beixuan sensed that the sword qi did not really dissipate, but became more slender like a silk thread, not only Strange, the attack power has increased significantly.

Unexpectedly, Feng Moheng's first and second soul skills can cooperate with each other. Feng Jianzong is indeed one of the seven major sects. Even the lower four sects have quite advanced research on the supporting soul skills of their own martial arts.

"The first soul skill, Phantom Fog!"

Beixuan spread out the phantom fog without hesitation, blocking Feng Moheng's sight.

No matter how strong the attack power of Refined Sword into Silk is, it is meaningless if it cannot hit the opponent.

Hearing three bang bang bang bangs in the mist, Feng Moheng noticed that the light of his second soul ring dimmed immediately.

This means that all the sword energy he used was scattered by the opponent.

At this moment, in the dense fog, two figures rushed towards him rapidly. It wasn't until they got in front of him that he realized that no matter how fast he was, he would have no time to dodge at such a short distance.

The phantom mist not only blocked Feng Moheng's sight, but also weakened his mental strength, and his perception of danger was naturally weakened.

The two figures rushing forward are Bei Xuan and Huo Wu.

Beixuan's target is Feng Moheng. As a great soul master, Feng Moheng will never sit still and immediately wield the sword of wind and display the sword technique of wind inherited from his family.

It's a pity that he is still too immature, and the wind sword technique is just enough to get started. Beixuan can clearly see those sword moves. At the closest moment, he used the crazy magic style of the scorching sun's palm, and slapped Feng Moheng on the shoulder, sending him flying out of the ring.

On the other side, Huo Wu's attack target, Feng Jie, was even more unbearable. After all, he was only an auxiliary soul master, and his soul power level was far from Huo Wu's. He had almost no power to resist, so Huo Wu kicked him in the chin. , flew out backwards.


Following two screams, Feng Moheng and Feng Jie landed one after another.

Then the fog on the field cleared, and Huo Wu and Bei Xuan stood on the ring unscathed.

Ye Ping smiled triumphantly, stood up and announced, "The first round is over, Huowu and Beixuan from Blazing Academy will win!"

"Well done, Xiaoxuan, my brother and I haven't given you tricks in vain these past few months." Huo Wu patted Beixuan on the shoulder and praised him, then jumped off the ring and walked to Feng Moheng with a proud smile. , "Hey, Feng Moheng, are you convinced that you lost this time? You Shenfeng Academy is still far behind me, Chihuo!"

Feng Moheng stood up clutching his shoulders, Beixuan's slap made him slightly injured.

He ignored Huo Wu, but looked at Bei Xuandao angrily, "Boy, have you ever learned swordsmanship?"

Beixuan shook his head, "No, I learned the palm technique, and everyone can see that."

"No, how is it possible?" Feng Moheng was greatly surprised. Just now in the mist, Beixuan accurately captured the sword energy of his two soul skills and scattered them all.

Then when fighting against him, he saw through all his sword moves in an instant. If he didn't have quite a solid foundation in swordsmanship, how could he achieve this level?
But he couldn't question Beixuan's words. After all, Beixuan's martial soul didn't carry a sword, and what he was using was indeed a palm technique, which made him puzzled.

After the first match of the first round, under Ye Ping's announcement, the second match will start immediately.

On the roof, Habayashi looked at the back of Beixuan who walked out of the crowd, and muttered to himself, "It seems that Xiaoxuan himself didn't realize that his talent for swordsmanship is more terrifying than palm skills, and the sword technique of wind is also considered A good sword technique, but he saw through it in an instant, should it be said that he is the son of the sword god?"

Jinyun in Beiluo's previous life was the No. 1 swordsmanship of all ages. There was once a sword sect cultivating immortals, who was shocked by his sword and sealed the mountain for a hundred years.

Habayashi guessed that Beixuan should have inherited his father's swordsmanship talent.

(End of this chapter)

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