Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 45 Victory, Murder and Arson Gold Belt

Chapter 45 Victory, Murder and Arson Gold Belt
"Beautiful job, Xiaoxuan!" Huo Wu stretched out her hand and gave Beixuan a high-five.

"Senior sister is also very good, the tactics are executed perfectly, but the game is not over yet, there is one more." Beixuan laughed.

He took back the phantom mist. After all, maintaining this all the time was very costly in spirit power. Now two against one, the advantage lies with them.

Beixuan rushed towards Yu Tianxin again, and started with a mad demon style, matching Yu Tianxin's Thunder Dragon Claw evenly.

The two started a close competition, but Beixuan was obviously at a disadvantage.

The Scorching Sun Falling Demon Palm is an aggressive palm technique with wide opening and closing. It is not very delicate in terms of moves, and Beixuan has only practiced two moves, which is far inferior to Yu Tianxin who has been immersed in the soul skills passed down by his family for many years.

Fortunately, Huo Wu also joined the battlefield immediately, and the two attacked together to save the disadvantage, but they still couldn't defeat Yu Tianxin quickly.

"It's so powerful, it's indeed one of the two direct heirs of the generation of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect. This Yu Tianxin has a profound cultivation level in the family-inherited soul skills." Feng Xiaotian murmured.

He who created the unique skill of continuous slashing knows that many self-created soul skills are used well. Compared with the soul skills of the soul ring and soul bone, their power is only stronger but not weaker.

"If this goes on, it will be very difficult to defeat him." Beixuan was worried, Yu Tianxin's claw technique was really exquisite, but he had seen a stunt ten thousand times more exquisite than this before.

The heart moved at will, almost subconsciously, Beixuan put his fingers together and waved it at will, and every time he tapped his fingers, he could accurately break Yu Tianxin's claw attack route.

"How is it possible?" Yu Tianxin was horrified. The claw technique he was proud of was completely broken by him for the first time when he used it against Beixuan.

"Could this be... swordsmanship?" Huo Wu, who was at the side, was full of splendor in his eyes.

Although Beixuan seems to be using fingering at this time, she can tell that Beixuan is basically using fingers as swords after having experienced the Fengjian School's Fengzhi swordsmanship for two consecutive years.

Feng Moheng below was jumping his feet at this time, "Liar, there is no good thing in Chihuo Academy, this guy actually lied to me that he has never learned swordsmanship, if he has never learned it, I will be the same as Hu Yanli. People kick the ball!"

In fact, the swordsmanship used by Beixuan cannot be called a complete sword technique, but when he was in Tianlu City, he was held in Yun Wuyue's arms, watched Beiluo dance sword, and subconsciously remembered a small part of Beiluo Sword move.

Beixuan pointed at the veins of Yu Tianxin's wrist. This is a move in swordsmanship to remove the veins of the opponent's wrist. If Beixuan possessed a sword-like martial soul, Yu Tianxin's hand would have been useless at this time.

But even without a sword, the pulse gate is still one of the key points of a person. The pulse gate on Yu Tianxin's right wrist was tightly grasped by Beixuan, and he could no longer use all his skills.

"Great opportunity, the first soul skill, Shadow of Flame!"

Taking advantage of the situation, Huo Wu used her soul skills and punched Yu Tianxin on the shoulder with all her strength, knocking her out of the arena as well.

"Win!" Huo Wushuang roared excitedly. He never thought that Beixuan, a nineteenth-level soul master, and his sister, a great soul master with weak attack power, could really win the game. Come to think of it, they won so beautifully.

"Brother Xuan, you are amazing!!!" Ma Hongjun also yelled below, sure enough, Beixuan was his idol, and when he grew up, he wanted to sign up for the competition.

Standing beside Ma Hongjun, Habayashi looked at Beixuan who was winning with swordsmanship, and he already had some calculations in his mind. He knew what kind of Beixuan's second soul ring he should choose.

"Xiaoxuan, you played well. Our cooperation this time can be regarded as a good start. In the future, senior sister will take you to win the championship of the whole continent's advanced soul master academy together." Huo Wu happily He smiled, although this was just a small victory, it was also a good start.

She has more confidence in the future Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition.

Yu Tianxin walked towards the two of them clutching his slightly injured shoulder, and cupped his hands at Beixuan, "Student Beixuan, your palm strength is powerful, and your swordsmanship is even more exquisite. Today, I, Yu Tianxin, am convinced that I lost, but please remember, I will lose, but I am not good at learning, and it is me who loses, not my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family."

For herself, Yu Tianxin can admit defeat calmly, but the honor of the family cannot be lost by him.

Beixuan smiled and responded to him, "Where, Senior Yu is serious. The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family has been famous in the mainland for thousands of years. No matter how confident I am, I dare not underestimate Guizong. This time is just a fluke. In the spare time, we can exchange ideas again, I only hope that the senior will be merciful when the time comes."

Seeing that Beixuan won without arrogance, and even complimented his family, Yu Tianxin immediately let go of the little bit of hostility that was not much, and his favor for Beixuan increased greatly.

"Student, you are being polite. You won in a fair and honest manner. How could it be a fluke? I congratulate you again on your victory."

"Thank you, senior."

Beixuan is quite polite to Yu Tianxin. After all, Yu Tianxin is different from Huyanli and Feng Moheng. He has no reason to be an enemy of him now or in the future, so Beixuan will not think about making him One more enemy.

At this time, Ye Ping was holding a box and walked onto the Soul Fighting Stage. As the host of this exchange competition, he proudly announced, "This is the end of the Five Elements Academy Exchange Competition. The student who won the championship is, Huo Wu and Bei Xuan from Blazing Academy!"

After the words fell, the audience shouted excitedly. After all, this is the home stadium of Blazing Academy, and most of the spectators came to cheer for Huowu Beixuan.

Ye Ping handed the box to the two and said, "Come on, this is the championship prize this time, and it belongs to you."

Beixuan took the box, and after opening it, there was a golden belt inside.

Like Tang San's 24 Bridge Moonlight Night, it is a belt-shaped storage soul guide.

Under Ye Ping's introduction, Beixuan learned that the storage space of this belt is about 24 cubic meters, which is smaller than that of [-] Bridge Moonlight Night, but it is better than that of Tang San because it can store living things. The bars are more expensive.

"Xiaoxuan, please give this soul tool a name, this is the first trophy we got together." Huo Wu laughed.

Beixuan thought for a while, and said, "Well, this belt is shining golden, very beautiful, it should have a nice name, let's call it 'Golden Belt of Murder and Arson'!"

Hearing what Beixuan said was so outrageous, the audience was silent for a while.

Huo Wu's pretty face was even more stunned, her mouth became an O shape.

This kid, shouldn't he be telling a bad joke, isn't that a nice name?he serious?

"Bing'er, did you summon your ice phoenix? Why do I feel suddenly cold?" Xue Wu asked Shui Bing'er blankly.

Shui Bing'er shook her head helplessly, "It's none of my business. Sure enough, no matter what kind of person is, there are shortcomings. This strong and seemingly smart junior is actually a useless name."

"Well, junior, if you don't know how to name it, senior, let me think of one for you." Yu Tianxin tentatively said, "For example, the golden wind and jade dew, the golden light shines on the colorful clouds, the golden light is magnificent and brilliant, and the golden light shines on all things." The world is wide..., what do you think of these?"

"No, this is the first treasure I won by my own ability, of course I have to use the name I thought of." Beixuan ignored Yu Tianxin's opinion, and tied the murder and arson gold belt around his waist, with a look of joy on his face.

Huo Wu sighed, this guy looks like a six-year-old again at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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