Chapter 41

Seeing Shui Binger blushing and arguing with Xue Wu, she is indeed beautiful and cute, but in fact, the purpose of Beixuan doing this is not her, but Hu Yanli himself!

Just like he used Ma Hongjun to attract attention before, this time he just used Shui Binger a little bit.

Anyway, Hu Yanli's hatred is mainly on himself, and it will not cause any trouble to Shui Bing'er.

"Let's go, sister, rest well next time, we will face that stupid big guy in the afternoon, we can't lose." Beixuan turned his head to look at Huo Wu and said.

"Hey, my good junior, I didn't expect you to still think of your senior Huo Wu. I thought you only have eyes for senior Qi Shui Bing'er now!" Huo Wu sarcastically said, without waiting for Beixuan's reply. He left with a straight face.

Beixuan was at a loss, Huyanli was the only one he offended, when did Huo Wu touch her nerves?

On the roof, Habayashi who had just woken up from a sleepy cage shook his head helplessly, and asked Beixuan to practice his [-]th style of flirting with a girl: the expanded version of the masculine man, he is not obedient, he is really a king He Qixi-kun is worried about whether he can hold his grandson in the future.

In a flash, Habayashi disappeared on the roof. There are some things that he needs to confirm with Beixuan.

During the lunch break, Beixuan returned to the dormitory after eating lunch in the cafeteria, and Ma Hongjun fell asleep again. This guy lives a very comfortable life, and he must take a nap after lunch every day.

Beixuan didn't bother him either. Although this guy was still a bit lazy, he was still young after all, and it was okay to take a break. At least he didn't relax in his daily practice time. At his current age, this was enough. There is no need to enter penance at the age of six, so that I have no childhood at all.

"Xiaoxuan, come to my place for a while." At this moment, Yubayashi's voice reached Beixuan's ears.

This is the method of sound transmission, no one can hear his voice except Beixuan, with the level of Habayashi Titled Douluo's cultivation level, even through a wall, the sound can penetrate.

Beixuan left the room and pushed open the door of Habayashi's room.

When Yulin saw him, he pretended to be serious and asked, "Xiaoxuan, why did you deliberately offend Huyanli today?"

Beixuan, who knew this guy's character, smiled casually, "Can't I just do it for Sister Shui Bing'er, she's so beautiful, can't I like her?"

Hearing this, Yubayashi looked at Beixuandao disdainfully with a pair of dead fish eyes, "If you have practiced the expanded version of my [-]th style of flirting with girls, I will believe what you said is true, but now, I I'm sure, Shui Bing'er is just an excuse, to be honest."

"Well, the reason is very simple, Huyanli has soul bones, skulls!" Beixuan replied seriously, this is his real purpose.

"Soul bone?" Yubayashi was stunned, "So that's the case, you have taken a fancy to his soul bone, what's so difficult about it, with my strength, it's not difficult to kill him silently and get the soul bone .”

"Killing him silently is a flaw in itself. The five elemental academies, each of which has a Contra in charge, the Elephant Armor Academy is backed by the Elephant Armor Sect, and the Elephant Armor Sect is backed by the Wuhun Hall. That Huyan Li is still the grandson of Hu Yanzhen, and the people here have the ability to kill Hu Yanli silently in the eyes of Hu Yanzhen or other Contras. Besides you, the titled Douluo, who else can be? Hu Yanzhen must move out of the Wuhun Hall to uphold justice." Beixuan said.

"I don't want to destroy the reputation you have accumulated over the years for a piece of soul bone. In addition, killing people to seize treasures is not the tradition of our evil spirit clan!"

"Oh, I understand. It's not okay to kill people to seize treasures, but if someone comes to kill you, but you kill them instead, it's a matter of course, right? You can also remove all responsibilities, even if Hu Yanzhen knows it is What you did is on our side, and he can't use the power of Wuhundian to do anything, after all, I have a good relationship with Wuhundian." Habayashi suddenly realized, really clever (bei) Ming (bi), They learned and applied the rules of their evil spirit clan.

"That's right, people from the Elephant Armor Sect are always impulsive, so I'll just try my luck and offend him a few times on purpose. After a while, the hatred will accumulate day by day. With Hu Yanli's character of vengeance, even if you are intimidated by the title Douluo." , I guess he will not be able to bear it sooner or later. At that time, I will find an opportunity to 'order' and give him a chance to kill me. If he doesn't come, then he is lucky, and his life should not die. It also proves that I and that There is no fate for the soul bone, if it comes, I will kill him, it is only right and proper!" Beixuan laughed.

The order he said, of course, is not really an order, but just to make Huyanli think so, Habayashi still has to follow secretly, after all, even if Huyanli wants to kill him, he can't do it alone, he will definitely ask the family power for help, if There is a high-level soul master, Beixuan has no confidence to fight back.

In this way, even if the Elephant Armor Sect later finds evidence that Habayashi killed him, it doesn't matter, after all, it's on Beixuan's side, you kill me first, and my uncle and nephew are not allowed to kill me eagerly?

"Xiaoxuan, I suspect that you were not born to the king and Xiejun, but to the king and Wu Yan. By the way, they seemed to be good friends back then, and Wu Hao is the best at you." , There is no need to distinguish between good people and bad people, as long as you turn the person you want to kill into a de facto enemy, you don't have to hesitate to do it." Habayashi said.

"The reason why my father and Wu Yan broke up back then was because of their different personalities. In fact, I quite recognized Wu Yan. Between family and common people, my father would choose common people, and I would choose family just like Wu Yan. Beixuan said decisively, "I am different from my father. I can't be a good person, especially in the Douluo Continent, where it is difficult to find really good people. On the day you sent me here, tell me that it’s okay to be a bad person.”

Habayashi nodded, "That's right, it's not so easy to distinguish between good and bad. As long as there is a bottom line, it's fine not to kill innocent people at will. In other cases, instead of caring about whether the person to be killed is a good person, pay attention to whether he is a good person or not." Enemy, easier."

Habayashi is not pedantic, he even breathed a sigh of relief because of this, if Beixuan is too kind, he will be worried instead, those who want to establish their own forces in the future will not be able to do without black belly.

"By the way, Xiaoxuan, I found out that you have been wanting soul bones recently, why?" Yu Lin asked in confusion, Beixuan designed Hu Yanli in such a way, and even placed an order of "is he dead" out of desire for soul bones? crave.

Beixuan rubbed his back, "Because of my external spirit bone, I have been researching the bone of the evil king during this period of time. I believe that the ability of this external spirit bone is not limited to filtering the blood of spirit beasts. The power is so simple, there must be other abilities that I need to develop, I guess it may have another ability, but it needs a soul bone to prove it, even one piece is not enough, more is needed.”

Yulin frowned. What Beixuan said was not simple. Soul bones are extremely rare in this continent, and there is no market for them. Even in the auction market, they are extremely rare. A lot of money, but it may not be able to buy it.

It seems that he has to go to the edge of the mainland when he has time. The wolf robbers or evil soul masters who were forced there by the Wuhun Temple may have stocks.

(End of this chapter)

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