Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 43 Tactics and Strength Hu Yanli Turned into a Shooting Star

Chapter 43 Tactics and Strength Hu Yanli Turned into a Shooting Star
"Huh, it's so dangerous, thank you, Xiaoxuan!" Huo Wu heaved a sigh of relief, if he was bumped into by Hu Yanli who didn't know how to be sympathetic, at least three ribs would be broken.

Huo Wu was very angry, this group of boys really went too far, she and Shui Bing'er are equally famous twin sisters of water and fire, why do they like Shui Bing'er so much, even an imbecile like Hu Yanli knows how to show mercy to her However, the only one chasing her was Bilge Licking Dog, whom she still despised, just because Shui Binger was gentler than her?

"Senior sister, stop thinking about it." Looking at Huo Wu whose eyes were rolling wildly, Beixuan said helplessly, "Although your attack just now didn't work, I thought of a way to defeat them."

"What way?" Huo Wu's eyes lit up, and she asked immediately.

Beixuan transmitted the sound into the secret, and passed the strategy to Huo Wu's ears. This is very simple. He learned it just after watching Yu Lin do it.

After Huo Wu heard it, she said excitedly, "Good idea, let's see mine next, the second soul skill, Hokage Clone!"

Huo Wu created another clone again. The power of her second soul ability is really not that great, but it also has advantages. While the power is not strong, it also consumes very little soul power.

With Huo Wu's current level as a great soul master, it is not a problem to use six or seven times in a game.

The Hokage clone rushed to Huyanba again to attack, but of course the result was the same, it had no effect, and it also exposed Huowu's position, attracting Huyanli's attention again.

The second round of Diamond Mammoth's attack started, Beixuan took Huo Wu's hand, and led her to take the Moon Shadow Step together, dodging the attack lightly.

"Sister, come again!"

"Alright, the second soul skill, Naruto Clone!"

Hokage repeated seemingly useless movements, and the Huyan brothers in the mist thought she was helpless and could only struggle to the death, but the people outside the field were clearly aware of it.

"Oh, Hu Yanli, that big fool, fell for your little brother Xiaoxuan." Xue Wu dragged her chin, smiled and said to Shui Bing'er.

Shui Bing'er nodded, "Xiaoxuan is indeed smart. He combined the weakness of his soul skill with the particularity of this match to turn it into an advantage."

The Hu Yanli inside the fog couldn't feel it, but everyone outside the fog could see it clearly. The phantom fog that originally gathered in the center of the field, with the movement of Beixuan, had moved to the edge of the field a little bit.

Being constantly seduced by Huo Wu, the Huyan brothers have already come to the edge of the field.

You know, this match is not a life-and-death match, but an exchange match. There are many ways to win. The opponent admits defeat, passes out, or completely exhausts his soul power. In addition, he falls out of the match.

For the last seduction, Huo Wu had already reached the corner of the venue, and waved to Hu Yanba who was rushing towards her, "Goodbye, big fool!"

After finishing speaking, she stretched her hands upwards, and Beixuan jumped directly above it, took her hand and pulled her up again, causing Huyanba to hit an empty space again, but this time, he found that under his feet, It's empty?
With a plop, Huyanba fell heavily on the sidelines.

Ye Ping immediately announced, "Outside the court, Hu Yanba, you are disqualified!"

"What?" Hu Yanli was shocked, he finally realized at this moment that he had been tricked by the two people opposite him.

Beixuan smiled to himself, the soul bone can indeed increase his mental strength, but unfortunately, it cannot increase his IQ.

"Hey, didn't you want to beat me, but now it's two-on-one, the winner is already obvious!" Beixuan deliberately provoked.

"Damn bastard!" Hu Yanli was furious, and with all his strength, he rushed towards the source of the sound.

This time, Beixuan did not dodge, but similarly mobilized the strength of his whole body, pushed his palms forward, and directly blocked the impact of Huyanli.

At this time, the phantom mist around him gradually dissipated, and Beixuan had no more energy to maintain this soul skill, but everyone could see that there seemed to be a little golden light shining on Beixuan's body.

"It's the self-created soul skill for body training." Shui Bing'er murmured. In fact, in the past three months, she had already noticed that every time she and Ma Hongjun practiced, Bei Xuan, who was acting as a transition between the two, , but they are using their power of ice and fire to strengthen their physical bodies.

At that time, she was sure that Beixuan must have mastered the soul skill to increase physical strength, and today was the first time she saw Beixuan use it.

Beixuan's golden body of sun and moon, although it's just completed, the increased strength is not too much, but it's not inferior to Huyanli's second soul ability.

Being pushed to the edge of the field by Hu Yanli's strength, Beixuan stepped on the ground violently with his right foot, stepping on a deep pit, and completely stabilized his figure.

No matter how hard Hu Yanli exerted himself, it would be difficult to shake him at all.

"How is it possible?" Hu Yanli said in disbelief. In terms of strength alone, even Yu Tianxin may not be comparable to him, and he still has a soul bone, so his physique must be stronger than Yu Tianxin. Master, strength and physique, can match him unexpectedly.

Beixuan smiled slightly, of course he knew what Huyanli was thinking, but unfortunately, he also has the soul bone, although his current external soul bone is less than a hundred years old, but it is the bone of the evil king after all.

"Hu Yanli, next, it's your turn to try the methods of Blazing Fire Academy." Beixuan said, releasing purple flames from his hands.

After all, he is a member of Blazing Academy, so how can he fight without relying on flames.

Hu Yanli was very confident in the beginning, so he could not break through his defense at all.

The problem is that Beixuan's fire doesn't need to break his defense. The flame cast by the Nightmare Martial Soul is the fire of the soul, which directly attacks the soul. Defense, he hasn't developed soul defense like his grandfather Hu Yanzhen did.

Beixuan fused the Nightmare Charm Zihuo and played a madman style. Hu Yanli has a skull to protect his soul. This blow cannot seriously injure him, but it can make him stunned for a moment.

Hu Yanli suddenly felt dizzy, and in less than a second, his whole body lost strength. Beixuan took advantage of the situation and used all his strength to lift him up, threw him into the air and shouted, "Senior sister, I'll leave it to you in the end." Already!"

"Don't worry, Xiaoxuan, look at me!" Huo Wu, who had already been prepared, jumped up with her back, and with a beautiful upside-down golden hook, she kicked Hu Yanli, who was as fat as a meat ball, into the sky.

Accompanied by a scream of "ah", I heard that many people saw it that day. It was clearly broad daylight, but a meteor flew out of Blazing Academy for no reason.

"Huyanli is out. The winners of this match are Huo Wu and Bei Xuan from Blazing Academy." Ye Ping stood up and announced proudly.

He didn't expect that these two children with such strong personalities could cooperate so seamlessly, relying on tactics and strength, they won very well.

(End of this chapter)

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