Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 40 Ice Phoenix VS Diamond Mammoth offends Hu Yanli

Chapter 40 Ice Phoenix VS Diamond Mammoth offends Hu Yanli

Tianshui College and College A are both strong, this match has attracted much attention, and the ring is even more icy and snowy at this time.

This all comes from the martial spirit of Xue Wu of Tianshui Academy, Xian Wu Xue Duan.

This is a kind of snowflake-shaped auxiliary weapon soul. When performing soul skills, the performer needs to dance lightly, and with the dance, it can change the surrounding environment.

Such as Shui Bing'er's Ice Phoenix Martial Soul, in a world of ice and snow, can exert 120% of its power.

It's a pity that because of Shui Bing'er's own problems, she still dare not use her full strength.

Both Huo Ran and Shui Qingwu judged that in order to fully control the power of the ice phoenix, it would take at least one year of Binghuo's fellow practitioners. It is only eight months now, and Shui Bing'er is worried that her martial spirit will go berserk again, so she only used [-]% of her strength. The strength is only [-]% more than before.

On the other hand, the two big mountains of the Elephant Armor Academy did not have the slightest sympathy when they shot. The top martial spirit diamond mammoth can be described as a combination of offense and defense. Although its body is heavy, it is still as stable as Mount Tai even if it is walking on the ice.

Every time Shui Bing'er froze Huyanli and Huyanba's feet, Huyanba was alright, but Huyanli could always shake off the ice in an instant.

"This Huyanli's defensive power is really too strong. Tianshui Academy will lose this match." Huo Wu murmured, "And this Huyanli's level seems to be not inferior to Feng Xiaotian's. Last year he Are you still on the same level as me, making progress so fast?"

Hearing Huo Wu's words, he was also a little surprised at first, thinking how could Hu Yanli be as good as Shui Binger's Bei Xuan, he figured it out in an instant.

It is impossible for Huyanli's soul power to grow faster than Feng Xiaotian and Shui Binger's. The only possibility is the intervention of an external force, that is, the head soul bone in the original book.

If Beixuan guessed correctly, Hu Yanli had already obtained the skull at this time, even if he would not expose it in this kind of competition, but if the soul bone is not exposed, it is just that he cannot use the soul bone technique. The improvement of physical fitness and soul power is still there.

At this age, you have the Huyanli of the soul bone, your soul power has barely reached the first batch, and your physical fitness is beyond ordinary people. It is no wonder that the Elephant Armor Academy can temporarily rank first among the five elements.

But this is only temporary, I am afraid that within a few years, they will fall from the first to the last.

Several other academies are about to complete the transition of fusion flow, such as Shui Binger, Feng Xiaotian and other super talents, the explosive power in the later stage is far from comparable to Hu Yanli, and he is even inferior to Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang.


On the field, the ice phoenix's icy aura was once again smashed away by the diamond mammoth, and Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu had been forced to the edge of the field.

"Bing'er, if this continues we will lose, should we use that trick?" Xue Wu suddenly said, it seems that she and Shui Bing'er are hiding some secret weapon.

Shui Binger shook her head, "No, that move, we just completed it not long ago, it's hard to control, and it's just a college exchange match, there's no need to expose it so early."

After finishing speaking, she walked forward slowly, "Master Huyan, you have a strong defense, and I can't break your defense. In this match, Bing'er conceded."

Hearing this, Hu Yanli also stopped pressing forward, and withdrew his martial soul, "Huh, you are wise, how about it, have you seen how powerful my diamond mammoth is, and your ice phoenix is ​​also good, how about it, do you want to do it?" Lao Tzu's girlfriend, if we join forces, we will definitely be the strongest in the future."

Shui Bing'er is a well-known beauty in the Five Elements Academy. Although she is still young, as a soul master, her development is better than ordinary people. She is already slim at this time, and she is no worse than a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. Hu Yanli is natural covet.

"Tch!" A mocking voice suddenly came from the crowd.

The man didn't deliberately lower his voice, and everyone could hear him clearly.

Hu Yanli suddenly became furious, "Who? Who dares to insult me, don't you want to live?"

Huo Wu looked at Bei Xuan beside her in surprise, she was the closest, and heard clearly that the voice just now was made by him.

Others who were a little closer also looked in the direction of the sound.

Hu Yanli followed the direction of everyone's gaze, and quickly found Beixuan, "Boy, was that you just now?"

"That's right, it's me, just laughing at you for being overestimated." Beixuan did not deny that among the Five Elements Academy, there is no need to offend the other academies, except for the Elephant Armor Academy, because they have already joined the Wuhun Temple , sooner or later it will run counter to the other four elemental academies.

Beixuan doesn't regard Wuhundian as an enemy, but he also knows that it is unlikely that he and Wuhundian will be together.

"Just because you dare to show love to Senior Sister Shui Binger, you are slightly stronger than her now, but it won't take long, three years at most, and she can hang you up and beat you." Beixuan said mercilessly Said.

"Xiaoxuan, you are too much." Shui Bing'er smiled at Beixuan, then looked at Huyanli and said, "Senior Huyan, this junior is my friend, he is still young, and he likes to tell the truth all day long, please No wonder."

"You..." Looking at the two people singing together, Huyanli was about to get angry when Huyanba at the side quickly stopped him and whispered something in his ear.

Hu Yanli, who originally wanted to take action to abolish Beixuan, suddenly changed his face after hearing this, and suppressed his anger forcibly, "Hmph, boy, since you are still young, I don't care about you. In the next game, I will Get you off the ring."

"And you, Shui Bing'er, you will definitely regret losing a good man like me in the future."

After finishing speaking, Hu Yanli jumped off the ring and left angrily.

In fact, there is no need to guess, Beixuan also knows what Huyanba said in Huyanli's ear. After all, the news that Yulin brought two nephews to the Blazing Academy has been known to all major forces, and the Elephant Armored Sect is no exception.

Although Beixuan is the one who is more "painless" among Habayashi's two nephews, he is still his nephew.

Not to mention the Elephant Armor Academy, even the Elephant Armor Sect can't afford to offend. After all, the number one master of the Elephant Armor Sect is just a Contra.

The title Douluo is enough to push the Elephant Armored Sect horizontally.

"Xiaoxuan, thank you, just now I was still thinking about how to reject that guy, thanks to you." Shui Bing'er walked to Beixuan and said with a smile.

"I'm also subconscious, but senior sister Bing'er, you've cooperated well, raising the seven orifices of the fleshy mountain spirit to heaven." Beixuan said.

"Oh, subconsciously!" Xue Wu looked at Bei Xuan maliciously, "Isn't it because you feel uncomfortable because someone wooed us Bing'er?"

"Xue Wu, don't talk nonsense, Xiao Xuan is still a child." Shui Bing'er blushed and immediately retorted.

"Bing'er, don't be embarrassed, this guy looks like a child in terms of appearance and psychology?" Xue Wu saw her girlfriend like this for the first time, and instantly discovered the joy of molesting Shui Bing'er.

(End of this chapter)

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