Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 42 The Rampage Diamond Mammoth in the Semifinals

Chapter 42 The Rampage Diamond Mammoth in the Semifinals

in the afternoon.

The annual exchange match of the Five Elements Academy finally came to the semi-finals, and there are only four teams left.

Thunder Academy's Lei Tian and Xiao Yunju face off against Thunder Academy's Yu Tianxin and Lei Dong.

Bei Xuan and Huo Wu from Blazing Academy face off against Hu Yanli and Hu Yanba from Elephant Armor Academy.

"The seven great sects are well-deserved of their reputation. There are two remaining teams from the Thunder Academy of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, and one from the Elephant Armor Academy of the next four Elephant Armor Sects. Blazing Fire Academy is unexpected. I didn't expect They are also so good this year." Many students watching the game whispered.

Although this exchange match of the Five Elements Academy is just a small competition, in a sense, it can also be said to be the ranking battle of the Five Elements in the next year. Whichever side wins the final championship, the reputation in the Five Elements Academy will be enough. to the forefront.

For example, last year, the final champion was from the Weevil Academy.

In fact, Kamikaze was the strongest in that session, because Feng Xiaotian was there, but it was a pity that Feng Xiaotian met Huo Wu in advance, and then gave it in vain.

On the Soul Fighting Stage, the first match ended very quickly. The two parties, who are also members of the Thunder Academy, knew each other well. In the civil war between them, the one with the stronger spirit power was basically the one with the upper hand.

Both Yu Tianxin and Leidong have already broken through the Great Soul Master, and there is no suspense in winning.

In the second round, the blazing target A, basically everyone is more optimistic about the elephant A, after all, Huyanli and Huyanba are also two great soul masters.

Because of the soul bone, Huyanli's overall strength is not inferior to Yu Tianxin, but Huyanba, although he is over level 21, but he has just broken through not long ago, and the fluctuation of soul power is not very strong, only around level [-].

"Hmph, brat, wait until you get beaten up." Hu Yanli looked at Beixuan unhappily, although he didn't dare to do anything to Beixuan for the time being due to Yu Lin's existence, but on the ring, he beat him uprightly A meal made him feel ashamed, presumably as a Titled Douluo, he doesn't have this kind of tolerance.

Besides, according to the information he investigated yesterday, it was obvious that Yubayashi loved his other nephew Ma Hongjun more. This Beixuan was only attached to him because of his good talent.

"Senior sister, they seem to look down on us!" Beixuan laughed, "We have to let them see how powerful our Blazing Academy is."

Huo Wu gave Bei Xuan an angry look, "Do you want Hu Yanli to see how powerful we are, or do you want Shui Binger, who is watching the battle below, to see how good Bei Xuan is?"

Hearing this, Beixuan's face froze. He really couldn't understand the girl's psychology. How could such a trivial matter be remembered until now.

"Senior sister, don't make fun of me."

"Okay, forget it, I'll let you go today, Xiaoxuan, remember, we can't fight recklessly in this match, the two opponents are all defense-type soul masters with top-level martial souls, we two control-type soul masters, attack Not enough strength, it's hard to break through their defense." Huo Wu reminded.

Beixuan nodded. In fact, if he uses the evil spirit, it shouldn't be difficult to destroy the opponent's shield, but it's just a college exchange match, so there is no need for that.

"Both sides get ready, release the spirits, and the match begins!" The referee announced immediately when the four of them were standing on both sides of the ring.

The four released their martial souls at the same time. Compared with the two giant mammoths of the Elephant Armor Academy, the Huo Wu of the Blazing Fire Academy and the martial soul of Beixuan, they were much weaker in momentum.

A fiery shadow, a pitch-black phantom.

"Xiaoxuan, do it." As soon as the match started, Huo Wu urged them to strike first.

"The first soul skill, phantom fog!" Beixuan used phantom fog, turning the field into a battlefield that was beneficial to them.

"Hmph, it's this trick again. Do you two think that the same tactics will always work?" Huyanli sneered, and greeted Huyanba, "Cousin, follow me!"

"The first soul skill, copper wall and iron wall, the second soul skill, mammoth power!"

The two diamond mammoths activated the same soul ability at the same time, and started rampaging in the mist.

Beixuan frowned. These two guys looked stupid, but they actually had some brains.

Although the trick of phantom fog has the effects of covering the line of sight, reducing the mental power and illusion, but there are gains and losses. This trick also has its weakness, that is, the attack range, even a small soul fighting platform cannot completely shrouded.

Of course, this is also because Beixuan's level is too low now. When he advances to the Title Douluo Realm in the future, the problem of scope will no longer exist.

Now, this weakness is very acute.

In order to maximize the effect of this trick, Beixuan and Huo Wu could only hide in the mist. Then, as long as they use the huge size of the diamond mammoth to attack indiscriminately and in a wide range, the avoidance range of the two is equivalent. Yu also shrunk.

As for the illusion, as long as you know it is an illusion, you can ignore it. After all, Beixuan is only the first soul skill, and it does not have the effect of soul attack.

It may not be so easy for Huyanba to do this, but Huyanli is no problem, he has the head spirit bone body protection.

The reason why the two ran into each other randomly but did not kill each other was because Huyanli was able to avoid Huyanba's route every time. It seems that his skull is very old, and the mental weakening and illusion of the phantom mist have nothing to do with him. effect.

"Danger!" Huo Wu was almost hit by Hu Yanli, and quickly jumped away.

The same is true for Beixuan, relying on the Moon Shadow Walk, they are not so easy to be attacked.

The two of them couldn't easily launch an attack. For the Jiazong's people who lacked firepower to attack, even scraping would be in their favor.

Originally, they thought they couldn't find the two of them. If they rushed over to expose their whereabouts, wouldn't that give them the best chance to counterattack? You know, their strongest tactic is defensive counterattack.

"Second Soul Skill, Naruto Clone." Huo Wu was never someone who wouldn't fight back when beaten.

She couldn't fight the two brothers head-on, so she separated a clone and attacked Huyanba.

It's a pity that her Hokage avatar had just collided with Huyanba, and was smashed away by its powerful force, and Huyanba's body was only left with a little bit of blackness after the fire, without breaking the defense at all.

"No, Huo Wu is a control-type soul master after all, and his attack power is not enough to counter the Elephant Armor Sect's defense." Ye Ping frowned. Others couldn't see what was going on in the fog, but he, the soul king, could barely see it. .

The weakness of control-type soul masters was exposed at this time. The growth of control-type soul masters is indeed better than other types, but this type of soul master's control ability cannot be brought into full play with two soul rings. It tends to be thick and thin, if it is Sihuan Fire Dance, it may be possible to completely abuse Sihuan Huyanba, but if it is both two rings, she will not have the advantage.

Huo Wu's attack just now also exposed her position, Hu Yanli immediately rushed towards Huo Wu.

At the very moment, Beixuan jumped into the sky above Huowu, grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up, barely avoiding Huyanli's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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