Chapter 44

There was a loud bang, and what was going on on the Soul Fighting Stage at this time was the final of the Five Elements Academy Exchange Tournament.

Lei Dong and Yu Tianxin of Thunder Academy VS Beixuan and Fire Dance of Blazing Academy.

That Lei Dong's Martial Soul is Thunder Spider, a spider-like Martial Soul, control system, and it has two different types of control at the same time, one is to bind the opponent with the help of the spider's silk, and the other is the Martial Soul It has a strong thunder attribute that can paralyze the opponent's nerves.

This can be called a very good martial soul, but unfortunately, he met Huo Wu.

The silk spit out by the lightning spider, even though it has the attribute of lightning, is still silk, and it will disappear when it is burned.

Leidong's first soul skill, Lei Si, had no effect, and the second soul skill, Thunder Needle, was restrained by Beixuan's phantom mist.

The mere second soul ability does not have the ability to lock the soul ability, and the attack power is not weak, but after losing vision, it means that the hit rate is also lost. No matter how strong the attack is, it is meaningless if it cannot hit someone.

As a result, Leidong was hit by Huowu Huoying's avatar skill.

And Yu Tianxin was also tightly entangled by Beixuan, and the roar just now was produced by his palms against Beixuan.

"What kind of self-created soul skill is this palm technique? It is so powerful that it can be compared with the attack power of my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex!" Yu Tianxin said in surprise.

His first soul skill, Thunder Dragon Claw, couldn't gain the upper hand in the face of Beixuan's palm technique.

The last time this kind of situation where the upper class was defeated, was back before the Haotian School retired, when the seven major sects had a ranking meeting.

An elder of their family, in the case of superior levels, lost to the Clear Sky Hammer in the power of soul skills.

Other than that, the same situation never happened again.

"Hehe, classmate Yu, give me another palm of the Proud Demon Style." Beixuan concentrated his palm power, and struck out a palm that was far more powerful than the Mad Demon Style, far surpassing the Thunder Dragon Claw.

"The second soul skill, Thunderbolt!" Yu Tianxin didn't dare to be careless, and also took out his current strongest move.

Beixuan's pitch-black soul power condensed into a mighty palm and blasted out with a palm. He was greeted by countless blue-purple thunder arrows. The moment the dazzling black and purple rays of light collided, the entire field seemed to light up. A sun of a particular color in general.


The two were shocked back at the same time again, each taking eight steps back.

"This Beixuan, is he a monster? He really only has one ring?" Feng Xiaotian frowned and said in the audience, the blow that Yu Tianxin had just given was as powerful as Soul Lord, even he didn't dare to take it .

But this Beixuan was still able to draw with him, it was really terrifying.

Huo Wushuang on the side smiled mysteriously. If he knew that Beixuan was not only a soul master, but also less than seven years old, he might be completely scared to death.

"No, if I can't win even a mere soul master with one ring, then if the news spreads, my Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect will lose face." Yu Tian was a little anxious, he was not afraid of losing, if the opponent was a higher level than him, losing It's not ashamed to die, but he must not be defeated by the weak.

With a vertical leap, Yu Tianxin jumped in front of Beixuan, her fingers turned into dragon claws, and grabbed him at an extremely fast speed, her moves were exquisite and airtight.

Even with the help of Moon Shadow Walk's dodge and Phantom Fog's line of sight interference, his clothes were still torn into strips of cloth.

"Wow, what a powerful claw skill, is this also a self-created soul skill?" Beixuan exclaimed.

"Of course, even a guy like Feng Xiaotian can create his own stunt of continuous killing. The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family has been passed down for thousands of years. You wouldn't think that the Title Douluo Clan Leader and Contra Elders of their family, They are all trash." Huo Wu reminded, "Xiao Xuan, you have to be careful. Although your palm skills can rival Yu Tianxin, his soul power is deep and always superior to Yu. You still have to maintain the illusion mist. The more you fight, the more unfavorable it will be for you, rely on your footwork, try to delay as much as possible, and come to help you when senior sister solves this thunder."

Huo Wu spoke loudly and unabashedly, which immediately angered Lei Dong and Yu Tianxin.

"Hmph, you underestimate me, the second soul skill, Thunder Needle!" Although Leidong's second soul skill is a single-target attack, if it does not count the consumption of soul power, it can also produce the effect of a range attack if fired continuously.

At this time, he wanted to use a large-scale attack to make up for the hit rate problem caused by the blocked line of sight.

"It's not that easy for me to be delayed, Thunder Dragon Claw!" Yu Tianxin also added the power of the first soul skill Thunder Dragon Claw to his family's self-created claw method, which greatly increased the attack power.

For a moment, both Huo Wu and Bei Xuan fell into a passive state. Fortunately, the two of them have already learned the Moon Shadow Footwork, so they won't be defeated immediately. This is enough. What they want now is to delay time .

The moon shadow footwork is very special, that is, not only can it be used by one person, but two people can use it together, matching each other, and the two moons shine together, which is even more exquisite.

Bei Xuan and Huo Wu on the field, every time Bei Xuan was about to be caught by Yu Tianxin's dragon claws, Huo Wu could always hold Bei Xuan's hand just right, pulling him out of Yu Tianxin's attack range, And when Huo Wu was about to be shot by a lightning rod, Bei Xuan was always able to grab her slender waist in time and pull her up to dodge.

"Wow, what a beautiful movement, these two people seem to be dancing hand in hand." Xue Wu, who likes dancing the most, exclaimed.

Due to the existence of the phantom fog, people outside could not see the figure inside the fog very clearly, but that kind of vague feeling added to the mystery and beauty of Beixuan Huowu and the others.

"Hey, Feng Xiaotian, how's it going, Xiaoxuan and my sister, don't they look like a good match?" Huo Wushuang patted Feng Xiaotian's shoulder and said with an angry smile.

"Damn... Damn it!" Feng Xiaotian was impatient, but he was speechless to refute. He had known Huo Wu for a longer time, but he had never had such a tacit understanding with Huo Wu.

At this moment, the thunder that fired the lightning needle suddenly stopped, and Huo Wu realized that his soul power was about to bottom out, and hurriedly shouted, "Good opportunity, Xiaoxuan, do it, the second soul skill, Hokage Clone!"

"Scorching Sun Falling Demon Palm - Mad Demon Style!"

The attacks of the two were launched in two directions, one was to completely defeat Lei Dong, and the other was to block Yu Tianxin's support.

"Don't even think about it!" Yu Tianxin used all his strength to grab the figure rushing towards him, and instantly dissipated the figure.

"What?" Yu Tianxin was startled immediately, it wasn't Bei Xuan who was blocking him, but Huo Wu.

At the same time, because of Huo Wu's previous words, Lei Dong subconsciously thought that it was Huo Wu who attacked him, so he didn't dare to spit out Leisi, and just raised his arms crossed to defend, but he didn't expect that it was Bei Xuan who rushed.

Bei Xuan's attack power was much stronger than Huo Wu's, this defense method was completely useless to him, Lei Dong was instantly slapped and flew out of the ring, completely out of the game.

What Huo Wu said just now that she came to deal with Leidong was a cover-up, they had already made a calculation, and the one who really wanted to deal the final blow to Leidong was Beixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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